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== '''Quote''' ==
== '''Quote''' ==
''There was a group of man what traveled a lonely road.  Bandits and tieves [sic] did set upon them, and they rand into a nearby cave.  The tieves done followed them such, they kept pushing through the dark trying to escape wit tere skin.  When the tieves done lost them, they finded they lost themself. For days they wandered underground, eating things they found in the dark, drinking from cold brooks sweet and foul.  As them clothes done be falling off them, they finded a city in the dark, where glowing blue and silver globes did light things.  People he met, dark of skin, white of hair, and sweet of face.  They took them in and fed them, clothed them in fine, dark silks.  Maidens did wash theys brow and heal theys hurt. Silver and gold was ever-where, fancy stones, diamonds, rubies and pearls scattered careless about.<br>
''When those men did begin to clap and sing to honor theys saviors, the folk scattered and cried out, running away.  A menacing figur[sic] done came to them, his brow like thunder.  He cleaved theys bones from theys bodies, and wounded theys heads wit clubs.  They dark folk fed most of them to vicous spiders and lizards, before sending the one man back out, driving him before them.  A month later he finded himself near Strasbourg, hundreds of miles from home.  Never agin did he find the cave, try as he might.  But him didn't want to go back, he said he would never return to Nma Ennore.'' - Tale of the Traveler. 
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== '''Appearance''' ==
== '''Appearance''' ==
Nidavellir is a world wholly subterranean, where the only life is underground.  The gates here are found in various caves that are scattered a large distance through networking ways, huge underground lakes, rivers, and paths.  From only a few feet wide to those that are several miles in width, it is a world without sun and natural light.  Here the elemental night is a reality, and there seems to be little symbols of time.  From bare, super heated rock to forests of mushrooms the height of redwoods, the settings are multiple, just all underground.
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== '''Climate''' ==
== '''Climate''' ==
The ambient temperature of the air hovers at a steady 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This isn't to say that there are not places where the temperature plummets to below freezing, and places that are so hot metal melts.  Both temperatures are possible, just not common.<br>
Air is an issue, and breathable air is not always available.  In the dark there are vast pockets of air that will not sustain normal life.<br>
Water is plentiful, but again, not all of it is drinkable for sentient life.  Great care should be taken before ingesting liquid found underground.<br>
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== '''Citizens of Nma Ennore''' ==
== '''Citizens of Nma Ennore''' ==

Latest revision as of 20:04, 3 November 2019

Nidavellir -SCWPOLF- St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

Nma Ennore.jpg


There was a group of man what traveled a lonely road. Bandits and tieves [sic] did set upon them, and they rand into a nearby cave. The tieves done followed them such, they kept pushing through the dark trying to escape wit tere skin. When the tieves done lost them, they finded they lost themself. For days they wandered underground, eating things they found in the dark, drinking from cold brooks sweet and foul. As them clothes done be falling off them, they finded a city in the dark, where glowing blue and silver globes did light things. People he met, dark of skin, white of hair, and sweet of face. They took them in and fed them, clothed them in fine, dark silks. Maidens did wash theys brow and heal theys hurt. Silver and gold was ever-where, fancy stones, diamonds, rubies and pearls scattered careless about.
When those men did begin to clap and sing to honor theys saviors, the folk scattered and cried out, running away. A menacing figur[sic] done came to them, his brow like thunder. He cleaved theys bones from theys bodies, and wounded theys heads wit clubs. They dark folk fed most of them to vicous spiders and lizards, before sending the one man back out, driving him before them. A month later he finded himself near Strasbourg, hundreds of miles from home. Never agin did he find the cave, try as he might. But him didn't want to go back, he said he would never return to Nma Ennore. - Tale of the Traveler.









The Middle Ages


Current Events



  • Likely Population, 1100 A.D.: 120 +

Citizens of Nma Ennore

  • Aemenorr
  • Uriroris









Palais de la Cité

The Walls of Nma Ennore




Law & Lawlessness



  • [[]]



Catacombs of

  • [[]] --


  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --



Private Residences

  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --




Whore Houses

Supernaturals of Nma Ennore

Crucesignatis (Crusaders)

  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --

Incognitos (Strangers and Aliens)

Memoria pro Mortuis (Remembrances for the Dead)

  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --
  • [[]] --
