Mental Merits & Flaws
- Artful Visionary 2 points
- Ability Aptitude 1 point
- Berserker 2 pounts
- Calm Heart 3 points
- Cathartic Fury 2 points
- Celestial Attunement 1 point
- Changable 3 points
- Code of Honor 2 points
- Coldly Logical 1 point
- Common Sense 1 point
- Compassionate 4 points
- Concentration 1 point
- Disciplined Eye 3 points
- Dracon's Tempermament 3 points
- Dual Nature 2 pounts
- Eidetic Memory 2 points
- Enlightened 5 points
- Fast Learner 3 points
- Flock 3 points
- Focused Rage 1 point
- Higher Purpose 1 pount
- Light Sleeper 2 point
- Lightning Calculator 1 pount
- Lion Hearted 1 point
- Iron Will 5 points
- Introspection 1 point
- Light Sleeper 2 points
- Meticulous Planner 2 points
- Mind of the Prey 1 point
- Natural Linguist 2 points
- Obsessive Savant 2 points
- Pelagic Harmony 3 points
- Philosophical Humanist 3 points
- Precocious 3 points
- Sanctity 2 points
- Sanguine Lucidity 1 point
- Secular 4 points (Dark Ages only)
- Self-Confident 5 points
- Time Sense 1 point
- Unimpressed 5 points
- Unshockable 1 point
- Unyielding Resolve 5 points
- Useful Knowledge 1 point
- Vindictive 3 points
- Weather Sense 1 point
- Well Educated 3 points
- Absent Minded 3 points
- Amnesia 2 points
- Anachronism
- Atrophied Heart 4 points
- Conspicuous Consumption 4 points
- Compulsion 1 point
- Confused 2 points
- Deep Sleeper 1 point]]
- Degenerate variable points
- Deluded 2 points
- Demesure 3 points
- Deranged 2 points
- Driving Goal 3 points
- Enraptured by Beauty 3 points
- Fierce Bigot 2 points
- Flashbacks 6 points
- Flesh Eater 4 points
- Glossolalia 3 points
- Guilt-Wracked 4 points
- Hatred 3 points
- Impatient 1 point
- Intolerance 1 point
- Low Self-Image 2 point
- Lunacy 2 points
- Moon Mad 2 points
- Necrophile 3 points
- Nightmares 1 point
- Noble Arrogance 1 point
- Obsessed with the Hunt 2 points
- Overconfident 1 point
- Phobia 2 points
- Prey Exclusion 1 point
- Poor Taste 1 point
- Poseidon's Call 1 point
- Prey Exclusion 1 point
- Religious Prohibition 2 or 4 points
- Selective Thirst 4 points
- Short Fuse 2 points
- Shy 1 point
- Soft Hearted 1 point
- Special Responsibility 1 point
- Speech Impediment 1 point
- Stereotype 2 points
- Stubborn 1 to 3 points
- Suicidal Beast 6 points
- Taste of the Kill 3 points
- Territorial 2 points
- Thirst for Innocence 2 points
- Uncontrollable 5 points
- Unconvinced 1 point
- Vengeful 2 points
- Victim of the Masquerade 2 points
- Vulger 2 points
- Wanderlust 4 points
- Weak Willed 3 points