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The Dunsirn family of the Giovanni recently developed the Midnight Path. Not exactly known for their breakthroughs in Necromancy, they have nonetheless managed to complete a new manifestation of the Black Arts. The Midnight Path is based on summoning "ghostlings," mini-Spectres who are interested in mischief and sadism more than destruction and oblivion. The ghostlings can do all sorts of things, from small minor pranks to terrifying displays. The Midnight Path was intended for the more hands-on Giovanni, who may need an edge to get out of a predicament.

Note: Botches with the Midnight Path generally turn ghostlings against the summoner.


Ghostlings summoned using the rudiments of the Midnight Path haunt the eyes of a target, preventing them from seeing clearly. Necromancers use Myopia to dash past reeling enemies or attack them.

System: The Necromancer makes a Charisma + Occult roll (difficulty 6) to determine how many ghostlings she summons. Each success on the roll equals one turn in which the target is blinded. Dexterity-based rolls have their difficulty increased by two, and Perception dice pools are cut in half (round down). Kindred with Auspex, Eyes of the Beast, or another similar power suffer only one increase in difficulty for Dexterity, and lose only two dice off Perception dice pools.


With this power, a Necromancer may have ghostlings slow down or weaken a target. Essentially, they get in the way of the target and become partially corporeal (but not visible or tangible), impeding the victim. This power is especially useful in combat situations.

System: The character makes a Charisma + Occult roll (difficulty 6). The number of successes equals how many turns the ghostlings are around. The victim of this power has one of his Physical attributes (Necromancer's choice) reduced by two for the duration of the power.


Ghostlings conjure up the target's greatest fear in front of their eyes. The victim believes what he sees to be real, and runs in terror.

System: The Necromancer makes a Charisma + Occult roll (difficulty 6). If successful, the victim must make a Courage roll (difficulty 8) or run away in fear. Each success on the Necromancer's roll equals one turn of aimless flight. This is equal to Rotschreck in a Kindred. If the Courage roll is botched, the victim gains a derangement of the Storyteller's choice, generally relating to the circumstances of the power or fear in general.


The Necromancer summons several ghostlings (and perhaps even a Spectre or two) to frighten their opponent's Beast. This power generally only works on Kindred and infernalists (who have a dark side to their soul because of their ways). Instigate normally causes a frenzy in Kindred.

System: The caster makes a Charisma + Occult roll (difficulty 7). If the opponent cannot gain more successes on this roll with a Self-Control roll, he enters frenzy. If the Self-Control roll is botched or the Necromancer gains more than three successes on the Occult roll, the Kindred becomes a bloodthirsty berserker. She tries to destroy anything in her sight until the frenzy wears off. This includes friends, the Necromancer, motorcycles, little kitties crossing the road, whatever. Needless to say, this could play out to be a rather large tear in the Masquerade.


Very useful in combat, Reciprocate allows a Necromancer to inflict damage upon an individual through the ghostlings. The mini-wraiths gather around a victim, and poke him painfully whenever he does damage on others. Smart individuals may figure out what's going on, and they will cease combat. Dumb opponents just keep getting hit.

System: The Necromancer rolls Charisma + Occult, as always (difficulty 8). Each success equals one turn in which the target receives as much damage as he dishes out to others. The damage received is always bashing, however, regardless of what he is doing to others. During a frenzy, when a Kindred does not have control of her actions, this can be a particularly malicious effect.