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== '''Introduction''' ==
== '''Introduction''' ==
''And Lo Shemaiah prayed to YAHWEH, Please Father bring us safely out of Bal'ala'dur, we are lost, we are starving, we are only Seven of your remaining children.''<br>
''The LORD sent down to them Liminael, Angel and most beloved guide for his people.''<br>
''Liminael the far seeing, beautiful cherub of the LORDS host:''<br>
''For forty days he guided the Children of Seth, and hunted food where he could, as the Children wailed and bemoaned his barely filling their bellies.''<br>
''As the sun set on that next Sabath, Shemaiah convinced his people that the LORD had sent Liminael to be food, to be sustenance, to be the Mana of Yahweh''<br>
''Before the moon could rise, the SEVEN struck Liminael with Arbre de Judea, knocking him unconscious.'' <br>
''And Lo, in the shadow of the tree did consume his flesh, and boil his bones, drinking the broth of it's reduction''<br>
''With the rising of the moon the LORD was so overcome in horror that he sent Metatron, who spoke thus:''<br>
''Yahweh hath sent you guidance and aid, Yahweh has brought you to the edge of the desert with the guidance of Liminael!''<br>
''In your moment of despair you have murdered the creation of GOD, the loving servant of HIM!''<br>
''Let never more your face feel goodness in the sun! Let never you eat anything but the flesh of humanity, all other MANA being as ash to you.''<br>
''Only the wicked will be your companions, only the damned share your nights.'' <br>
''You are '''Shenu al Yedi ELOHIM'''. '' <br>
''Thus was the ruling of YAHWEH.'' <br>
''And lo the Gallu were brought into being, and towards them YAHWEH was forever angry.''<br>
== '''Basics''' ==
== '''Basics''' ==

Revision as of 00:28, 11 October 2024

Main Page -0- Liber Monstrorum -0- Emain Ablach-0- Gallû -- Medieval Paris -0- Gallû of Paris - La Belle Époque

Gallu generic.jpg


And Lo Shemaiah prayed to YAHWEH, Please Father bring us safely out of Bal'ala'dur, we are lost, we are starving, we are only Seven of your remaining children.
The LORD sent down to them Liminael, Angel and most beloved guide for his people.
Liminael the far seeing, beautiful cherub of the LORDS host:
For forty days he guided the Children of Seth, and hunted food where he could, as the Children wailed and bemoaned his barely filling their bellies.
As the sun set on that next Sabath, Shemaiah convinced his people that the LORD had sent Liminael to be food, to be sustenance, to be the Mana of Yahweh
Before the moon could rise, the SEVEN struck Liminael with Arbre de Judea, knocking him unconscious.
And Lo, in the shadow of the tree did consume his flesh, and boil his bones, drinking the broth of it's reduction
With the rising of the moon the LORD was so overcome in horror that he sent Metatron, who spoke thus:
Yahweh hath sent you guidance and aid, Yahweh has brought you to the edge of the desert with the guidance of Liminael!
In your moment of despair you have murdered the creation of GOD, the loving servant of HIM!
Let never more your face feel goodness in the sun! Let never you eat anything but the flesh of humanity, all other MANA being as ash to you.
Only the wicked will be your companions, only the damned share your nights.
You are Shenu al Yedi ELOHIM.
Thus was the ruling of YAHWEH.
And lo the Gallu were brought into being, and towards them YAHWEH was forever angry.


Gallu are a freakish creature of unknown origin that share some aspects with vampires. They are undead, with no pumping blood and body temperature that only comes from the eating of warm flesh. They do not drink blood for nourishment however, they must feed on dead flesh to survive. Gallu can be found in all climes and latitudes.


Gallu retain the basic features that it held in life. However, their facial features become elongated, and their teeth become double rowed razor points. Their eyes are full iris, and bright light is very debilitating to them. The ravages of dying and coming back to life makes them gaunt and waxy skinned, giving them a Appearance of 1.

Character Creation

Playtest Characters


Gallu have the same damage ratio like vampires (blunt trauma half, aggravated damage requiring the expenditure of flesh points to heal), and can spend flesh points like blood to heal.


What are Perversions? Perversions are dark powers passed down from master to slave among the Gallu. These dark powers are often perverse in nature and distinctly monstrous. Currently, there are four known Perversions: Bestiality (the creation and control of ghul-beasts), Cupidity (human possession), Wrath (speed & emotional power), and Thew (supernatural strength). Undoubtedly there are far more dark powers as yet undiscovered save by those who will have little use for the information, the dead and dying.


Scores would be like those of a novice vampire.

Common Traits

  • Carrier: The Gallu carry and transmit a degenerative infection of supernatural origin and most who are infected succumb within a few days, although those with a weakened immune systems or who are seriously injured fall to the fever faster.
  • Claws & Teeth: The Ghul-folk all develop wicked talons and razor-sharp teeth upon their Transmogrification.
  • Dark Sight: The Gallu can see even in absolute darkness. (Gallu suffer no sight penalties unless in the presence of daylight, then they become blinded)
  • Heightened Senses: As the penultimate carrion beasts and cannibals, the Gallu's five senses are far sharper than those of either man or beast. (Equivalent of Alertness rating of 3 at minimum.)
  • Paralytic Venom: The claws and bite of the Gallu carry powerful paralytic venom that takes effect quickly. Paralysis takes effect the round directly after injury if delivered with claw or bite and lasts a number of turns equal to the stamina of the attacker. (victim loses Dexterity rating at the rate of Stamina from the biter per round. When There are no Dexterity points left or are in the negative, a creature is paralyzed.)
  • Perversions: The dark powers of the Gallu.
  • Undead: As animate corpses the Gallu do not breath, they do not need to drink (although they enjoy the taste of blood), they cannot procreate as humans would (their flesh is cold and putrid), and while they must eat human flesh (living or dead) - they cannot be poisoned.



  • Age: Length of existence is one of two primary determinants of power among Gallu, the other being Virulence.
  • Crèche: Usually an underground fortification that offers security to the Gallu Crush who inhabit it.
  • Caro (fresh meat)
  • Claw Crawling: [In Vular Argot, Traveling the Decayed Earth] (Stamina based power that allows Gallu to make tunnels through earth and stone.)
  • Crush: An undead family of Ghul-folk, the basic social unit of the Gallu following that of master and spawn.
  • Degeneracy (mental,physical,spiritual)
  • Dormancy: The sleep of the Gallu comes after they are fully satiated upon human flesh - they sleep a number of days after a full feeding equal to their Pathology rating - 10. The Gallu are subject to regular periods of dormancy and experience longer term Hybernation that lasts decades or centuries.
  • Gash: The event and or the wound that acts to transform a mortal into a Gallu, usually a bite, but occasionally a deep laceration from claws; i.e: "I gave him or her the Gash!")
  • Master: An older more powerful Gallu who has learned the ins and outs of creating spawn and hopefully of controlling them.
  • Pariah: One who has been cast out of Gallu society or a Gallu who has come into being without the knowledge of the local master. (zero status)
  • Pathology (like the vampires of the Sabbat, Gallu go through a tortuous rebirth and as such quickly develop alternative philosophies to cushion their transformation or go bestial and insane. Surprisingly humanity could be a pathology.)
  • Pyrexia (Indigo fever)
  • Putro (rotten meat)
  • Resurrection (the dark rebirth of the Gallu that occurs sometime during the night following their Torment.)
  • Slaver (saliva)
  • Spawn: The younger Gallu who have resurrected, they may be free-willed or they may be Chattel. Those created with the Perversion of Bestiality are almost always Chattel. (Issue: a more polite term for spawn)
  • Strain: The type of Gallu, those that share similar strengths, weakness, and are descended from a common ancestor.
  • Temptation: The original sin that created each specific breed of Gallu, i.e: the Bane of the Vathek. The Bane is tied to the breed's Thorns and Perversions. (Anger, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth)
  • Thorns: The specific weaknesses associated with particular breeds of Gallu. They are metaphorically handed down by a specific mythical ancestor.
  • Torment (A gashing victim's last few hours or days leading up to death and Resurrection. Universally known among Gallu as a time of almost indescribable suffering that all Ghul-folk remember vividly.)
  • Venom (paralytic)
  • Virulence: How strongly the Gallu curse resonates within any give master or spawn. (Not necessarily related to how many repetitions of the curse that have been carried out between the breed's mythic ancestor and a current spawn.)


  • Addiction to the pleasures of the flesh (gained through Caliph)
  • Fire (aggravated damage) cannot be soaked.
  • Overt sensitivity to bright lights
  • Sunlight (lethal damage which rots the Vathek, but they do not sleep unless satiated by meat) can be soaked and older, more powerful Gallu can move by day if they are willing to risk exposure.
  • Victims not consumed become Gallû. For the first year they are essentially wights (see Vampire the Masquerade)

Lore: Gallû
Diary of Lene Stein
Hieronymus Papers
Gallu Statistics