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The Hedayat Iman plays a vital role in the lives on the Ashirra, complementing the faith of those seeking to make the pilgrimage to the holy places of Islam. Prayer plays a central role in all the manifestations of this path, serving as a focus for the caster and a means of conveying his intent to the subject. Used principally by the Hajj (and exclusively by them after the Mongol invasion), this aspect of sihr is tightly controlled and thus survives much of the corruption of the coming centuries.

1) Saut Allah (Voice of God)
Intended to motivate and inspire, the Saut Allah power fortifies the Ashirra's followers and prepares them for the rigors ahead. The caster leads the target(s) of the invocation in prayer toward Mecca, chanting the shahada for at least an hour, focusing their thoughts and directing them inwards to identify strengths and weaknesses. The caster may only use Saut Allah to guide others to understanding. He may not use the power on himself.
System: After the allotted time for prayer, the player using Saut Allah spends a blood point and rolls Charisma + Leadership against a difficulty of 7 (minus 1 per hour of prayer). Each success allows the caster to grant one member of the target group an extra point of temporary Willpower that remains until dawn. Each character may only gain one point of Willpower in this manner. A botch indicates that rather than focusing the target's will, the prayer session has undermined the subject's confidence, reducing the temporary willpower of each listener by one.

2) Nuzra Allah (Prescience of God)
A defensive power intended to protect practitioners of the Hedayat Iman from subjects who loose control, the Nuzra Allah plays a major role in maintaining order among Cainites who visit the holy sites to Madina and Mecca. The caster can attempt to exert his will over the subject (usually a frenzied vampire), hopefully forestalling aggression long enough for the subject to regain control. The caster must first make eye contact with the target while praying. In most cases, the caster recites the shahada through any prayer that reaffirms the Ashirra's faith in god may be used.
System: Once the character has established eye contact while issuing the short 'shahada prayer, the player spends a blood point and makes a Willpower roll against a difficulty equal to the subject's Willpower. If successful, the subject is unable to attack the caster so long as eye contact is maintained, nor may she take any other action without her player first expending a Willpower point. the player can spend a point to have her character break eye contact, but the caster's player gets to make an immediate Manipulation + Intimidation roll difficulty 6) to reestablish eye contact. If the result of the original casting roll is a botch, the target player makes a Self-Control/Instinct roll (difficulty 4) to avoid frenzy. If the caster is interrupted after seizing their opponent, he must make another Willpower roll or else lose control of the subject. Only one person can be targeted by this power at one time.

3) Ruh Allah (Spirit of God)
The Ruh Allah aids a Cainite to regain control and bring them out of frenzy by means of their faith. While using this power, the caster chants the shahada, which the frenzied Cainite uses as a focus for her efforts to regain control, reaffirming her belief in God's wisdom. The Ruh Allah does not, however, provide any means of controlling the target and is thus often used in conjunction with the Nuzra Allah to maintain order among Cainites at the holy sites of Islam.
System: The character begins to pray aloud, the player spends a blood point and makes a Charisma + Leadership roll against the Willpower of a single frenzied target. Subtract each success from 10. When the target's Road rating is reached, the frenzy ends. This process may take place over multiple turns, but if the caster is interrupted (he stops praying), all the successes accrued to that point are lost. Any botch result likewise negates all the successes and requires the player to make a Self-Control roll (against a difficulty of 10 - Willpower) or have his own character enter frenzy as a result of the emotional backlash.

4) Ghadub Allah (Wrath of God)
Mostly a more sophisticated version of the Nuzra Allah, the Ghadub allah allows the halting of an attack without the need for eye contact. It relies solely on the will and devotion on the caster and can be used against any character capable of hearing his prayer. the same call can also be used to help stave off frenzy among the faithful. Hajj muezzins use this power to summon Ashirra to prayer at the holiest sites of Islam and extend the calm of their faith upon them.
System: The Ghadub Allah functions in two distinct ways. The first works in the same manner as the Nuzra Allah save that the caster need only be aware of the attack, not in eye contact with the target. Even characters incapable of hearing the caster's prayer are still affected by the Ghadub Allah: the sound of the caster's prayer serves as a conduit for the power's effect, but hearing (or even comprehension) are not required for it to work. Only one person can be targeted by this power.
The second use is as a supernatural muezzin's call. The character makes the traditional call to prayer, and the player spends a blood point and rolls Charisma + Expression (difficulty 6). Even a single success reduces the difficulty of resisting frenzy by one among all Muslim vampires who can hear the call. Additional successes do not further reduce the difficulty but do extend the effect, which lasts for one hour per success.

5) Kubda Allah (Fist of God)
Also called the Rite of Submission, the Kubda Allah allows a practitioner of the Hedayat Iman to demand the submission of an opponent. by means of prayer and willpower, the caster seems to crush the unlife out of his opponent, using the force of Allah's will to destroy the enemy's resolve. Use of the Kubda allah is, however, regarded by some Ashirra as evil, involving as it dos the domination of another mind. As such, the power is only known to a handful of Ahsirra whom Tarique al-Hajji regards as trustworthy and sufficiently restrained to use the power for good.
System: After the character makes eye contact and starts praying loud, the player spends a blood point and makes a Willpower roll against a difficulty equal to the target's Willpower. If the target does not immediately submit to the caster's will, each success causes two levels of bashing damage. If the target submits, he may not attack the caster until dusk the next day. A botched roll indicates that the caster suffers two levels of bashing damage.