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Brutus Pontius
Circa: 211 B.C.E.
Born: 167 B.C.E.
Demeanor: Soldier
Apparent Age: Middle 40s
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Social: Appearance 3
Talents: Alertness 1 (ambushes), Athletics 1 (forced marches), Brawl 1 (Greek wrestling), Expression 1 (specialty: battle taunts), Intimidation 1 (brow-beating), Leadership 1 (shouting orders)
Skills: Animal Ken 1 (war dogs), Archery 1, Commerce 1 (evaluation), Melee 1(sword & spear), Performance 1 (specialty: storytelling), Ride 1, Stealth 1 (stalking), Survival (hunting)
Knowledges: Hearth Wisdom 1 (Brythonic), Investigation 1 (physical searches), Linguistics 1 (Brythonic, Latin, Pictish)
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Pontius family), Contacts 4 (Legionaries), Fame 1 (Ninth Legion), Influence 2 (Elders of Procolita), Resources 3, Status 2
Merits: Medium (2pt Supernatural), Spirit Guide - Luigsech (5pt Supernatural)
Flaws: Enemy - Cathbhadh (5pt Social), Dark Fate - Diablerized by the Giovanni (5pt Supernatural)
Destiny: Brutus quest for vengeance will prove fruitless as the familial hostages are slaughtered by the Picts. He does survive the destruction of the Ninth Legion and as Julius Valerius' closest friend, he becomes second in command of Empress Julia Domna's bodyguard when she returns home to Rome. Though he will spar with Cathbhadh for the remainder of his life, he will never best the dark Druid, but in his struggles, he will travel to Rome and the East in search of the dark lore he needs to fight his enemy. To further this goal, he accepts a position in the Praetorian Guard and aids his dear friend Julius Valerius in the plot to assassinate Emperor Caracalla. Later, he becomes the Prefect of the Praetorian Guards under Emperor Macrinus. Near the end of his natural life, he is offered the Embrace and becomes a member of the Cappadocian Clan of Vampires - later he will be known by another name altogether - Lord Camden the Chamberlain of Prince Mithras of London.