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Paulino Giovanni: Giovanni underworld kingpin.

Image: A tall, suave, slightly overweight Italian crime boss. He wears expensive, hand tailored pin stripe suits, usually over heavy armor. He never goes anywhere without a dozen bodyguards, at least four of which are the former linebacker human gorilla type.

Roleplaying: Never let anyone get the better of you. Be as nice about it as the situation allows, but make sure that anyone who tries to fuck you knows how stupid they are. A lot of people think that Giovanni and Mafiosi are stupid Wop gangsters. They learn better after they've been over the barrel - metaphorically (yes, you know big words) or literally: Some of the boys swing that way, after all. Show off how much you know, how powerful you are, and make sure everyone knows how much they want to be you: But always get something out of it. Even this fucked up assignment from the god-damned Anziani can't keep YOU down!

Paulino controls a network of smugglers and pirates, and has been drawing enough firepower from the criminal element to maintain his position along the south-west coast of Istanbul, even occasionally challenging Assamite control of Old Istanbul. As such, he is importing mercenaries and family members looking to enhance their family names.

Paulino Giovanni's stats