Path of the Nomad

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The Roads

A Path on the Road of the Beast

Sobrequiet Nomads

Nomads believe that settling down in the one place (for more than a few nights) is the first step toward taming the beast, which demands to roam where it will. They eschew possessions beyond those few required for survival and often travel with no gear (and sometimes no clothes) at all.

Practices: Nomads simply withdraw from civilization, and some never return. With the encroachments being made by human and Cainite plans, however, many are being forced to emerge from their corners of the earth and join the fight against civilization. Nomads tend to be wily, undisciplined fighters but they are not strongly territorial.

Nomadic Virtues: Conviction, Instinct

Additional Ethics of the Nomad

  • Civilization is slavery, run wild and be free.
  • To remain always under the same sky is a kind of death - seek out new lands always.
  • Only take what you need. Needless possessions are a weight to drag you down.

Hierarchy of Sins against the Nomad

ScoreMinimum WrongdoingRationale
Spending more than three nights in one placeTo remain in one place is to cage the Beast
Accumulating an excess of personal possessionsWealth is a creation of society
Allowing your path to be permanently blocked by anotherBoundaries are restrictions
Avoiding contact with the wildsIn nature lies strength. Civilization is soft and weak.
Needless torture or crueltyOnly "civilized folk engage in such things
Making a sacrifice for a strangerYou owe others nothing
Refusing to kill to when it is important to your survivalNothing is more important than survival
Claiming a permanent domainCivilization is static. If you stop moving, you have become civilized and therefore trapped
Showing mercy to an enemyMercy is for the weak.
Abstaining from feeding when hungryThe Beast must be satisfied