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;[[Hedge Magic]] -HM- [[Egon Nadragulya's Statistics]]
;[[Aegon Nightshade's Statistics]] -AN- [[Hedge Magic]]
The followers of Set spend their entire existence working to attain the splendor of the Master of Storms.  His ophidian grace and splendor is to be admired by all who observe his magnificence.  Each step is a evolution in being able to emulate the glory of Set in his fabled form.
The followers of Set spend their entire existence working to attain the splendor of the Master of Storms.  His ophidian grace and splendor is to be admired by all who observe his magnificence.  Each step is a evolution in being able to emulate the glory of Set in his fabled form.

Revision as of 22:54, 18 October 2018

Aegon Nightshade's Statistics -AN- Hedge Magic

The followers of Set spend their entire existence working to attain the splendor of the Master of Storms. His ophidian grace and splendor is to be admired by all who observe his magnificence. Each step is a evolution in being able to emulate the glory of Set in his fabled form.

To See the World Through Set's Eyes (Level One)

The caster learns to make small changes to his sensory organs and make them operate as if they were a snake. Increased sense of smell, with a temperature reading tongue, eyes the see well in the low light, etc.

System: The caster begs the grace of Set and asks for an improved perception of the world in ritualistic prayers. Each success allows for enhanced Ophidian perceptions.

Molting the Human Skin (level Two)

When this application of the path is invoked, the user's outer layers of skin splits open, sloughing off and leaving itsmooth and scaly like those of an anaconda or other river snake, allowing for greater flexibility on land as well as considerable freedom of movement through water. The face becomes slightly ophidian in appearance, with round golden snake eyes. System: The character's effective Dexterity increases by one dot (potentially exceeding normal attribute maximums), and she gains the ability to pass through any opening large enough for her head. In addition, swimming in this form is exceptionally efficient, allowing the user to travel through water at normal land speed. While use of this power is obvious (to say the least) it does allow for some nick-of-time escapes from handcuffs and other difficulty situations.

Blessing of the Nigricollis (level 3)

The Caster in effect uses level two with the added effect of creating a venomous bite and the ability to spit poison.

System: The caster gains a poison sac in the back of her mouth. The caster then may spit the venom at any one opponent within range (equal to three feet per dot of Strength). The player rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7) to target the eyes, and the opponent may attempt to dodge. If the attack roll succeeds, the target must immediately engage in a resisted Stamina + Occult roll (difficulty 6) with the Caster. If the target accumulates more successes, he overcomes the venom's effects and retains his eyesight. If not, he remains blind until the venom has run its course.

The blindness lasts for one hour per net success on the resisted Stamina + Occult roll (that is, the casters successes minus the target's successes). Supernatural targets can conceivably shorten this time. Vampires may spend blood points to reduce the duration on a one-for-one basis. Lupines will regenerate the blindness in short order, reducing the duration to accumulations of minutes rather than hours. The blood-venom is extremely toxic to mortals, however, who are blinded for life unless they receive immediate medical attention (within an hour). Thankfully, this supernatural venom is quite thin, and its potency cannot be maintained outside of the casters body.

A bite from the Nigricollis will result in death to a mortal in 1-4 rounds. The damage is not aggravated.