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[[Divine Host|'''Divine Host''']] <br>
[[Lore of the Host]] <br>
* Fuel
* Fuel
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The best idea upon seeing a angel evoke this, then, is to flee. Quickly.
The best idea upon seeing a angel evoke this, then, is to flee. Quickly.
[[Category: Demon: The Fallen]]
[[Category: Demon: The Fallen Lores]]

Revision as of 10:50, 4 April 2015

Lore of the Host

  • Fuel

The angels command of flames allows her to fuel existing fires with the power of her Faith, turning a simple source of heat into a raging inferno with a thought.

    • Ignite

A angels mastery of fire as a fundamental force of Creation allows him to inspire its existence at will. They may cause flammable objects to burst into flames anywhere within a few yards of them. Gasoline, gunpowder and other explosives are easy to ignite, metal would be extremely difficult. Water and other strictly non-flammables can not be ignited. The fire produced is no more intense than a natural flame.

      • Command the Flame

The angels mastery of flame allows her to direct a fire by the force of her will - the blaze swells, shrinks, moves and consumes all that she commands.

        • Holocaust

This evocation is the ultimate expression of the power of fire. It consumes in order to make way for new life by transforming divine energy into cleansing flames. The angel must physically touch her intended target to perform the evocation. Not only does the victim take aggravated damage from the assault, but they also lose Faith to the cleansing fire (or Blood Points, Gnosis, Pathos, or whichever other "fuel" the creature runs on). This power may also be used on physical objects, though most objects have no more than a single point of Faith. Holy relics will likely have more. When an object (not a living being) loses all points of Faith stored within it, it is reduced to ashes, meaning this power can be used to burn objects apart at a much quicker rate than a natural fire would.

          • Ride the Flames

By performing this potent evocation, a angel does not merely command the fire, she is the fire, transforming her physical body into flame and directing it by the power of her will. Upon evoking this power, a angel has two options. She can either join her essence with an existing blaze, or become a pillar of fire by igniting her available Faith. In either case, the angels body literally transforms into flame, consuming her clothes and any possessions she carried. Once transformed, the angel is a formless mass that shifts size and shape according to her will. She may effectively travel anywhere air can go - under doors, through crevices, etc. The fire of the angels body is unaffected by water or other fire-suppression technology, as it is fueled by faith instead of a mere chemical reaction. The drawback to this condition is that the fire must be fed continually by the character's willpower, or it dies out. The obvious result for any more than a half a minute of using this power is total mental exhaustion of the angel, as they are quickly run out of willpower. If they do, or if they choose not to continue willing the fire to burn, the character transforms back into her physical form. This also happens if, for any reason, the fire shrinks to less than one square foot.

The best idea upon seeing a angel evoke this, then, is to flee. Quickly.