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Paris PLE Gangrel PLE Bastet

Chapter 1: History & Mythos

The Felys are a bloodline descending from the Bast-Hemet Bloodline, supposedly destroyed by the Setite around -930 BC.

Around -4000BC, a young woman in her early sixteen, named Ankh-Meres-Bast ("Life loves Bast") priestess of the Bastet godess (in fact, the Bastet werecat symbol in pre-Egypt) was discovered by a mysterious person who was exploring the Nile valley. Her ties with the Bastet, her love of Nature and her independance decided of her fate.

She was embraced by Set.

But what no one knew is that she wasn't only Kinfolk of the Bubastis, she was a Bastet who should have lived her first change just days after the night of her embrace. At first, the Bubastis were outraged by the act, as they felt Ankh-Meres-Bast should have been one of them. But she was finally accepted as she vowed to continue to serve the Bastet even if following Set's quest for Maat.

But soon after, Set, feeling the growing power of someone in the kingdom he wanted to conquer, awakened from Torpor. Wars erupted between the South Egypt, and North, as Set and Horus warred once more.

Horus, the son of Isis, asked for the help of the Bubastis and the Lupines who would be called to conquer the South. The Bastet, never prone to make too fast answers, asked Ankh-Meres-Bast to represent Set, Horus' opponent.

Seth wasn't the corrupt Antediluvian we know now: He was an angry adolescent who used his powers to destroy Osiris who intrigued to cast him out of Egypt.

But now, after the destruction of Osiris, his beast calmed down as it wasn't anymore fueled by his blind hatred, which was replaced by sadness.

Hearing of Saulot, he was trying to reach a state he called Maat, similar to Saulot's search for Golconda. Maat meant Truth/Justice/Balance, and as he was searching for this state, he dreamt of a perfect land where everyone would strive to reach this state. He told Ankh-Meres-Bast about his vision, and she come back to tell the Bubastis about it. The Bubastis encounter with Horus was less visionnary: Horus fanatical ranting about his birthrights, Set's crime and his eternal vengeance didn't appeal to the Bubastis vision of future. They choose Set's side, and asked the Silent Strider to do the same. The Lupines didn't like the perspective of fighting along Set, who was a "Wyrm" spawn. Ankh-Meres-Bast succeeded in putting up a meeting between the Silent Strider's leaders, Bubastis leaders and Set.

Then, as Set told them of his vision of peace, and asked them to be part of it, the Silent Strider sided with Set and the Bubastis: Horus lost his war, and the South finally conquered the north, and Ankh-Meres-Bast's position in Egypt was accepted, even if Set had first decided he wouldn't accept anyone who could challenge him. It was time for peace, time for the vision of Maat.

The appearance of Montou (Known as the Falcon god, and in the Dark Ages as Montano, Childe of Lasombra) in Memphis was a blessing. He owed Set a boon, and accepted to serve him for one thousand years before coming back to his Sire's side. His loyalty was unquestionnable, and he Sired the mortal who would be known as Amon, the God of Thebes, and who would become one of the princes of Egypt in the New Empire Era.

But the peace didn't lasted long, in Kindred years. It wasn't Set who breached it. Nor the meanipulator Amon who had replaced Montou as the God of Thebes, or even the Hateful Horus. The first invaders were Wyrm inspired, followers of Apep, and mortal followers of Baal. The battle between the mysterious Bloodline who would be known later as the Baali, Apep and the Antediluvian Set was earth-shattering: It was said the Nile turned red and that seas receded at the unleashed powers of the Kindred. When Set came back, he was touched by the Wyrm, who got a definitive foothold on Set's passionate soul.

Horus saw this, and tried to rally the people: the Balance between Set and Horus in Egyptians heart was broken. And so, the myths of the Evil Set started.

Set suffered from his actions, and from this rumours. He awakened just as Amon was trying to get the total control over Egypt, and as Sechat, as well as the other Childer of Set was trying to use their powers over the Egyptian queens and Priesthood to prevent him. Set stopped the Methuselahs and put the Ramses Bloodline in power.

He really thought he could still reach Maat, and that Egypt could still abide by its philosophy. He embraced Nefertiti and Kemintiri, and ruled behind Seti the First. Ramses was blessed by him, as he has red hair, and so, was made Set's ghoul. But unkown to him, Nefertiti was soon corrupted by the Wyrm, and worked hard to remove the influence of any other Kindred of Egypt. So she Diablerised Ankh-Meres-Bast, and did the same to Sechat. Amon fled soon after (He is said he founded the Egyptian-like Kingdom of Nagada, in Nubia).

Set was told Horus was destroying his Kindred friends, and she manipulated him in believing all the lies she was telling him about Sechat and Amon's secret relations, and how the Bast-Hemet and the Silent Striders tried to ally themselves with Horus.

The consequence was a massive purge that started with the other Childer of Set, then the Silent Striders. Horus, who learned of Set's plans by Nefertiti's agent, invaded Egypt. The war was total, and Set had to flee in Nefertiti's secret Pyramid. There his corruption was total, and he was given the power over Serpentis. His childer who weren't with him in the Dark Pyramid were destroyed for being Traitors. Now was the time for a new Bloodline, that would be called the Followers of Set...

As soon as Set went out, he worked out to conquer back his land, The Silent Striders were forced to flee, as Set discovered their Umbra Realm and corrupted it, and the Bast-Hemet were destroyed. Blamed for their relation with the now evil Set and a Kindred Bloodline, the Bubastis would be decimated, too. And so, the story of the Bast-Hemet ends...

But Elders survived, and were thinking Ankh-Meres-Bast would come back soon. So it was decided it was time to build the Bloodline, seemingly offsprings of the Gangrel, and masquerading as such... Until Ankh-Meres-Bast came back...

Note: If you want to learn more about the Bast-Hemet, additionnal information will be written in the Uraeus chronicle page, as well as on the Clanbook: Childer of Set.


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