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Main Page -x- Level One Rituals -x- Level Two Rituals

Description: The title of this ritual means divination by the immersion of a body in water and it reveals the final hours of the victims life as seen from a third person perspective. The vision of the victim’s appears upon the surface of the water and is visible to no one except the necromancer casting the ritual.
Origin: This kind of ritual is ancient and many variants exist.
Ingredients: Corpse / Salt / Water
Casting: The ritual begins with the caster chanting the known name of the deceased five times consecutively. Then the necromancer speaks aloud to the deceased, telling the dead person how much power, he the caster holds over the dead person while binding the corpse hand and foot. The necromancer then immerses the body beneath the surface of the water and sprinkles salt over the corpse demanding that the deceased reveal its tragedy upon the surface of the water.
System: This ritual requires five minutes to cast and lasts for a scene. The corpse must be complete enough for it to be bound. The number of successes on the roll determines the clarity of the vision; a botch shows the necromancer his own Final Death, which should require a Rotscheck roll. Should a corpse belong to a wraith, that wraith may be enraged at the desecration of is former body and its secrets.
One = A basic sense of the subject’s death.
Two = A clear image of the subject’s death and the seconds preceding death.
Three = A clear image, with sound, of the minutes preceding death.
Four = A clear image, with sound, of the half-hour before the subject’s demise.
Five = Full sensory perception of the hour leading up to the target’s death.
Reference: Sepulchre Path, level one: Insight. Pg.161, VTM.