Ravnos of Paris in 1900

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Vampires of Paris - 1900

The Rare Ravnos of Paris?

                   Preventive Blood Hunts were known to happen. The Shanglo of Villon, his Masques, upheld the Traditions with an iron hand."

Ivan and his police soon understood that the Phralmulo liked to hide within the Gypsies who traveled on the roads of France. To fight this thorn on the Toreador side, the Masques went out of their way to make the Gypsies' caravanes' life miserable. Reducing the rights the Gypsies had, and integrating sedentarizing laws in the Penal Code. Ivan limited the right to camping of the Gypsies to one week, if they succeeded to have a written authorization from the mayor of the city. Then, he used his influence to make necessary the Social Security Number even for these nomads (this require fixed adress).

The conclusion of these decisions is that the Gypsies are always outlaws. Problems with the police are commons. What the Gypsies can do against armed police forces?

Still, some try to continue, ignoring interdictions, visiting Paris in the middle of their travels.

Without their families support, only some Kumpaniyi continue to go trough Paris and its subburbs. Immediately upon their arrival, they must declare themselves to the Masques, and learn the Traditions and Edicts of Villon.

Any non-declared Ravnos, or any Ravnos suspected of fraud, will be intercepted by the Masques.

Any Ravnos found guilty of breaching one of the Kindred Laws will be subject of an immediate Blood Hunt. The destruction of the Ravnos is even unofficially tolerated near Paris: Some tell about a fight between some Brujah and a group of Ravnos degenerated into a Blood Hunt (In truth, a massive Diablerie). The Ravnos were all destroyed, even with the intervention of the Masques. The Police of Villon, after interrogation of the Brujah, are believed to have decided to investigation was justified. The Brujah were free to go...

In Paris, the Ravnos have a political influence under zero. Their existence is at the whim of everyone. Some pleasanteries about the fact that unlife is better for a Bâtard in Paris than for a Ravnos are believed to be true! They are considered even worst than the Assamites, and even less tolerated than a clanless.

This can lead to some desagreements:

  • Almost anything can lead to the destruction of the Ravnos, with the tacit agreement of the Masques.
  • The Ravnos who behaved well won't have a lot in return, unless perhaps a free train ticket for everywhere not in France.
  • The family of the Ravnos can be endangered, if it is discovered.
  • If a Ravnos character reach Paris with a fame of Tradition breacher in any other city of France, the player should seriously consider the creation of another character (Like a Toreador, for example).
  • To be seen with a Ravnos is a good way to loose Status and/or Toreador Prestige, and to be submitted to a lot of questions.
  • Any use of Chimerstry is denounced in Paris and its subburbs. The users can be punished for breach of the Masquerade, as Chimerstry is a Discipline with very visible and maybe spectacular effects (It is not the only one, as others, like Obtenebration is also considered visible). It is why the users are promptly denounced by the protectors of the Masquerade. All Kindred witness of such irresponsible act must tell it to the competent authorities (i.e.: the Masques).
  • For the crimes against the Edicts of Villon, which protect the interests of the Clan Toreador, the punishment is to be considered a definitive example: Une longue, très longue agonie, avec pour épilogue la destruction du coupable et de ses serviteurs... (A lenghty, very lenghty agony, with in the end the destruction of the guilty, and his retainers -- Attributed to Villon).
  • If the crime of a Ravnos is discovered, every member of this Clan seen nearby will be asked to move away (or moved away, if they don't do this fast enough). So, one's fault will fall on every other clanmate.