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Koldunism Level 1

This ritual enables the Sielanic caster to attune herself to a specific plot of ground; the area covered may not exceed 10 square miles but may be less than that. The caster combines her own blood with several handfuls of earth from the land she wishes to claim. By covering her body with this mixture before going to sleep for the day, the vampire is able to absorb the essence of the land into herself. Thereafter, she is able to enact the powers of the Path of the World's Blood within the area designated before the enactment of the ritual. Whenever a Sielanic practitioner relocates or travels to another place, she may attune herself to her new location in the same fashion. She may only be attuned to one place at a time, although she may renew lapsed attunements by repeating the ritual.
System: The vampire combines her blood with some natural substance (such as animal blood, tree sap or soil) to effect the desired result. After the ingestion of this mixture, the next step is the expenditure of two blood points and a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). The number of successes determines the duration, intensity or range of the desired effect.

note: This ritual seems overpowered - it is similar to Pulse of the Sacred Land (a level 5 ritual), but a better comparison is Way of Spirit, which does not allow 10 square miles until between levels 4 and 5 (level 4 allows more than 3 square miles, and level 5 allows about 80.) At the very least this ritual should be level 3. With the minimal expenditure required, level 4. - Jamie)