Pierce the Murk

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Abyss Mysticism

Description: It is a simple fact that understanding flows from perception and darkness thwarts perception. Most individuals incorrectly assume no answers are to be found in the dark, but that is simply because they do not know how or where to look. This ritual resolves the first paradox, attuning a mystic’s eyes to the primordial darkness even as they forsake light.

System: The mystic invokes the Obtenebration power Shadow Play and concentrates, focusing the manipulated shadows to gather into a sphere. She holds this intangible sphere in one hand and gazes into its depths, while her player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). Success means the vampire permanently gains the Merit Darksight (p. 206), while a botch results in the mystic permanently gaining Darksight as a Flaw. A failure means the Cainite fails to comprehend the lesson and must try again another night.

Side Effect: When a vampire uses Darksight obtained from this ritual, her pupils appear to grow in an inky stain that envelops iris and white in pure black. Those who botch this ritual obtain blackened eyes for the rest of their unlife along with their warped perceptions.

Errata: In my personal opinion, no level one ritual can create a permanent effect and certainly not a permanent merit. Were I still a storyteller, I would amend this ritual, so that it must be cast each time the caster wants to invert his or her sight, its only reasonable. -- Bruce