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==A night out on the Town==
==A night out on the Town==
I left the chantry, driving the sedan I had purchased two years ago.  It's a light blue Volkswagon. It's not sporty, but efficient and fast.
I left the chantry, driving the sedan I had purchased two years ago.  It's a dark blue 2000 Volkswagon Jetta. It's nearly invisible in traffic, but efficient and fast.  Perfect for exploring the city without attracting attention. After all these years, the Special Agent training hasn't left me.
I drove around the city, enjoying the lights. My hunger was low, but I desired to be warm again. I parked near a bar and made my way up the street. I felt the music, could smell the humanity inside. On the wall near the door was a piece of paper on a nail.  "Rave party at the Railroad station, live music!"
I entered the bar.  There were a number of people here.  After only a few minutes I found an interested woman, and with only a little mental push she allowed me to bite her and take some of her warmth. She tasted of perfume and mediocrity. I licked her wound clean, thanked her for her time, and paid for her drinks. She was still sitting dazed as I got up and left.
I remembered the piece of paper again and looked it over.  The train station was in Oakland, across the bay. We are not technically supposed to go there without permission of the Mandarinate, but I was feeling itchy. I needed to explore a little.  I had been stuck in this city for too long for my tastes.
I got in my Volkswagon and drove across the bridge.  Leaving wasn't an issue, coming back in would likely be the part where I would be stopped.  The bay shone under the night lights of San Francisco, and the dark water twinkled with reflection. Occasional ships dotted it's surface.

Revision as of 11:15, 21 July 2023

-=Arkady Dallas=-

Faster Arkady, there is a small window to succeed, then you will have failed. Athosides said, his booming bass voice echoing around the room.

Easy for him to say, I was the one running across the gym jumping obstacles and dodging whatever he decided to throw at me. Running in combat boots isn't easy, and I really hate it. My pants were combat fatigues, 1950's army issue, my shirt a dark plain brown number, my duster a black canvas with plates in it. Master wanted the test to be authentic, though he wouldn't be letting me wear any of this when I left here. As a vampire I didn't need the duster for warmth, and at least I wasn't generating the heat a human would in this get up. Constantin shot me in the back with something large caliber, making me miss my next step onto the beam I was supposed to run along. Oh yeah, and I was repeating this cantrip Athosides wanted me to use. "Parberic, avaustis, Sibtaric, Hecate." Totally useless unless someone had placed a ward in my path...there it is.

Now the interesting thing was saying the antidote while running. "Minii neremjit toirog süirch Baina!" I shouted the last word as I crossed the ward. Just as I felt the wind from it's activation it dimmed out. That was close, it would burn itself into my body and take all night to heal if I missed it. I laughed, jumped for the eagle talisman as it came in reach. I had done it. Fuck Athosides and his test. I was ready. I had done it.

Well done Arkady. Present yourself and give the parameters of your mission.

I carried the eagle talisman to him, dropping to a knee in front of the Regent. He was a tall barrel chested vampire in an elaborate white robe, with red trim. His black beard was full and thick, his black eyes hard and cold. This vampire had been around for a while, and he tolerated me at best. I was too young to understand his anachronist attitude and too American to be as servile as he thought I should be.

"The parameter of my mission are as follows: I am to travel to San Francisco. In the event that the Kuie-jin take over the city as all signs point to, I am to make myself indespensable to the Tremere left in the city. I am to report actions in the city and conditions as they become apparent. I am to find the opportunity to take down a Kuie-jin and attempt the Ritual of the Bitter Rose in order to find out if such a ritual is useful on the Oriental faction. I am to keep my true goal hidden from the Tremere of the city, and only report my findings to you Constantin, who will report to you. Such are the parameters of my mission."

Athosides smiled his cold, hungry smile. Very good pupil. Do not fail your clan. Do not fail me. We need to know the Orientals every weakness.

A night out on the Town

I left the chantry, driving the sedan I had purchased two years ago. It's a dark blue 2000 Volkswagon Jetta. It's nearly invisible in traffic, but efficient and fast. Perfect for exploring the city without attracting attention. After all these years, the Special Agent training hasn't left me.

I drove around the city, enjoying the lights. My hunger was low, but I desired to be warm again. I parked near a bar and made my way up the street. I felt the music, could smell the humanity inside. On the wall near the door was a piece of paper on a nail. "Rave party at the Railroad station, live music!"

I entered the bar. There were a number of people here. After only a few minutes I found an interested woman, and with only a little mental push she allowed me to bite her and take some of her warmth. She tasted of perfume and mediocrity. I licked her wound clean, thanked her for her time, and paid for her drinks. She was still sitting dazed as I got up and left.

I remembered the piece of paper again and looked it over. The train station was in Oakland, across the bay. We are not technically supposed to go there without permission of the Mandarinate, but I was feeling itchy. I needed to explore a little. I had been stuck in this city for too long for my tastes.

I got in my Volkswagon and drove across the bridge. Leaving wasn't an issue, coming back in would likely be the part where I would be stopped. The bay shone under the night lights of San Francisco, and the dark water twinkled with reflection. Occasional ships dotted it's surface.