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;[[Shadowcasting (Hedge Magic)]] -ANS- [[Aegon Nightshade's Statistics]]
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[[File:Abyssinian Pictogram of Summoning.png]]

Revision as of 00:25, 11 November 2018

Shadowcasting (Hedge Magic) -ANS- Aegon Nightshade's Statistics

Abyssinian Pictogram of Summoning.png

Description: If thou wish to spy on thine enemies, use this rite to summon the beings called the Eyes of Yaldabaoth. Although the creatures summoned with this ritual are harmless, they make excellent spies. This ritual summons the smallest beings that dwell in the Abyss and grants them brief existence in the material world as servitors of the sorcerers who invoke them. Such entities are not daemons or ghosts or true spirits, but rather something else that defies comprehension or classification. All that is certain is that they hate light, hunger for life and bear a malign cognition that would shatter the sanity of any who truly understood it.

Origin: Unknown.

Ingredients: A black candle, campfire ash and a long silver needle.

Casting: This ritual can only be cast after full nightfall. In a dimly lit secluded location, the caster begins by pouring out a circle of black ash upon the ground. Within the ashen circle, the shadowcaster invokes Yaldabaoth the Demiurge and God of Darkness. Thereafter candle of black wax is lite and places in the center of the circle. The caster takes up a lotus position on the ground and curses each of the known gods of light as he passes the long silver needle through the flame until it is blackened. Then he thrusts the heated needle deep into the flesh of his body and repeats this process over and over until he has created the Abyssinian pictogram of summoning which resembles a black sun with six wavy rays. In the final set the shadow-sorcerer picks up the black candle which has doubtless melted down to a stub and snuffs it out on his soot-tattoo. The process of tattooing oneself with a hot needle is quite painful, more so is the snuffing of the black candle on the newly incised tattoo, but both these acts of suffering pale in comparison to what comes afterward...

If successful, the black tattoo transforms the flesh of the shadowcaster into a momentary gateway to the Abyss. Out of the raw black hole of the sorcerer's flesh, rises a Eye of Yaldabaoth. The midnight black orb is no larger than a small child's hand and hovering over the sorcerer's wound which has once more become a simple tattoo. Extruding freezing tentacles of night, the Eye licks the wound clean (of ash, blood and black wax), leaving a patch of preternaturally darkened flesh in the form a black sun. It is this tattoo that binds master and servitor together and allows the shadowcaster to control the Abyssinian eye.

