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== '''''Psychic Title Here''''' ==
== '''''Clairvoyance''''' ==
A clairvoyant has the ability to cast his senses away, allowing him to perceive people, places or things at great distances. Though, technically Clairvoyance refers specifically to remote sight, some psychics can also cast forth their hearing or other senses as well. Unlike astral projection, the clairsentient does not separate his consciousness from his body; he remains aware of what's going on around him (though this can be very confusing if the psychic tries to concentrate upon two locations at once). Similarly, the clairvoyant does not travel through the intervening space he simply perceives whatever happens at the target site as if he stood there.
The degree of familiarity the psychic has with the target may raise or lower the difficulty (by plus or minus one or two). Once the clairvoyant "locks on" to a target, he can then "pan" his view around, allowing him to see just about anything in the immediate area. The limits of their perceptions are the immediate area in question. If the character wishes to see beyond that area, he must refocus, and the player must make a new roll. For example, a character looking into a room in another house could see anything in that room. However, to switch perceptions into the hall outside would require a second roll. The clairvoyant cannot perceive anything he could not perceive with his normal senses. Thus, if the target area is completely darkened, remote sight does no good.
:<span style="font-size:large">●</span> '''''Level 1''''' --  
'''Roll:''' Perception + Awareness (difficulty 8)
:<span style="font-size:large">●</span> -- The psychic can see things, though the images are hazy and dreamlike. The character can extend his senses into just the immediate area, approximately a mile from his body.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●</span> '''''Level 2''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●●</span> -- The psychic can see clearly through remote sight and can faintly hear. The range of perception is now anywhere in the immediate five to 10 miles, depending on the number of successes (1 success = 5 miles, 2 successes = 6 miles, etc).
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●</span> '''''Level 3''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●</span> -- The character can see and hear clearly at a distance. He can also "touch" things at the remote side, though his sense of touch is vague, as if he were wearing heavy gloves. (He cannot move things, naturally). The character's range expands to 10 miles per success rolled.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●</span> '''''Level 4 ''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●</span> -- The character can clearly see, hear and touch at range. Additionally, he can detect strong odors. The range is 100 miles per success.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> '''''Level 5''''' --
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> -- The character can use all five senses clearly and can perceive things up to 1000 miles away per success rolled.
== '''''Psychic Title Here''''' ==
== '''''Cyberkinesis''''' ==
A relatively new talent, Cyberkinesis is the ability to control electronic machinery with one's mind. Paranormal researchers believe that Cyberkinesis is a specialized application of telekinesis. The cyberkinetic generates small-scale electromagnetic fields that alter the operating systems of computers and other electronic equipment (stereo systems, burglar alarms, etc). However, while the psychic can control the machine, he cannot "read its mind." That is a separate power: Cyberpathy. For all powers above Level One, he must be able to see what he is doing, generally through a monitor or display readout. In effect, a cyberkinetic can send information to a machine but must read it back normally (or with Cyberpathy).
'''Roll:''' Manipulation + Computer
:<span style="font-size:large">●</span> '''''Level 1''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●</span> '''''Switch''''' -- The cyberkinetic possesses the ability to switch computers or easily operated electronic equipment off and on. Roll at diff. 6 for machines switched by electronic relays, difficulty 8 for switches that rely on physical relays.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●</span> '''''Level 2''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●●</span> '''''Link''''' -- The cyberkinetic may operate the electronic equipment without touching it, as if by remote control. This does not give him any override codes or passwords. He could enter a password without it at the keyboard, but he could not login to the machine without a valid password. Roll against difficulty 4 or 5 for simple acts like programming a VCR or entering data into a word processor. Very complex actions require higher difficulty numbers, such as 7 for driving a car with power steering or 9 for a computer controlled factory.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●</span> '''''Level 3''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●</span> '''''Scramble''''' -- he psychic possesses the ability to send microscale power surges through computers, giving them the equivalent of an epileptic seizure. Computers lock up, video equipment displays snow, and recording equipment picks up nothing but static. The scrambling effect lasts as long as the cyberkinetic concentrates upon it. When the effect lapses, the machines return to normal operation, though some less robust operating systems will crash. Roll against difficulty 7, though complex systems may require an 8 or 9.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●</span> '''''Level 4 ''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●</span> '''''Password''''' -- The psychic overrides the operating system of computers, essentially giving himself any password or code he desires. He can force the computer to do anything the normal operating system is capable of performing. He could, for instance, create administrator access for himself, erase data or forge e-mail from anyone with an account on the system. Roll against difficulty 7 for ordinary desktop machines, difficulty 8 or 9 for machines with high degrees of security or other intrusion countermeasures.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> '''''Level 5''''' --
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> '''''Run Hot''''' -- The psychic has such control of electronics that he can effectively "reprogram" the computer to exceed its normal abilities. A computer calculates faster, a robot arm lifts more, a laser burns hotter. Roll against difficulty 8. Every success gives the psychic an extra success to apply to his next use of a machine. However, every success also does one "health level" of damage to the machine. Apply the wound penalties to the device's subsequent functions until repaired.
== '''''Psychic Title Here''''' ==
== '''''Cyberpathy''''' ==
While a cyberkinetic possesses the ability to control electronic equipment, the cyberpath can read the data stored on the computer. Researchers believe that the method for reading magnetic patterns in a computer's memory or on a hard drive resembles the way telepaths read the electrical impulses of the human brain.
All uses of Cyberpathy require the psychic to be within sight of the computer. Characters using Remote Access do not have to be able to see the remote computers they are linking to, but they must be able to see the machine they're using as an entry point. In all cases, the difficulty depends upon the system of complexity: difficulty 6 for standard desktop computers to difficulty 9 for heavily encrypted systems. This ability can also be used to read the data stored on diskettes, tapes or other digital media. Difficulty 6 for ordinary storage media, 8 for encrypted data. Generally speaking, these powers take 10 to 15 minutes to use, though the cyberpath can use successes from the roll to reduce the time by a minute per success.
'''Roll:''' Perception + Computer
:<span style="font-size:large">●</span> '''''Level 1''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●</span> '''''Analyze Structure''''' -- At this level, the cyberpath possesses the ability to examine the directory structure of the computer. He can see what files are stored on the hard drive but cannot access them. This can be useful to cyberpath hackers looking for a specific piece of data.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●</span> '''''Level 2''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●●</span> '''''Read-Only Mode''''' -- The cyberpath practitioner not only can travel the directory structure but can read the files. Simple text and graphics files are easy to comprehend. Additionally, he can grasp the functions of executable programs. Unscrambling encrypted files remains beyond him at this level.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●</span> '''''Level 3''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●</span> '''''Download''''' -- The psychic can "copy" a file from a computer to his mind, writing the data in unused sections of his brain. While he can read text files, observe graphics or sound files and understand the nature of executable program, he cannot "run" the program in his brain. With the Level Two Cyberkinesis power Link, the cyberpath can upload the data back onto another computer. The cyberpath can download one program or file into his mind for every dot in Mental Attributes he possesses. (Example: Sridhar has Perception 3, Intelligence 4 and Wits 3. He can keep up to 10 files in his head.) The Storyteller should decide how much data constitutes a single file. Some large files such as operating system kernels, large software packages or large movie files may take up more than one "file" in the cyberpath's head.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●</span> '''''Level 4 ''''' --  
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●</span> '''''Remote Access''''' -- With this power, the psychic connects to any computer that his local computer connects to. The cyberpath has no additional powers beyond the ability to treat a remote computer as if it were sitting on his desktop. For every "hop" between computers, the cyberpath loses 1 die off his pools.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> '''''Level 5''''' --
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> '''''Decrypt''''' -- The cyberpath's understanding of computers progresses to the point of where he can decrypt encrypted data. The data can be on a computer (either locally or one connected to via Remote Access) or Downloaded into the psychic's mind.

Revision as of 12:39, 20 January 2019

Hedge Magic -PN- Gypsies -PN- Secret Societies


Animal Telepathy

While most psychic abilities affect other humans, some psychics use their talents on the "lower" animals. The actual method of communication may vary. Some psychics bark or growl at the animal. Others use dressage gestures, even if the animal has never even seen a trainer before. A few simply speak their native language (or even an imaginary one) and hear the animal speak it back to them. Animals may communicate with the psychic, though the information they relate should be limited by their intelligence and perceptions.

Animal psychics may use their power on any mammal, lizard or bird with no change in the difficulty. In fact, highly intelligent animals (chimpanzees, dolphins, gorillas) or well trained animals (dogs, horses, circus or show animals) are more susceptible to Animal Psychics. The difficulty is reduced by one. Fish are harder to control; increase the difficulty by two. Insect minds are too simple (or perhaps too different) for the psychic to affect.

Roll: Charisma + Animal Ken

Communication -- The psychic may "speak" with a single animal, allowing two-way communication with the beast. The communication does not give the psychic control over the animal, though misunderstandings may be explained away. Roll at difficulty 6.
●● Command -- The psychic can command the animal to perform for him. The animal will not endanger itself for the psychic. However, it can do any trick the psychic can adequately describe to it. Under some circumstances, an animal will attack for the psychic, though it would be under circumstances where the animal had some proclivity toward attacking in the first place. A police dog might bring someone to the ground, or a hungry tiger might go after a hunter. Roll at dif. 7, with modifiers depending upon the complexity of the command (plus 1 for a rather complex command or one to which the animal is ambivalent; minus one for something it would do anyway).
●●● Mass Communication -- This power works like the Communication power, though it now works on all animals within earshot. Additionally, the psychic may communicate with multiple types of animals simultaneously. Roll at difficulty 6, plus one for each additional species of animal in the area of communication.
●●●● Mind Link -- With this power, the psychic joins his mind with that of a single animal. Once the link is established, the psychic's and the animal's minds are linked until the psychic drops the connection. While linked, the psychic can perceive whatever the animal perceives. She can also communicate with the animal using any of the lesser Animal Psychic powers, with the difficulty reduced by 1. The drawback to this power is that if the animal is injured, the mental feedback injures the psychic. For every lethal wound level the animal takes, the psychic takes one bashing wound level (soakable normally). Difficulty is 8.
●●●●● Domination -- This ability gives total control of an animal's mind. It will do whatever the psychic wishes, even at the cost of it's own life. Roll at difficulty 8 and spend 1 Willpower. The animal will explicitly follow 1 command. The command may be conditional ("if somebody attacks me, then kill him") but it cannot be conjunctional ("follow the scent of this shirt and attack him").


Anti-psychic is the rarest psychic talent yet observed. The psychics' very presence makes even reliable psychic talents weaken or fail. Sensitives, before their powers fail them, describe the anti-psychic as generating a "static" in the mental plane. An anti-psychic cannot purchase additional psychic powers. Due to the subtle nature of their powers, most anti-psychics remain unaware of their talent until approached or even attacked by other psychics. Anti-Psychic is useful against all psychic abilities, as well as the Mind Sphere (though it provides only a single level of defense against the latter, regardless of the anti-psychic's power).

The stronger the anti-psychic, the larger the radius affected. Anti-Psychic isn't "activated" in the fashion of other powers; rather, it always clouds those around the anti-psychic, adding its level to the difficulty of all psychic powers in the area. (As usual, pushing a difficulty past 9 generates a threshold for successes.) With a roll of Intelligence + Meditation (difficulty 7) an anti-psychic may dampen this aura down one level per success rolled; this allows the anti-psychic some attempt at controlling the power.

Level 1 5-yard radius
Level 2 10-yard radius
Level 3 15-yard radius
Level 4 20-yard radius
Level 5 25-yard radius

Astral Projection

The power of Astral Projection allows the psychic to split his spirit off from his body. The discarnate spirit can travel very quickly in this form. The spirit intangibly travels across planes of thought while still able to look in on the physical world. While in astral form, the psychic cannot physically affect the real world, though he may use other psychic abilities (the difficilty numbers for doing so are increased by two). However, while away from his body, he cannot perceive what is happening to it. Many out-of-body travelers have nightmares about someone moving or harming their physical self while their spirit is roaming free. Two astrally projecting characters may affect each other, though for purposes of astral combat, they substitute their Wits for Dexterity, their Intelligence for Strength and their Perception for Stamina. Some astrally projecting psychics could once perceive ghosts and certain spirits, but most such spirits now appear as blurry forms, barely in the realm of perception. In general, an astral spirit can see the material world or other abstract spirits in the realm of thought; ghosts of the dead and the like usually remain imperceptible except to those psychics who also have some mediumship abilities.

To release the astral form, the player spends one point of Willpower and rolls for the power. Should the player botch while attempting to have his characters step outside his body, the psychic is unable to leave his body for 24 hours. Psychics who frequent the astral plane whisper that other entities sometimes intrude there, human or otherwise, and on some occasions find their souls drawn to strange spirits worlds far removed from the mortal plane. A few never find their way back. Caution is the rule when exploring planes unknown to humans.

Roll: Perception + Meditation (difficulty 8)

-- With only rudimentary awareness of astral existence, the psychic can shift her senses to feel the astral realm but cannot quite enter it. The psychic sees the astral realm overlaid upon the normal physical world. There are psychics who prefer to close their eyes and visualize the astral plane, while others have no difficulty watching both. A psychic may view the astral realm for so long as she maintains her concentration upon it.
●● -- The psychic practitioner can leave her body for one minute per point of Stamina. While in astral form, she can only perceive things by sight. She is also limited to traveling approximately one mile away from her body.
●●● -- The character can leave her body for up to ten minutes per point of Stamina. She gains the ability to hear in astral form and can travel up to 100 miles from her body.
●●●● -- The psychic can now leave her body for up to an hour per point of Stamina and travel up to 1,000 miles away. Each additional hour out of her body after the first requires the expenditure of a point of Willpower. If the player succeeds on a Charisma + Occult roll (difficulty 8), the psychic can manifest visually to observers as a translucent, ghostly apparition, though the projector cannot communicate verbally with observers.
●●●●● -- The psychic may astrally travel anywhere in the world, so long as her body remains healthy, and she may use all of her senses normally. The psychic's form (should the character choose to manifest, using the same roll as previously noted) appears as a blurry and translucent version of her usual physical form but somewhat idealized. While manifest, the projection can speak, though only in a soft whisper. Like her visual appearance, the psychic's speech does not appear on recordings.

Body Control

Most psychics turn their paranormal abilities outward, sensing things beyond normal perceptions or controlling them with their wills. Other psychics turn their powers inward. Psychics with Biocontrol regulate their autonomic nervous systems with the ease that others tie their shoes. Proper use of Biocontrol allows a psychic to shut down pain, regulate his internal organs or even direct the flow of blood and glandular secretions at will. While some otherwise normal people learn basic techniques of biofeedback, the truly talented psychic can perform marvels beyond all but the most dedicated meditative disciple.

Roll: Stamina + Meditation

Basic Body Control -- The psychic has power over his body to a basic degree. By entering a self-induced hypnosis state, he controls basic functions. He can stop a small cut from bleeding, ignore small amounts of pain or hold his breath longer than he would be able to under normal circumstances. Roll at difficulty 6 for the effect to succeed. While in this self-imposed trance, the character can do nothing else but focus on his body. He remains peripherally aware of his surroundings but can bring himself out of the trance at will.
●● Self-Healing -- By maintaining his internal focus over a long period of time, the character accelerates the healing process. Psychics with self healing recover at a vastly accelerated rate, as their bodily controls allow them to more efficiently reknit flesh and fight off infections. Roll at difficulty 7, though the current wound penalty does apply to the dice pool. Every success reduces the time for the wound to heal by one stage on the healing chart. The character must spend his time resting comfortably (preferably under some sort of medical care) for the power to work. For instance, if Raymond was Mauled, he would roll his Stamina + Meditation minus 2 dice. If he scored three successes, he would heal from Mauled to Wounded in three days. He could then roll again to heal from Wounded to Injured.
●●● Hysterical Strength -- The psychic gains control of his adrenal glands, allowing brief periods of hysterical strength and speed. The player rolls at difficulty 8. Every two successes on the roll gives the character one additional point to Strength, Dexterity or Stamina, up to a maximum of five dots in any characteristic. The effect lasts one scene, after which the player must roll again at difficulty 6 to "soak" these successes in bashing damage--as the psychic "comes down" from the hysterical episode, his body responds to the excessive stress and pain. (Some psychics see this more as a form of channeled energy than as a scientific methodology and might well have Hysterical Strength without any glandular response. The results are the same.)
●●●● Ignore Pain Response -- he psychic has the ability to shut off his pain centers for a brief period of time. This does not heal any damage, though it does let him function while injured. Roll against difficulty 7. Every success allows the psychic to ignore one die of wound penalties for one scene. At the end of the scene, the wound modifiers return, and the character cannot deflect away the pain again until he has healed at least one wound level.
●●●●● Mind Over Matter -- The character's control of his body is complete. At will, he can stop his heart, control the immune system and accelerate or suppress cell growth, generation or processing. In effect, the pyschic can direct his body consciously to perform feats of biology almost as if cells responded individually to his mind. The psychic can nullify most toxins with a difficulty 8 roll, though sufficiently large doses (like a quart of mercury) would overwhelm his system. He can fight off just about any mundane disease, allergen or irritant and can even try to counteract severe diseases like HIV or cancer (again, at difficulty 8). With pain control (previous), he can flex and contort his body into unnatural positions and slip out of bonds or into tight spaces. He can hold his breath for minutes at a time while remaining active and, if necessary, can actively redirect toxins to other parts of the body--so he might be able to keep his mind and hands working by shunting the effects of poison gas all into his legs. The psychic can, if he prepares his body against trauma, gain a normal Stamina soak against any sort of damage, even aggravated (difficulty 8; successes determine the maximum number of dice that the psychic can use to soak lethal or aggravated damage for the scene, not counting armor or other external modifiers).


Some psychics have the ability to draw upon the knowledge of those who have passed on. Channelers tap the knowledge and experience of the dead, briefly obtaining skills that they personally lack. Some psychics have a repertoire of spirits they can call on for help and assistance. Others claim that they tap the collective unconscious.

While the source of knowledge varies, the effects remain the same. The player rolls the Channeling pool (difficulty 7); every success gives the character one dot of the Talent, Skill or Knowledge desired for the remainder of the scene. On a botch, the channeler has opened herself up too widely to the spirit planes; she may summon a malevolent entity that tries to control her actions, lose some of her usual abilities as her personality is lost int he influx or simply find herself unable to reach her usual channeling talents for a day, sometimes more. Note that only one personality may be channeled at a time. Thus, a channeler cannot "stack" additional dots by channeling multiple personalities at a time.

Roll: Perception + Awareness

-- The psychic can channel once per day. She has a vague sense of other personalities floating about and of the existence of some sort of consciousness beyond the body, but that's about all.
●● -- The character can channel two times per day. She also can, against a difficulty equal to the Gauntlet, see briefly into the Shadowlands where ghosts live. She can communicate with ghosts for one minute per success rolled.
●●● -- The psychic practitioner can channel three times per day. She can also see into the Shadowlands for an entire scene by rolling against a difficulty of the Gauntlet.
●●●● -- At this level and beyond there is no limit to how often the character can channel, though the difficulty increases by one for each time after the third until the character sleeps. The psychic also can let ghosts skilled in the arts of possession (called "Puppetry" by wraiths) easily enter her body to use all of her skills. The medium retains full awareness of the wraith's actions. She can also eject a possessing wraith by winning a contest of Willpower against the ghost in question; each attempt costs one Willpower point and takes a full turn of struggling.
●●●●● -- The psychic can channel two disparate personalities at once (and thus the player can roll Channeling twice and add to determine Abilities dots gained). As before, there's no effective limit to how often the character can channel at this point, though successive attempts become more difficult until the psychic has a full sleep cycle. When possessed by a ghost, the channeler often gains memories from the ghost, beyond what the possessor might do or tell--while a weaker channeler might hope the ghost says or does something significant, the master channeler can access some of the ghost's memories and passions (in game terms, the channeler gains a sense of the ghost's Nature, Demeanor and driving concerns).


A clairvoyant has the ability to cast his senses away, allowing him to perceive people, places or things at great distances. Though, technically Clairvoyance refers specifically to remote sight, some psychics can also cast forth their hearing or other senses as well. Unlike astral projection, the clairsentient does not separate his consciousness from his body; he remains aware of what's going on around him (though this can be very confusing if the psychic tries to concentrate upon two locations at once). Similarly, the clairvoyant does not travel through the intervening space he simply perceives whatever happens at the target site as if he stood there.

The degree of familiarity the psychic has with the target may raise or lower the difficulty (by plus or minus one or two). Once the clairvoyant "locks on" to a target, he can then "pan" his view around, allowing him to see just about anything in the immediate area. The limits of their perceptions are the immediate area in question. If the character wishes to see beyond that area, he must refocus, and the player must make a new roll. For example, a character looking into a room in another house could see anything in that room. However, to switch perceptions into the hall outside would require a second roll. The clairvoyant cannot perceive anything he could not perceive with his normal senses. Thus, if the target area is completely darkened, remote sight does no good.

Roll: Perception + Awareness (difficulty 8)

-- The psychic can see things, though the images are hazy and dreamlike. The character can extend his senses into just the immediate area, approximately a mile from his body.
●● -- The psychic can see clearly through remote sight and can faintly hear. The range of perception is now anywhere in the immediate five to 10 miles, depending on the number of successes (1 success = 5 miles, 2 successes = 6 miles, etc).
●●● -- The character can see and hear clearly at a distance. He can also "touch" things at the remote side, though his sense of touch is vague, as if he were wearing heavy gloves. (He cannot move things, naturally). The character's range expands to 10 miles per success rolled.
●●●● -- The character can clearly see, hear and touch at range. Additionally, he can detect strong odors. The range is 100 miles per success.
●●●●● -- The character can use all five senses clearly and can perceive things up to 1000 miles away per success rolled.


A relatively new talent, Cyberkinesis is the ability to control electronic machinery with one's mind. Paranormal researchers believe that Cyberkinesis is a specialized application of telekinesis. The cyberkinetic generates small-scale electromagnetic fields that alter the operating systems of computers and other electronic equipment (stereo systems, burglar alarms, etc). However, while the psychic can control the machine, he cannot "read its mind." That is a separate power: Cyberpathy. For all powers above Level One, he must be able to see what he is doing, generally through a monitor or display readout. In effect, a cyberkinetic can send information to a machine but must read it back normally (or with Cyberpathy).

Roll: Manipulation + Computer

Switch -- The cyberkinetic possesses the ability to switch computers or easily operated electronic equipment off and on. Roll at diff. 6 for machines switched by electronic relays, difficulty 8 for switches that rely on physical relays.
●● Link -- The cyberkinetic may operate the electronic equipment without touching it, as if by remote control. This does not give him any override codes or passwords. He could enter a password without it at the keyboard, but he could not login to the machine without a valid password. Roll against difficulty 4 or 5 for simple acts like programming a VCR or entering data into a word processor. Very complex actions require higher difficulty numbers, such as 7 for driving a car with power steering or 9 for a computer controlled factory.
●●● Scramble -- he psychic possesses the ability to send microscale power surges through computers, giving them the equivalent of an epileptic seizure. Computers lock up, video equipment displays snow, and recording equipment picks up nothing but static. The scrambling effect lasts as long as the cyberkinetic concentrates upon it. When the effect lapses, the machines return to normal operation, though some less robust operating systems will crash. Roll against difficulty 7, though complex systems may require an 8 or 9.
●●●● Password -- The psychic overrides the operating system of computers, essentially giving himself any password or code he desires. He can force the computer to do anything the normal operating system is capable of performing. He could, for instance, create administrator access for himself, erase data or forge e-mail from anyone with an account on the system. Roll against difficulty 7 for ordinary desktop machines, difficulty 8 or 9 for machines with high degrees of security or other intrusion countermeasures.
●●●●● Run Hot -- The psychic has such control of electronics that he can effectively "reprogram" the computer to exceed its normal abilities. A computer calculates faster, a robot arm lifts more, a laser burns hotter. Roll against difficulty 8. Every success gives the psychic an extra success to apply to his next use of a machine. However, every success also does one "health level" of damage to the machine. Apply the wound penalties to the device's subsequent functions until repaired.


While a cyberkinetic possesses the ability to control electronic equipment, the cyberpath can read the data stored on the computer. Researchers believe that the method for reading magnetic patterns in a computer's memory or on a hard drive resembles the way telepaths read the electrical impulses of the human brain.

All uses of Cyberpathy require the psychic to be within sight of the computer. Characters using Remote Access do not have to be able to see the remote computers they are linking to, but they must be able to see the machine they're using as an entry point. In all cases, the difficulty depends upon the system of complexity: difficulty 6 for standard desktop computers to difficulty 9 for heavily encrypted systems. This ability can also be used to read the data stored on diskettes, tapes or other digital media. Difficulty 6 for ordinary storage media, 8 for encrypted data. Generally speaking, these powers take 10 to 15 minutes to use, though the cyberpath can use successes from the roll to reduce the time by a minute per success.

Roll: Perception + Computer

Analyze Structure -- At this level, the cyberpath possesses the ability to examine the directory structure of the computer. He can see what files are stored on the hard drive but cannot access them. This can be useful to cyberpath hackers looking for a specific piece of data.
●● Read-Only Mode -- The cyberpath practitioner not only can travel the directory structure but can read the files. Simple text and graphics files are easy to comprehend. Additionally, he can grasp the functions of executable programs. Unscrambling encrypted files remains beyond him at this level.
●●● Download -- The psychic can "copy" a file from a computer to his mind, writing the data in unused sections of his brain. While he can read text files, observe graphics or sound files and understand the nature of executable program, he cannot "run" the program in his brain. With the Level Two Cyberkinesis power Link, the cyberpath can upload the data back onto another computer. The cyberpath can download one program or file into his mind for every dot in Mental Attributes he possesses. (Example: Sridhar has Perception 3, Intelligence 4 and Wits 3. He can keep up to 10 files in his head.) The Storyteller should decide how much data constitutes a single file. Some large files such as operating system kernels, large software packages or large movie files may take up more than one "file" in the cyberpath's head.
●●●● Remote Access -- With this power, the psychic connects to any computer that his local computer connects to. The cyberpath has no additional powers beyond the ability to treat a remote computer as if it were sitting on his desktop. For every "hop" between computers, the cyberpath loses 1 die off his pools.
●●●●● Decrypt -- The cyberpath's understanding of computers progresses to the point of where he can decrypt encrypted data. The data can be on a computer (either locally or one connected to via Remote Access) or Downloaded into the psychic's mind.

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
●● Level 2 --
●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
●● Level 2 --
●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
●● Level 2 --
●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
●● Level 2 --
●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
●● Level 2 --
●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
●● Level 2 --
●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
●● Level 2 --
●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
●● Level 2 --
●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
●● Level 2 --
●●● Level 3 --
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Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
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Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
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Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
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●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
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●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
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●●●● Level 4 --
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Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
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●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
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●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
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●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --

Psychic Title Here


Level 1 --
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●●● Level 3 --
●●●● Level 4 --
●●●●● Level 5 --