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===Adventure Sites===
===Adventure Sites===
;[[Silver Leaf]]


Revision as of 21:56, 1 January 2018


Amn, also known as the Merchant's Domain, was a tremendously wealthy nation in West Faerûn. Prior to the Spellplague and the continent's disappearance, Amn held colonies far away in Maztica. Post-Spellplague it still controlled important trade routes to Calimshan and Baldur's Gate as well as colonial ports in the Moonshaes and Chult. Its population, mostly human with a large minority population of halflings, was historically in the range of 3 million. The country's natural resources and wealth, combined with its mercantile nature led Amn to become one of the most important and influential trading centers throughout Faerûn. The crowning jewel of this powerful state was the capital city of Athkatla, founded in 100 DR or 0 AR in official documents and often known as the "City of Coin."


Geographically, Amn was a fairly small state, though its size was impressive compared with its neighbor and frequent rival, Baldur's Gate. Historically, Amn held several colonies in Maztica but during the Spellplague these disappeared from Toril along with the rest of the continent. However, Amn remained a colonial power through the 15th century DR, primarily through its fortified ports in both Chult and the Moonshae Isles, as well as the Mhair Archipelago.


The weather was pleasant almost all the year round in Amn. At Lake Esmel, the temperature was warmer due to the hot springs. A diverse selection of crops grew very well in Amn, making for a surplus which was traded with other nations. Amn's rainy season was from Uktar to early Tarsakh. The winters were mild with minor freezes and a little snow all across the nation with the exception of Esmeltaran on Lake Esmel. Although the rivers froze over during Hammer, they did not harden enough to make crossing the ice safe. Due to blizzards in the Cloud Peaks over the winter, Nashkel could often become isolated from Athkatla.


Lake Esmel

   A lake located along the eastern border of Amn. Unusually deep, Lake Esmel was home to several hot mineral springs and, according to local legend, a powerful dragon.


Forest of Shadows

Also known as Shilmista, this ancient woodland overlapped with the elven kingdom of Elbereth. Snakewood


=Cloud Peaks

A mountain range at the northern edge of Amn,[10] infested with dangerous monsters but home also to precious gems.[8]

Mount Speartop

The highest point in Amn, three miles above sea level.[3]

Small Teeth

   A mountain range containing many evil humanoids.[10] 

Snowflake Mountains

A range of mountains in West Faerûn.

Troll Mountains

A range of low mountains, so named for the rather intelligent trolls that inhabited their peaks.[10] An enormous 4,000 foot slab resembling a dwarf could be found in the mountains, marking the location of a long-abandoned dwarven city.[10] Also notable for their large deposits of gems.[citation needed]

Towns and Cities

  • Athkatla (pop. 122,000)

The "City of Coin" was the capital and crowning jewel of Amn's kingdom. It was considered a pilgrimage site for followers of Waukeen. Athkatla rested just east of the Trade Way, south of Nashkel and north of Trademeet.

  • Crimmor (pop. 40,000)

A walled trading hub east of Athkatla, just south of the Cloud Peaks along the southern Trade Way. Crimmor was also the open center of Shadow Thief activity.

  • Eshpurta (pop. 24,252, as of 1372 DR)

Amn's main military city, located in the eastern part of the kingdom, south of the Troll Mountains.[10]

  • Esmeltaran (pop. 35,000)

A halfling dominated city in eastern Amn, near Lake Esmel.[11]

  • Keczulla (pop. 47,733)

A gem-mining town that previously contained many gold and iron mines.[10]

  • Purskul (pop. 27,210)

A granary city that was also an important caravan stop.

Adventure Sites

Silver Leaf


Port Nyanzaru (pop. 12,000)

  • A highly profitable Amnian port in Chult, Port Nyanzaru was well-defended, protected by three gates and a high wall.[4]

Snowdown (pop. 20,000)

  • One of the Moonshae Isles, Snowdown was controlled by Amn through the Lady Erliza Daressin.[5]


  • This settlement was once an asylum located on the island of Brynnlaw, off the western coast of Amn, under the command of the Cowled Wizards of Athkatla, used to house the 'deviants' they have found in Amn, practicing magic without an official license.[citation needed] However, it was abandoned during the Hundred Years of Chaos and now is a taboo location for travelers.[11]


Amn, one of Faerûn's youngest nations but also one of its richest, had a brief but crowded history. By the time of the Spellplague, Amn had expanded further than any other Faerûnian power yet, reaching its influence to the shores of the fabled continent of Maztica across the Trackless Sea. There, it remained a local power until, during the cataclysmic events of the Year of Blue Fire the entire continent disappeared, along with all of its inhabitants. Even so, Amn's status as a colonial power was hardly broken and in the absence of its old colonies, the ambitious rulers of the Merchant's Domain instead opened up colonies in the more local arenas of Chult, the Mhair Archipelago, and the Moonshae Isles.[7]
