Wear the Gargoyle Mantle: Difference between revisions

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Visceratika 6

Description: By it's nature this power is for those who have reached elder level Visceratika but are not(or no longer) members of the Gargoyle clan. This allows them to honor and/or return to past. The power gives the user a battle form of a Gargoyle for a time. It increases Strength and Stamina in remembrance of the Potence and Fortitude the Gargoyles possess. It gives the user the ability to fly since they are now temporally a Gargoyle.

System: The Kindred spends 3 blood points to transform. Power lasts for the night or until kindred chooses to revert back. The Kindred's skin turns even harder allowing the Kindred to soak aggravated damage with stamina in addition to Fortitude.(This benefit does not cover any energy damage except fire) The Kindred gains 3 Strength and 3 Stamina(these can put kindred over generation limits). They change to a Gargoyle, increasing in weight 600-900 pounds depending on their current size, grow wings with a 3ft per level of Visceratika wing span. Gargoyle claws are not made for fine work this makes it very hard for the kindred to do any fine work with their hands. The Kindred keeps their appearance rating but it is unearthly and is more like an angel or demon.(High appearance will lean towards angel and low towards demon but up to ST)

How long does the transformation take (1 or 3 rounds?), and how long does it take to revert back? Remove the part about soaking fire with Stamina, as it is now redundant. Can Gargoyles benefit from the +3/+3 and soaking with Stamina? If so, would it make them "bigger," or more mythical Gargoyles? -Jamie