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Lasombra -x- The Cabal -x- Sofia-Grad

Father Kakios Pachis

Appearance: Kakios is well formed, but exceptionally short – he stands an imposing 4'7”, with the child-like body he had through five decades as a mortal. He is thin, and ashen – more gray and washed out than blond and pale. His most striking feature is his jet black eyes; the legacy of staring into the Abyss for centuries. He wears modern clothes, favoring black sweaters and slacks, and occasionally dresses as a priest to celebrate an unusual mass.

Background: Kakios was born in 1392, the third son of a noble family known for providing great warriors. He was given to the Greek Church on his 16th birthday – at a time when even his fifth sibling, a girl, had grown larger and stronger than him. He grew in the church, forcing his way through its ranks with only a little help from his family.

Father Pachis used his growing rank and privilege to gain access to new and hidden lore. At a time when the Inquisition was in full swing, Father Pachis funneled confiscated and heretical lore through his own clerks, in order to better understand the heresies faced by the church. In truth he found the dualistic Christian philosophy practiced by most heretics to be fatally naive, but gleaned enough wisdom to be useful to him in his later life.

When his father died, Kakios, still child-like in his thirties, was firmly ensconced in the local chapel. He deftly manipulated his brute of an eldest brother, steering his family into prosperity in spite of itself. Kakios was in his early fifties when he received a visit from a nocturnal corsair. His embrace was quick and quiet, and he left his family behind to meet his new relatives. He traveled with Tercio Bravo for another 50 years, learning to despise and distrust his fellow Lasombra, but becoming enamored with the darkness that drives and terrifies them. He left his sire's side to study Abyss Mysticism, and has finally found his true calling. He has become a Priest of the Abyss in his heart the way he never was for Christ.

Kakios encountered an old acquaintance, Svarovichev, in the late 17th century, surprised to discover that the other was also undead. He slowly gravitated into the orbit of the Tzimisce's coteries, and has learned that they can be a nearly limitless source of lore and power. However, he becomes bored with Havana and the other safe havens the Cabal chooses, and true to his Lasombra blood, gravitates toward centers of power. He is particularly fond of the Mediterranean rim.

Personality: Kakios' demeanor belies his child-like appearance. He remains calm and still, and shows little emotion. In conversation, everything is a test, or a chance to impart some bit of wisdom. He tends to favor the underdog: Children, the crippled, and possibly neonates who are down on their luck. He saves his greatest vitriol for those in power who abuse the position, as he sees it. He still uses the title “father,” largely because it appeals to his sense of the ironic.

Current Events: Kakios is the youngest member of "The Cabal" - those vampires who sired the player characters, and have been an important force in the background of their development. As such, he is by far the most adventurous and mobile, and often finds himself running errands for his elders. He does not seem to resent this, rather he relishes the opportunity to engage with the world rather than remain in the backwaters the cabal is content to hide in.

Father Kakios' Statistics