Sada Ghadub Allah

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Thaumaturgy Paths

(Echoes of Allah's Wrath)

This magical Path of study was developed in tandem between Faithful Assamite sorcerers and their non-Assamite brethren among the practitioners of Sihr (Islamic blood Magic). By spending a blood point and succeeding in a Road roll, the Faithful may temporarily pass along aspects of god's curse upon Caine. Through these sympathetic experiences ("echoes," to the Asherra), it is hoped that understanding and eventual repentance might be achieved. While the Path's most efficacious targets are those who sin against God but have not yet been cursed themselves with undeath (mortals, mages, Lupines, etc.), its power is equally effective against Cainites, as it "refreshes" their existing afflictions - a reminder of their accursed nature and of God's will.

Among the Ashirra, voluntarily submitting to this renewal is believed to be good for the soul. To this end, some Penitents both within and outside the Ashirra sect proper make confessors of local sorcerers, going so far as to receive regular infusions of this magic as part of their routine ablutions.

Although the powers of Sada Ghadub Allah are moderate in the overt effects they may have on the accused, their potency comes in two key factors: the potential for both multiple effects and extended durations. If a blood magician possesses sufficient mastery of this Path, he may choose to impart any or all of the effects leading up to and including his current level. In essence, he determines just how much of the vampiric nature to "bestow" upon his target. The blood magician may pass along one curse for each success acquired on the Road roll, up to the total number he has learned. Once the magician has cursed a target, however, further applications of this Path are useless: Only by voluntarily canceling all curses on a given target and starting anew (with another blood expenditure and Road roll) may the same target be prematurely re-cursed.

In addition to potential multiple effects, a given curse or curses may also last for quite some time (determined by the table below). In the case of Faithful targets, this time can be shortened by a successful Act of Contrition (see Road of Heaven), but the administration of such reductions is at Storyteller discretion. Otherwise, the Path's effects may only be prematurely relieved by the will of the sorcerer. No other non-mystical means, not even the sorcerer's Final Death, will grant surcease of the curses before they've run their course.

The practitioner must be able to see those whom he would curse with this Path, but there are no outward signs of a subject being cursed. Indeed, it may be some time (and perhaps an awkward situation) before the subject himself realizes something is amiss.

Caster's Road RatingDuration
1-3One hour per success
4-6One day per success
7-9Three days per success
10One week per success
