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A schism exists between metamorphosists who serve the Sabbat and those who do not.  The latter, while rare, are strong in Eastern Europe, particularly the traditional Tzimisce Homland in the Carpathian Mountains.  Independent changers care little for sect ideology and routine hire themselves out to Kindred of any clan or side if they think they can obtain useful data or favors in return.  Persistent rumor states that a small brood of Tzimisce metamorphosists serves the Inner Circle of the Camarilla, despite the surface implausability of such an alliance.
A schism exists between metamorphosists who serve the Sabbat and those who do not.  The latter, while rare, are strong in Eastern Europe, particularly the traditional Tzimisce Homland in the Carpathian Mountains.  Independent changers care little for sect ideology and routine hire themselves out to Kindred of any clan or side if they think they can obtain useful data or favors in return.  Persistent rumor states that a small brood of Tzimisce metamorphosists serves the Inner Circle of the Camarilla, despite the surface implausability of such an alliance.

The fact remains, though, that elder followers of the path are among the most intelligent, perceptive creatures in existence.  The Sabbat grudglingly lets these creatures come, go and do as they please.  When elder and sect aims correspond, the freaks serve as masterminds, strategists and warlocks beyond compare.  When respective needs are not in synch, Sabbat leadership onl hopes that the sect can keep out of the way.
The fact remains, though, that elder followers of the path are among the most intelligent, perceptive creatures in existence.  The Sabbat grudglingly lets these creatures come, go and do as they please.  When elder and sect aims correspond, the freaks serve as masterminds, strategists and warlocks beyond compare.  When respective needs are not in synch, Sabbat leadership only hopes that the sect can keep out of the way.

'''History''': The raw rudiments of this path have developed in the Balkans for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.  The path as it's understood today flowered during the Renissance and was refined during the Age of Enlightenment and later.  It is ironic that those beings who would cast away all kinship with mortals owe some of their tenets to humans' development of the scientific method.
Prior to that time, even vampires largely held to the idea of platonic forms.  While the Tzimisce sprang largely from pagan stock, the notion of progression from lower to higher form was largely alien to them at first.  At some point during the Roman era, a few ''koldun'' conceived the idea of "becoming one with the gods" or "spirits" by consuming divine essence. 
From this base, the ''kolduns' '' thought progressed to becoming "one with the land," a mystical amalgamation of life, spirit and blood.  Roman soldiers in the Balkans spoke of the "genius loci," the animate life of the Old Country itself.  Tzimisce ''koldun'' worshiped various genius loci, sought their havens and consumed them to become the new masters of the domain.  In the process, legend says they transformed from mere Cainites into vast entities of titanic power.
For a time, following the coming of Christianity into the region, this myth-cycle was lost, passed down only among the oldest bloodlines.  The idea of gradual progression into not only more potent blood, but to a higher stage of life itself remained dormant for centuries, until the coming of Darwinian and Lamarckian theories.

Revision as of 09:35, 4 May 2014

The Roads

Sobrequiet: Metamorphosists (occasionally "Changers" or "Freaks")

Some Paths of Enlightenment are simply specific ways of looking at the world. They're taken to inhuman extremes, but they're founded on a human basis. Not so the Path of Metamorphosis. The braincild of Clan Tzimisce, this calling concentrates on alienation, cultivation of inhumanity, and ultimately on escaping all humane traits the way a butterfly breaks free from its cocoon.

The basic doctrine of the path is that humanity is but a precursor to the more evolved state of vampirism, and vampirism is a prelude to something else... sometimes wonderous and terrible. As partly evolved beings, it is Cainites' sacred duty to continue the process of change and refinement into a state of early apotheosis.

Perhaps characteristically, adherence to this path is an indiviudalistic rather than communal endeavor. Devotees are competitive at best, outright rivals or foes at worst. Each vampire must walk the path by herself. while followers often ally to accomplish temporal ends or to discuss general matters of spirituality, received more than mere rudiments of knowledge from other paths is considered weakness and dullness.

Also, unlike many paths, Metamorphosis advocates specific route to enlightenment. There are certainly rules to obey, techniques to follow and prohibitions to honor, but the following is ultimately a function of intuition and experience. Teachers understand that a student's destiny might be to fail, not succeed. Failures are not only expected but occasionally encouraged object lessons.

All told, the path sometimes presents an element that the Sabbat finds unharmonious, even divisive. It is only the influence of the Tzimisce and the usefulness of its members that keeps the path from being scourged from the sect altogether.

Basic Beliefs: Like all paths, metamorphosis seeks to free its members from the Beast's chains. The creature within is not considered even in and of itself, but as a burden that restricts a vampire to a low state of being. The Beast is a fine lens for exploring the world - thus, metamorphosists tend to have high Instinct ratings - but it can make an unwary vampire fatally short-sighted.

Most changers belong to the Sabbat, but they view the sect as a laboratory and tool rather than a holy institution. In truth, they would not act much differently if they were Camarilla or independent. Every vampire differes, of course, but as a rule, metamorphosists view and carry out their sect duties in dutiful but not inspired fashion.

Though Sabbat, many adherents fear the impending gehenna If it happens to soon, they may not be ready. Philosophers estimate that it will take at least another century of experimentation and research before the highest truths of Metamorphosis are revealed - a century they might not have. Thus, certain changers do everything in their power to delay Gehenna. Some seek a sudden, overwhelming assault against hte Camarilla. Others hope to use delaying tactics in an attempt to stabalize the Jyhaad on both sides of the sect divide (which is treason by Sabbat standards). A few even dare to postulate approaching certain leaders of the Camarilla, declaring a secret truce and purging both sects of sufficient Antediluvian influence to delay if not avoid the impending reckoning.

Description of Followers: Metamorphosists are just plain weird. Invariably, they develop high levels of teh Vicissitude Discipline, then use it to assume ever-changing but always inhuman or quasi-human forms.

Most practitioners are members of the Tzimisce clan. The philosophy simply doesn't appeal to very many other Cainites, even ones who've developed the Vicissitude power. Given that metamorphosists withdraw from undead society by necessity, the path doesn't take well among more sociable Cainites.

Still, a few Sabbat and others come forward. Gangrel, with their Protean Discipline are sometimes accepted, then taught the "true way" of Vicissitude. A few Serpents of the Light answer the call. Generally, metamorphosists perefer Cainites from stock perceived as "strong" and old: Ventrue, Toreador, Lasombra, and even Nosferatu. Given their own limitations and animalistic nature, Nosferatu find teh path particularly appealing. Tremere and Panders, as "weak-blooded," tend to be discriminated against, though there are exceptions.

Sabbat metamorphosists serve the sect distractedly at best. The path is simply too individualistic to allow for much pack cohesion. (At the Storyteller's option, Vinculum ratings for metamorphosists can be cut in half, courtesy of ongoing rituals developed by elder path followers.)

A schism exists between metamorphosists who serve the Sabbat and those who do not. The latter, while rare, are strong in Eastern Europe, particularly the traditional Tzimisce Homland in the Carpathian Mountains. Independent changers care little for sect ideology and routine hire themselves out to Kindred of any clan or side if they think they can obtain useful data or favors in return. Persistent rumor states that a small brood of Tzimisce metamorphosists serves the Inner Circle of the Camarilla, despite the surface implausability of such an alliance.

The fact remains, though, that elder followers of the path are among the most intelligent, perceptive creatures in existence. The Sabbat grudglingly lets these creatures come, go and do as they please. When elder and sect aims correspond, the freaks serve as masterminds, strategists and warlocks beyond compare. When respective needs are not in synch, Sabbat leadership only hopes that the sect can keep out of the way.

History: The raw rudiments of this path have developed in the Balkans for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. The path as it's understood today flowered during the Renissance and was refined during the Age of Enlightenment and later. It is ironic that those beings who would cast away all kinship with mortals owe some of their tenets to humans' development of the scientific method.

Prior to that time, even vampires largely held to the idea of platonic forms. While the Tzimisce sprang largely from pagan stock, the notion of progression from lower to higher form was largely alien to them at first. At some point during the Roman era, a few koldun conceived the idea of "becoming one with the gods" or "spirits" by consuming divine essence.

From this base, the kolduns' thought progressed to becoming "one with the land," a mystical amalgamation of life, spirit and blood. Roman soldiers in the Balkans spoke of the "genius loci," the animate life of the Old Country itself. Tzimisce koldun worshiped various genius loci, sought their havens and consumed them to become the new masters of the domain. In the process, legend says they transformed from mere Cainites into vast entities of titanic power.

For a time, following the coming of Christianity into the region, this myth-cycle was lost, passed down only among the oldest bloodlines. The idea of gradual progression into not only more potent blood, but to a higher stage of life itself remained dormant for centuries, until the coming of Darwinian and Lamarckian theories.