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=== <span style="color:#696969;"> ''Potential Wraiths'' ===
:* Marquis de Lafayette

Revision as of 20:39, 24 April 2018

Paris - La Belle Époque

The Necropolis of Paris is affiliated with Stygia, even when it sided with the New Stygian Movement during the Great War and soul-forged the Anacreons of Charon before a cheering crowd. The necropolis is prosperous, but also attracts a great deal of Renegade activity, thanks to the history of unrest in the city, which sent numerous rebels into the Shadowlands. Most of these find the catacombs of the city to be perfect hiding places and as a result, much of the catacombs are under Renegade control, even when most of these groups prefer to meet in busy places, like cafés, where large numbers of mortals obscure them. Both under Charon and under the Smiling Lord, the city was wracked with rebellion and conflict.

The city is also home to a great number of Heretics, like the Pierrists, who drew upon the faith of the ancient Fishers. At least three extended circles of Heretics make their home near Notre Dame and similar grand cathedrals.


Les Lumiares



  • -- L'Inconnue de la Seine -- L'Inconnue de la Seine (French for "The Unknown Woman of the Seine") was an unidentified young woman whose putative death mask became a popular fixture on the walls of artists' homes after 1900. Her visage inspired numerous literary works. In the United States, the mask is also known as "La Belle Italienne".

Potential Wraiths

  • Marquis de Lafayette