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Regrettably Morpheus' two [[Oneiroi]] brothers [[Phobetor]] and [[Phantasos]] have been missing these last five years and the mystery of their fate avon the dark winged Morpheus.
Regrettably Morpheus' two [[Oneiroi]] brothers [[Phobetor]] and [[Phantasos]] have been missing these last five years and the mystery of their fate avon the dark winged Morpheus.

=== Siobhán Recap ===
=== Siobhán Recap ===

Revision as of 00:08, 13 May 2023

World of Darkness -- Pax Romana ~SPQR~ Roma


Deos populi Romani translates roughly to Gods of Rome. And it is about the gods of Rome and their followers that forms the warp and weft of this story.

The Emperor is Dead

Intro Recap

The death of Augustus on the 19th of August in AD 14 sets in motion a series of events that will come to enfold not just the mortal population of Rome, but that of her gods as well.

Today is September 19th, the fourth and final day of the Ludi Romani or Roman Games. The Games are a state celebration for the entertainment of the Roman people and all exhibitions are free to the citizens of Rome. This years games are shadowed by the cremation and funeral march of Augustus that took part on the 14th of September.

Rome, already the largest city of the empire with an estimated population of 1.5 million, is inundated with visitors who have come to pay their final respects to Rome's greatest leader. Against the backdrop of Augustus' funeral rites and the opening of the Ludi Romani the Senate spars with the Tiberius while the noble families of Equites quibble with both the Emperor and Senate for improved political position.

For the last five days mortal and supernatural struggles and violence have grown more commonplace. The grieving population remains ignorant, perhaps willfully so, to the greater meaning of these struggles and the impact such events may have upon the future.

At this point, all members of the divine band called Cras A Potius have felt the sting of attacks by rival cults or secret societies. The last five days have not been kind to the young Avatars and each struggles more or less alone with both mundane and supernatural threats.

The Wolf and the Dove

Morpheus Recap

The only exception is Morpheus who had been absent from Rome for the last four years in his quest to locate the last owner of the cursed Mishanter Coin to which the god of dreams had fallen victim. In the last six months, Morpheus once more fully a god, established a temple in the Lower Aventine and brought together his disparate followers the Circle of Hungry Dreamers.

Regrettably Morpheus' two Oneiroi brothers Phobetor and Phantasos have been missing these last five years and the mystery of their fate avon the dark winged Morpheus.

Siobhán Recap

The Quail and the Hare

Cercyon Recap

Mors Recap

The House of the Double Axe


~ Cercyon -- God of Fire & Forge
~ Alfhard -- Elderly smith & new Priest to Cercyon
~ Goda -- Mortal wife of Cercyon and mother of his son.
~ Atreus -- First born and semi-divine son of Cercyon by Goda of the Marci Tribe.
~ Morpheus -- One of the Oneroi, gods of dreaming and sleep, he is the master of the mortal form.
~ Miko -- Morpheus' most cherished love and also a ghul.
