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;[[Lore of the Host]]<br>
;[[Lammasu Lores]]
'''Description:''' The Lore of Transfiguration allows the Divine to change the physical features of themselves or another.
:<span style="font-size:large">●</span> '''MIMIC'''
This evocation allows the Defiler to assume the exact mannerisms and vocal patterns of a subject, allowing her to disguise herself enough to fool a distant observer.

The Lore of Transfiguration allows the Divine to change the physical features of themselves or another.
'''System:''' This evocation requires the Defiler to have spent at least an hour in close company with the individual she seeks to mimic. Roll Manipulation + Performance in a resisted roll against another person's Perception + Alertness.

* Mimic
If you get more successes, the target believes that the Defiler is the person she attempts to mimic. Encountering someone who has never met the mimicked subject succeeds automatically. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to the character's Faith score. There is no illusion at work here—your character's body actually changes—so other demons may be fooled with this power.
The Lammasu can change their voice and mannerisms to that of another. (Manipulation + Performance)

** Alter Appearance
'''Torment:''' Monstrous demons can mimic the voice and mannerisms of others, but their Torment invariably bleeds through the disguise and unsettles any witnesses, inspiring feelings of discomfort and paranoia. Roll Willpower for someone who encounters the disguised demon, with a difficulty equal to the Defiler's Torment. If the roll fails, the mortal is so unsettled by the Defiler's presence that she flees the demon's presence.
The Divine can alter basic features of themselves or others, such as the color of their skin, eyes, and hair. (Charisma + Subterfuge)
:<span style="font-size:large">●●</span> '''ALTER APPEARANCE'''
The Defiler can use this evocation to alter cosmetic features of herself or others. She can change eye color, hair color, skin color and remove scars.

*** Alter Shape
'''System:''' Roll Charisma + Subterfuge. The Defiler can alter one cosmetic feature per success rolled. The alterations remain for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Faith score, or they can be made permanent by the expenditure of one Willpower point. Your character must touch a subject if another being is changed. There is no illusion at work here — your character's body or that of another actually changes — so other demons may be fooled with this power.
This allows the Angel to alter the shape and dimensions of their form. (Charisma + Subterfuge)

**** Doppelganger
'''Torment:''' Monstrous demons can alter the features of themselves or others almost, but unless they maintain strict control, their Torment can cause disturbing deformities.
The Angel or his chosen becomes the perfect person for a target, exhibiting the mannerisms and form they want to see. (Manipulation + Empathy)
When your character performs this evocation successfully, make a Willpower roll with a difficulty equal to his Torment. If the roll fails, he or his subject suffers a subtle but unsettling deformity. The difficulties of all Social rolls increase by two due to this deformity.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●</span> '''ALTER SHAPE'''
The Defiler can alter his own physical shape and dimensions, increasing or decreasing height, weight, shoulder width and girth.

***** Shapechange
'''System:''' Roll Charisma + Subterfuge. The Defiler can alter one physical feature per success rolled. Alterations persist for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Faith score, can be dismissed prematurely or can be made permanent by the expenditure of one Willpower point. There is no illusion at work here — your character's body actually changes—so other demons may be fooled with this power.
The Angel can freely alter any aspect of their's or another's appearance.
'''Torment:''' Monstrous demons are capable of performing the same evocation, but the potential exists for deformities to warp their appearance. When your character performs this evocation successfully, roll Willpower against a difficulty equal to his Torment. If the roll fails, the Defiler suffers a crippling deformity and losing one point from a Physical Attribute for the duration of the evocation. You choose which Attribute is affected.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●</span> '''DOPPELGANGER'''
This evocation allows the Defiler to alter her appearance completely, based on the expectations of her victim. She assumes the form of the person that the victim expects or wants to see.
'''System:''' Spend one Faith point and roll Manipulation + Empathy. The roll is resisted by the target's Willpower ( difficulty 8 ). If your roll succeeds, your character assumes the physical form, voice and mannerisms of a person whom the victim expects to see within the context of the scene. If you wish, your demon can dig deeper into the victim's memories and assume the form of a specific individual for whom that the victim has strong feelings, but doing so increases the difficulty of your roll to 8. If your character attempts to use this evocation on a group of individuals, assuming a form that all of them might expect to see in a given situation, the difficulty increases to 9. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to your character's Faith score, unless terminated prematurely. There is no illusion at work here—your character's body actually changes — so other demons may he fooled with this power.
'''Torment:''' When monstrous Defilers perform this evocation, the result is a dark, sinister version of the victim's expectations. The difficulties of all Social rolls to manipulate the subject decrease, by two as any inappropriate feelings or urges that the onlooker has toward the demon may be indulged.
:<span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> '''SHAPECHANGE'''
This evocation gives the Defiler complete mastery over the physical features of herself or others. She can transform herself or someone else into the apex of human beauty. She can also condemn those who displease her to a nightmare of twisted flesh.
'''System:''' Spend one Faith point and roll Intelligence + Medicine. Your character must touch a subject. A resisted Willpower roll ( difficulty 8 ) is made for a target who refuses the change. If your roll succeeds, your character can alter her (or another's) physical appearance to anything she wishes. If she wants to alter another person's appearance to meet their own specific desires (as opposed to a willing subject's), the difficulty increases to 7. The Appearance Attribute is increased or decreased by one per success achieved in your roll, within the limits of 5 and zero for a mortal. Your character's or a subject's other Attributes and Abilities remain the same, no matter what shape is assumed. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to your Defiler's Faith score, or they can be made permanent by expending one temporary Willpower point. There is no illusion at work here — the body actually changes—so other demons may be fooled with this power.
'''Torment:''' Monstrous demons must exercise careful control when performing this evocation, or they risk creating a reflection of their Torment instead. If the evocation is performed successfully, make a Willpower roll with the difficulty equal to your character's Torment. If the roll fails, the subject assumes the form of a hideous monster. Mortals who witness this nightmarish figure flee in terror without a successful Willpower roll ( difficulty 8 ). If a Willpower roll botches, the witness suffers a temporary derangement.
The angels of transfiguration reveal themselves as luminescent figures devoid of identifying feature or expression, haunting in their silence and deliberate grace. Their entire body is a mirror reflecting the moods and thoughts of those around them, shifting like quicksilver amid a riot of conflicting feelings and expressions.
The Visage of Transfiguration confers the following special capabilities:
• '''Enhanced Empathy:''' The difficulties of all Empathy rolls decrease by two.
• '''Casts No Reflection:''' The demon's image does not appear in a mirror, nor can it be captured in a photograph or by a video camera.
• '''Pass Without Trace:''' The difficulties of the character's Stealth rolls decrease by two, and her passage does not disturb the surrounding environment in any way. She leaves no footprints and disturbs no foliage.
• '''Improved Dexterity:''' Add two to the character's Dexterity.
'''Torment:''' Angels of transfiguration who are lost to their Torment lose their luminescence, reflecting their pain and hatred in a series of horrific visions of the Abyss. The creature is a walking panorama of tortured spirits clawing silently at the wall separating them from the physical world.
The Visage of Transfiguration confers the following high-Torment special capabilities:
• '''Claws/Teeth:''' The character manifests claws and fangs that inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage.
• '''Improved Initiative:''' Add two to the demon's initiative.
• '''Venom:''' The demon's claws and teeth are coated with venom. If the Defiler inflicts at least one health level of damage (bashing, lethal or aggravated) in an unarmed attack, a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) is made for the victim every turn thereafter for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Torment score. If a roll fails, the victim suffers one additional health level of lethal damage.
• '''Extra Actions:''' Faith points can be spent to gain extra actions in a turn at the rate of one point per action. These actions occur in order of descending initiative, so if a Defiler with an initiative of 7 gains an extra action, she take her normal action at 7 and her extra action at 6. You must decide to purchase extra actions at the beginning of a turn before any other actions have been taken.

Latest revision as of 21:11, 17 April 2021

Lammasu Lores

Description: The Lore of Transfiguration allows the Divine to change the physical features of themselves or another.


This evocation allows the Defiler to assume the exact mannerisms and vocal patterns of a subject, allowing her to disguise herself enough to fool a distant observer.

System: This evocation requires the Defiler to have spent at least an hour in close company with the individual she seeks to mimic. Roll Manipulation + Performance in a resisted roll against another person's Perception + Alertness.

If you get more successes, the target believes that the Defiler is the person she attempts to mimic. Encountering someone who has never met the mimicked subject succeeds automatically. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to the character's Faith score. There is no illusion at work here—your character's body actually changes—so other demons may be fooled with this power.

Torment: Monstrous demons can mimic the voice and mannerisms of others, but their Torment invariably bleeds through the disguise and unsettles any witnesses, inspiring feelings of discomfort and paranoia. Roll Willpower for someone who encounters the disguised demon, with a difficulty equal to the Defiler's Torment. If the roll fails, the mortal is so unsettled by the Defiler's presence that she flees the demon's presence.


The Defiler can use this evocation to alter cosmetic features of herself or others. She can change eye color, hair color, skin color and remove scars.

System: Roll Charisma + Subterfuge. The Defiler can alter one cosmetic feature per success rolled. The alterations remain for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Faith score, or they can be made permanent by the expenditure of one Willpower point. Your character must touch a subject if another being is changed. There is no illusion at work here — your character's body or that of another actually changes — so other demons may be fooled with this power.

Torment: Monstrous demons can alter the features of themselves or others almost, but unless they maintain strict control, their Torment can cause disturbing deformities. When your character performs this evocation successfully, make a Willpower roll with a difficulty equal to his Torment. If the roll fails, he or his subject suffers a subtle but unsettling deformity. The difficulties of all Social rolls increase by two due to this deformity.


The Defiler can alter his own physical shape and dimensions, increasing or decreasing height, weight, shoulder width and girth.

System: Roll Charisma + Subterfuge. The Defiler can alter one physical feature per success rolled. Alterations persist for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Faith score, can be dismissed prematurely or can be made permanent by the expenditure of one Willpower point. There is no illusion at work here — your character's body actually changes—so other demons may be fooled with this power.

Torment: Monstrous demons are capable of performing the same evocation, but the potential exists for deformities to warp their appearance. When your character performs this evocation successfully, roll Willpower against a difficulty equal to his Torment. If the roll fails, the Defiler suffers a crippling deformity and losing one point from a Physical Attribute for the duration of the evocation. You choose which Attribute is affected.


This evocation allows the Defiler to alter her appearance completely, based on the expectations of her victim. She assumes the form of the person that the victim expects or wants to see.

System: Spend one Faith point and roll Manipulation + Empathy. The roll is resisted by the target's Willpower ( difficulty 8 ). If your roll succeeds, your character assumes the physical form, voice and mannerisms of a person whom the victim expects to see within the context of the scene. If you wish, your demon can dig deeper into the victim's memories and assume the form of a specific individual for whom that the victim has strong feelings, but doing so increases the difficulty of your roll to 8. If your character attempts to use this evocation on a group of individuals, assuming a form that all of them might expect to see in a given situation, the difficulty increases to 9. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to your character's Faith score, unless terminated prematurely. There is no illusion at work here—your character's body actually changes — so other demons may he fooled with this power.

Torment: When monstrous Defilers perform this evocation, the result is a dark, sinister version of the victim's expectations. The difficulties of all Social rolls to manipulate the subject decrease, by two as any inappropriate feelings or urges that the onlooker has toward the demon may be indulged.


This evocation gives the Defiler complete mastery over the physical features of herself or others. She can transform herself or someone else into the apex of human beauty. She can also condemn those who displease her to a nightmare of twisted flesh.

System: Spend one Faith point and roll Intelligence + Medicine. Your character must touch a subject. A resisted Willpower roll ( difficulty 8 ) is made for a target who refuses the change. If your roll succeeds, your character can alter her (or another's) physical appearance to anything she wishes. If she wants to alter another person's appearance to meet their own specific desires (as opposed to a willing subject's), the difficulty increases to 7. The Appearance Attribute is increased or decreased by one per success achieved in your roll, within the limits of 5 and zero for a mortal. Your character's or a subject's other Attributes and Abilities remain the same, no matter what shape is assumed. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to your Defiler's Faith score, or they can be made permanent by expending one temporary Willpower point. There is no illusion at work here — the body actually changes—so other demons may be fooled with this power.

Torment: Monstrous demons must exercise careful control when performing this evocation, or they risk creating a reflection of their Torment instead. If the evocation is performed successfully, make a Willpower roll with the difficulty equal to your character's Torment. If the roll fails, the subject assumes the form of a hideous monster. Mortals who witness this nightmarish figure flee in terror without a successful Willpower roll ( difficulty 8 ). If a Willpower roll botches, the witness suffers a temporary derangement.



The angels of transfiguration reveal themselves as luminescent figures devoid of identifying feature or expression, haunting in their silence and deliberate grace. Their entire body is a mirror reflecting the moods and thoughts of those around them, shifting like quicksilver amid a riot of conflicting feelings and expressions.

The Visage of Transfiguration confers the following special capabilities:

Enhanced Empathy: The difficulties of all Empathy rolls decrease by two.

Casts No Reflection: The demon's image does not appear in a mirror, nor can it be captured in a photograph or by a video camera.

Pass Without Trace: The difficulties of the character's Stealth rolls decrease by two, and her passage does not disturb the surrounding environment in any way. She leaves no footprints and disturbs no foliage.

Improved Dexterity: Add two to the character's Dexterity.

Torment: Angels of transfiguration who are lost to their Torment lose their luminescence, reflecting their pain and hatred in a series of horrific visions of the Abyss. The creature is a walking panorama of tortured spirits clawing silently at the wall separating them from the physical world.

The Visage of Transfiguration confers the following high-Torment special capabilities:

Claws/Teeth: The character manifests claws and fangs that inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage.

Improved Initiative: Add two to the demon's initiative.

Venom: The demon's claws and teeth are coated with venom. If the Defiler inflicts at least one health level of damage (bashing, lethal or aggravated) in an unarmed attack, a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) is made for the victim every turn thereafter for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Torment score. If a roll fails, the victim suffers one additional health level of lethal damage.

Extra Actions: Faith points can be spent to gain extra actions in a turn at the rate of one point per action. These actions occur in order of descending initiative, so if a Defiler with an initiative of 7 gains an extra action, she take her normal action at 7 and her extra action at 6. You must decide to purchase extra actions at the beginning of a turn before any other actions have been taken.