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'''Sobriquet: '''
'''Sobriquet: '''

'''Appearance: '''
'''Appearance: '''Rather small, Jaroslav is quite a strong man. Seduced by some of the Third Reich's fashion & ideology, he's the typical skinhead : war boots, brushed hair, nazi patches... Combined with is cold (almost alien-like) features, this is more than enough to intimidate most subburban brute...

'''Behavior: '''
'''Behavior: '''Jaroslav always follow the leader. He doesn't speak much and is not attractive nor sympathic. He loves cruelty and enjoys watching suffering and pain. Most of his victims have been badly tortured...

'''History: '''
'''History: '''For mortals living in the Carpathians during the middle of the 18th century, it was perhaps the worst time to live in. That region of Romania was indeed maimed by myriads of conflits between supernatural beings. Kindreds, Lupines, Mages... wars were raging every night to the dismay of the population.

'''Recent Events: '''
Jaroslav was born in 1757. His village was ruled by a Independant Tzimisce named Palinov. As if it was not bad enough, Palinov was at war with a pack of local Lupines. Life was thus harsh, children, women and old men had to take care for themselves as all the village men were enrolled in Palinov's army.
By the time he was fifteen, Jaroslav had seen so many horrors his mind had become somewhat deranged. Nonetheless, he managed to keep his grip on reality and as all the boy of his age he was forced into his Lord's army. He survived lots of battles revealing a brutality and a cruelty which were not so far from the Lupines ones. Thus, he climed the hierachy and finally, at the age of 30, became one of Palinov's top lieutenants.
It was at the moment when Palinov decided he was doomed to loose his war should he continue to use mortals. As he had just learned how to create vohzd, he gathered most of his warriors, ghouled them and began the needed rituals. Some of those men were lucky enough to escape that fate and were insted embraced. Jaroslav, whose demented atrocities were appealing to Palinov, was among the new Cainite.
Jaroslav had been waiting for a long time to become an undead. During his time as a mortal, he had served Palinov as an assistant during the Tzimisce's torture sessions. And he learned many things from those unlucky (and definitely stupid) Vampires who got caught in Palinov's domain. However, when he understood what the blood bond was, he got enraged for he knew he could never use this knowledge.
But Jaroslav soon discovered he was not affected by the Blood Bond. Crying blood tears of joy, he prepared his plan. He managed to learn about the Sabbat, and inform them about the war between this Tzimisce betrayer, and the Lupines. Of course, the reaction was immediate : While his forces were battling the Lupines, Palinov was attacked en masse. Totally surprised, the defendants were crushed.
When Jaroslav finally found his sire, he saw him badly injured but still alive. At first Palinov smiled...
What the Tzimice did during the following years is unknown. He reappeared in Paris within Gianluca's pack. Faithfully serving the Sabbat, he joined his Clan's war against the Antediluvian, turning to the Path of Caine to find the answers he could never search while under the orders of his late Sire.
In truth, besides the fact he's not affected by the Vaulderie, Jaroslav hides the fact he's addicted to Diablerie. Whenever he can act alone, he hunts young and lone Kindred, most often Caitiffs, and sucks them dry.
Many missing cases are due to him. However, one night some weeks ago, he had a big surprise. He had spotted a young Caitiff named Tania whom he planned to 'drink'. But when he attacked her, he was amazed by the fact the Caitiff used Obtenebration to fight and flee. Surprised, the Caitiff succeeded, and left the Tzimisce alone, with his unanswered questions...
Indeed, after tracking that Caitiff for some time, he acquired the conviction that he had fought a Lasombra... Amazed that non-Sabbat Lasombra could quietly hide themselves in Paris, he wondered if the traitor searched by the pack for such a long time could be Gianluca himself. Maybe he could spend some time with those Sabbat from Mexico... But strangely, Alberto has become very friendly...
'''Recent Events: '''Tania has told Francesca about her aggression. Fearing what the Tzimice could reveal, Francesca is taking pain to get him dead. The problem is that the death of the Pack Priest would raise more and more questions...
Jaroslav is addicted to diablerie : he raised from the 10th to the 8th generation (most Diablerie never raised his Generation!). As a result, he's more powerful that what could be expected. Needless to say, his mind his twisted beyond any hope of restauration.
The Tzimice has also got some influence within the neo-nazi milieu; at least one gang of skinheads follows his lead.
Last but not least : Jaroslav is unboundable and no one knows it. He multiply the Vaulderies to build around him a barrier of caring packmates...

Credit to the Author: https:
Credit to the Author: https: https://augias.org/pbn/jaroslav.htm

Revision as of 18:33, 25 November 2016

Paris -P- The Sabbat in Paris -P- [[]]


Appearance: Rather small, Jaroslav is quite a strong man. Seduced by some of the Third Reich's fashion & ideology, he's the typical skinhead : war boots, brushed hair, nazi patches... Combined with is cold (almost alien-like) features, this is more than enough to intimidate most subburban brute...

Behavior: Jaroslav always follow the leader. He doesn't speak much and is not attractive nor sympathic. He loves cruelty and enjoys watching suffering and pain. Most of his victims have been badly tortured...

History: For mortals living in the Carpathians during the middle of the 18th century, it was perhaps the worst time to live in. That region of Romania was indeed maimed by myriads of conflits between supernatural beings. Kindreds, Lupines, Mages... wars were raging every night to the dismay of the population.

Jaroslav was born in 1757. His village was ruled by a Independant Tzimisce named Palinov. As if it was not bad enough, Palinov was at war with a pack of local Lupines. Life was thus harsh, children, women and old men had to take care for themselves as all the village men were enrolled in Palinov's army.

By the time he was fifteen, Jaroslav had seen so many horrors his mind had become somewhat deranged. Nonetheless, he managed to keep his grip on reality and as all the boy of his age he was forced into his Lord's army. He survived lots of battles revealing a brutality and a cruelty which were not so far from the Lupines ones. Thus, he climed the hierachy and finally, at the age of 30, became one of Palinov's top lieutenants.

It was at the moment when Palinov decided he was doomed to loose his war should he continue to use mortals. As he had just learned how to create vohzd, he gathered most of his warriors, ghouled them and began the needed rituals. Some of those men were lucky enough to escape that fate and were insted embraced. Jaroslav, whose demented atrocities were appealing to Palinov, was among the new Cainite.

Jaroslav had been waiting for a long time to become an undead. During his time as a mortal, he had served Palinov as an assistant during the Tzimisce's torture sessions. And he learned many things from those unlucky (and definitely stupid) Vampires who got caught in Palinov's domain. However, when he understood what the blood bond was, he got enraged for he knew he could never use this knowledge.

But Jaroslav soon discovered he was not affected by the Blood Bond. Crying blood tears of joy, he prepared his plan. He managed to learn about the Sabbat, and inform them about the war between this Tzimisce betrayer, and the Lupines. Of course, the reaction was immediate : While his forces were battling the Lupines, Palinov was attacked en masse. Totally surprised, the defendants were crushed.

When Jaroslav finally found his sire, he saw him badly injured but still alive. At first Palinov smiled...

What the Tzimice did during the following years is unknown. He reappeared in Paris within Gianluca's pack. Faithfully serving the Sabbat, he joined his Clan's war against the Antediluvian, turning to the Path of Caine to find the answers he could never search while under the orders of his late Sire.

In truth, besides the fact he's not affected by the Vaulderie, Jaroslav hides the fact he's addicted to Diablerie. Whenever he can act alone, he hunts young and lone Kindred, most often Caitiffs, and sucks them dry.

Many missing cases are due to him. However, one night some weeks ago, he had a big surprise. He had spotted a young Caitiff named Tania whom he planned to 'drink'. But when he attacked her, he was amazed by the fact the Caitiff used Obtenebration to fight and flee. Surprised, the Caitiff succeeded, and left the Tzimisce alone, with his unanswered questions...

Indeed, after tracking that Caitiff for some time, he acquired the conviction that he had fought a Lasombra... Amazed that non-Sabbat Lasombra could quietly hide themselves in Paris, he wondered if the traitor searched by the pack for such a long time could be Gianluca himself. Maybe he could spend some time with those Sabbat from Mexico... But strangely, Alberto has become very friendly...

Recent Events: Tania has told Francesca about her aggression. Fearing what the Tzimice could reveal, Francesca is taking pain to get him dead. The problem is that the death of the Pack Priest would raise more and more questions...

Jaroslav is addicted to diablerie : he raised from the 10th to the 8th generation (most Diablerie never raised his Generation!). As a result, he's more powerful that what could be expected. Needless to say, his mind his twisted beyond any hope of restauration.

The Tzimice has also got some influence within the neo-nazi milieu; at least one gang of skinheads follows his lead.

Last but not least : Jaroslav is unboundable and no one knows it. He multiply the Vaulderies to build around him a barrier of caring packmates...

Credit to the Author: https: https://augias.org/pbn/jaroslav.htm