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;[[Toreador]] -το όνειρο- [[Constantinople]]
;[[Toreador]] -το όνειρο- [[Constantinople -- medieval]]

Revision as of 21:25, 1 February 2018

Toreador -το όνειρο- Constantinople -- medieval





History: Mi-ka-il was born in the Mesopotamian city of Ebla. He became the King's scribe and garnered the attention of Arikel who Embraced him. He spent the next 50 years in Ebla adored as a god in the company of his lover Ma-Ri. When Ebla was captured by the Akkadians, he was taken during the day to Kish on the Euphrates. He never recovered from the loss of Ma-Ri.

To flee from the Akkadians pursuing him, he renamed himself Beshter and traveled across the land for a thousand years. In 500 BCE, Beshter arrived in Byzance to live there for one year. Then he left again for the Seven Hills and to the burgeoning city of Rome. He helped Rome's artists increase their talents. Sometimes, he left to observe the cultures and regions conquered by Rome.

Thereafter, he gave his lands to his progeny and his two lovers, Dracon and Antonius. When the Christian religion became powerful, he adopted it and renamed himself Michael, after the Archangel Michael. By the time Rome was falling from grace, he left with Antonius and the Dracon to live in Byzance. Antonius was the Father symbol in the Trinity, Dracon the Holy Ghost, and Michael was the Son.

"We leave the Eternal City because its heart has long since ceased beating, it dies – and you, the lords of a once-glorious city, hide in its shadows, lost in a maze of your own construction. When our kind looks    back to these times, to the death of yet another era, they will see your accomplishments and wonder what went wrong. But never, as you conceal yourselves, will they know who was responsible, to whom praise or condemnation should be addressed. Your deeds, both great and vile, will be lost to posterity, and all they will call you will be Incognitos." —  Michael's last speech to the Cainites of Rome on the eve of his departure.

The dream lasted for nearly a thousand years,but eventually the tensions among the Trinity and their families became so extreme that they led to Antonius' destruction by the hands of Caius in 796 CE. Antonius' death was mourned by both Michael and the Dracon. The Dream had become dysfunctional leading to Michael's growing insanity and the Dracon abandoning the city.

With this turn of events, Michael assumed the role of the Patriarch, with the faction of the Antonian Ventrue as the Son and the Draconian Tzimisce as the Holy Ghost. His delusions of grandeur, however, led him to believe that he was a true Archangel. His mental instability certainly became aggravated due to the loss of his lovers, it was the decisive demented influence of Gregorius Dimities that threw the Toreador's mind down the well. Michael's haven was a subterranean copy of the great dome of Hagia Sophia, under the great church. After his Final Death, it also became his tomb.

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