3/4/2013 Brian's Take: Difference between revisions

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First we have to figure out who and what we are. Always in interesting discussion to figure out what clan(other than your real one) you can look like, and what body you "want". We are trusting a member of the shadow crusade with our identity's. I wanted to temp erase Morgans memory so he could not spew our secret and get our souls eaten. I was overruled; I hope I don't regret that.

We choose to ask help from the shadow crusade for our face/body lift. They hold a deadly secret over us but this is how things work, we can't do everything ourselves. I choose a large black man, and for an extra story for other to consider I have a number of scars similar to that of a slave. I almost choose to jump the gender gap but with my history it mixes the past and the future to much. The slave will have to be enough. Jeremy choose to go with the eastern European escaped prisoner including a very vulgar mouth. This will hopefully be enough to deflect those who are looking for him.

We choose to fly to the airport that is right outside Montreal, in a cargo plane. No need to worry about other passengers. It was a simple thing getting out of the airport until we are jumped outside of the main building by a Sabbet pack. That's ok right....just us Sabbet here....

It worked out but I am very happy we had some good discussion about back story. Morgan even kept to his mostly.....

We were taken to the communal haven. I could easily live there if there were not so many other vampires. But oh well. I am keeping in character at all times. Even when talking about our mission I try to keep in character. We mixed surprisingly well, part of that is due to the scholarly nature of Montreal, and none of us are humanist. I decided it would be to hard to hide my path and my conviction to it. It would dishonor myself, my mentor and the Gods. Not worth it. But it did point me out. I have more focus than I would like, but hiding in the highest possible profile works if you believe it....and I do.

We spent one night in the communal haven, which caused a large number of nightmares. We were treated with a show, a play of mortals showing the story of Cain murdering Abel. I wish there was not so much focus on the pale god, venerating weakness. The death of the mortal playing Abel and embrace of the mortal playing Cain was interesting look into Sabbet culture.

Jeremy (Going by Angel) and myself(Going by Andre) both thought that moving across the river off the island proper would be a good idea. Marius spoke up saying he had a good idea for a haven. Angel, Mai and myself were surprised, Marius with a plan is like a fish kissing a bird. We drove out to his idea of a haven. True be told I would love it as my Ventrue self, but myself as a Brujah thought it sucked.... Mai agreed with me, sadly and took it upon herself to change the beat. I waited for her Sire and the person who holds her under the Tradition of Accounting to say something....directional, sayings about snowballs and hell come to mind... Oh well.

It did give us a few minutes to talk without her there. Angel brought up that he believes that she is a plant from the entity in Haiti, and I agreed with him. Not only that but she has focused the fake (untrue?) Black Hand upon her due to her Setite upbringing, which is almost a crime in and of itself. We also believe she is infected with the Haiti's entity's disease.

Mai decided to bring most of the local high school for a party and food. I cut off the caravan and then waited for her Sire to take care of her and the 4 mortals with her. He looked at her with an open mouth and did nothing. I was forced then to deal with them, I decided to be brutal for his child's sake, she needs to learn that payment is extracted for all mistakes. I piled the corpses at Marius's feet as her mistakes are his problem. Angel scared the rest off with a shotgun, and then Marius burned the bodies. Marius choose to put his child to sleep for the duration.

The next night was a meet and greet for the guest packs and the Vaulderie. This was one of the major reasons not to do this. I have found through everything we have seen that I could do well in the Sabbet. I don't think my sire would approve, and I don't think it would align with our goals for the next 200 years but unlike Angel I think I will enjoy the culture over the time we are here.

We stayed there for the night, tomorrow is the unveiling of the Litany itself.