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Glasgow / Nosferatu

The creature known as Fionnaghal is almost never seen in Glasgow, but its presence is felt: Fionnaghal employs most Nosferatu tricks to ensure that its prerogatives and the rights of its clan are not trampled. A prying elder may find that his haven has been condemned to make way for a parking lot (and that even dominate cannot easily remove the order). Over-proud Toreador soon wake to the sound two trash trucks crashing into one another strewing their loads across the entrance to their favorite art galleries. Fionnaghal's mastery of Glasgow's civil service and knowledge of its streets is unmatched.

The reclusive elder has been in Glasgow at least since the rise of Prince Malcolm Wallace. It is rumored that it is the source of much of the Prince's power in Glasgow, as well as the reason for his tolerance of the Anarch Francach. Other vampires, particularly the Tremere and Dunscirn, would pay dearly for any real information concerning the enigmatic elder and its haunts.

Those seeking to deal with Fionnaghal must go through what turns out to be an elaborate series of cut-outs. In-person meetings are rare, and involve whispered conversations through a curtain or fine wicker mesh within loud, smoky, dark establishments. Still, it is often worth the effort: Though expensive, Fionnaghal's information is almost never wrong, and comes with a guarantee: the elder will recompense any information that proves to be false with information or a service of greater value.

Appearance: On those rare occasions when Fionnaghal attends Elysium, it wears a heavy brown cloak complete with a voluminous hood that completely obscure its features. Those who have peered directly into the hood have reported different visages: Drawn features that barely conceal the shape of the skull beneath; A bulbous mass of flesh; and a maggot-white masque covered in bizarre tattoos and scarification have all been reported. The Prince claims that he must look on Fionnaghal's mien once per year as part of the census, but neither he nor the scourge are telling what they have seen.

Influence: Fionnaghal demonstrates a frightening level of control over the city's civil service, and is the undoubted master of secrets in Glasgow.

Roleplaying: If you are in a situation where you are threatened, you have already made a dozen mistakes. Make them come to you, on your terms, or not at all. Your reputation is sterling, and important to you, but you don't have to accept disrespect from anyone. Never speak louder than a hoarse whisper: Your words are valuable, and should be worked for.

You are secure in the knowledge that you have enough Obfuscate to ensure that no-one in Glasgow can find you.

Fionnaghal's Statistics