Zalmoxis of Mount Kogaionon: Difference between revisions

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Old Clan Tzimisce
Background: The histories of the 'Old Clan' are vague on the specifics of the god-king of the Dacians, but it comes to us through his childe Svarozic of the Getae, that he was born sometime around the second millenium before Christ. From his most devoted childe, we know that he spent an extended time being groomed for the embrace, for he was his sire's most treasured son; however it is with some certainty that we can pindown his embrace to the twelfth century B.C. It is also known that shortly after his embrace, he took residence upon the mountain now known as Kogaionon and there he resided for over two millenium. It was at Mount Kogaionon that the Tribe of Dacians came to worship their god-king and his most devoted followers were called the Ctistae. The date of his destruction is well known however, for he was captured by the wizard Tremere and his foul followers during the turn of the first millenium A.D. and consumed by the perverse rites by which the mad sorcerer stole immortality.
His Demise: