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* -- [[Adair Simpkin's Experience]]
* -- [[Adair Simpkin's Experience]]
===== <span style="color:#800000;"> Experience =====
:<span style="color:#4B0082;">(06/30/14) 3xp (+1 for automatic, +1 for learning, +1 for role-play -- WWI -- September 1916)
:<span style="color:#4B0082;">(07/05/14) 3xp + 4xp = 7xp (+1 for automatic, +1 for learning, +1 for role-play -- WWI -- September 1916)
:<span style="color:#4B0082;">(07/12/14) 7xp - 2xp = 5xp (Adair is raising Obfuscate from 1 to 2 with the aid of my sire as a mentor -- WWI -- September 1916)
:<span style="color:#4B0082;">(07/17/14) 5xp - 2xp = 3xp (Adair is raising Animalism from 1 to 2 with the aid of my sire as a mentor -- Karachi -- November 1916)
:<span style="color:#4B0082;">(03/08/15) 3xp + 3xp = 6xp (+1 automatic, +1 learning, +1 roleplay -- Karachi -- November 1916)

Revision as of 12:34, 9 March 2015


Nosferatu Adair Simpkin.jpg

Recent Events

Circa: 1916 C.E.
Concept: Coal Miner turned WWI Demolitions expert.
Clan: Nosferatu
Generation: 9th
Born: 1885
Embrace: 1916
Sire: Hans Schultz
Nature: Thrill-Seeker
Demeanor: Soldier
Apparent Age: After the accident, who could say?
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 2 (cave-ins), Athletics 2 (throwing), Brawl 1, Dodge 3 (taking cover), Intimidation 1
Skills: Animal Ken 2 (song-birds), Crafts 2, Demolitions 5 (blasting powder, dynamite), Firearms 1 (sawed-off shotgun), Melee 1 (trench-knife), Survival 4 (directions, underground)
Knowledges: Investigation 1, Linguistics 2 (English, French, German), Science 2 (chemistry - explosives)
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Obfuscate 2, Potence 2
Discipline Techniques: None.
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Leon Dabo), Contacts 3 (men of the U.S. 4th Infantry Division), Generation 4, Mentor 3
Flaws: Smell of the Grave 1 point
Merits: Oversized Fangs 1 point
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 5
Morality: Road of Humanity 5
Willpower: 5

Anthea (investigator)
Jane (spy)
Roger (aviator / soldier)