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• I create this ritual for allowing to use level six and seven rituals then  using him for access for discipline must be discussed with storyteller
• I create this ritual for allowing to use level six and seven rituals then  using him for access for discipline must be discussed with storyteller
==Level Six Rituals==  
===Level Six Rituals===  
===Bedlam Song===  
====Bedlam Song====  
Target Number of Successes: Varies The Bedlam Song is a poem. Anyone who  hears a Weirdling recite this rhyme, from beginning to end, becomes  catatonically insane, repeating limericks and couplets over and over until she  collapses. Perfected during the medieval times, this power mimics the sort of  conditions peasants’ thought were indicative of possession. More than just  crowd control, the afflicted will forego sustenance, and may perish from thirst  or starvation.   
Target Number of Successes: Varies The Bedlam Song is a poem. Anyone who  hears a Weirdling recite this rhyme, from beginning to end, becomes  catatonically insane, repeating limericks and couplets over and over until she  collapses. Perfected during the medieval times, this power mimics the sort of  conditions peasants’ thought were indicative of possession. More than just  crowd control, the afflicted will forego sustenance, and may perish from thirst  or starvation.   
System: The Kiasyd whispers a rhyme into her victim’s ear and spends four  Blood points. A Manipulation + Occult check is required, where the difficulty is  equal to the permanent Willpower rating of the target. The effects last for a  period equal to the number of successes: victims babble and repeat the rhyme  continuously, exhausting themselves. People in this condition need to be cared  for, as they will not eat or drink water, or even vitae. A Kindred affected by  Bedlam Song will eventually enter torpor if she is not fed necessary amounts of  blood. The affected can make a Willpower check (difficulty 8) once per hour to  attempt to temporarily lessen the effects enough to eat or feed.   
System: The Kiasyd whispers a rhyme into her victim’s ear and spends four  Blood points. A Manipulation + Occult check is required, where the difficulty is  equal to the permanent Willpower rating of the target. The effects last for a  period equal to the number of successes: victims babble and repeat the rhyme  continuously, exhausting themselves. People in this condition need to be cared  for, as they will not eat or drink water, or even vitae. A Kindred affected by  Bedlam Song will eventually enter torpor if she is not fed necessary amounts of  blood. The affected can make a Willpower check (difficulty 8) once per hour to  attempt to temporarily lessen the effects enough to eat or feed.<br>  
Side Effect: Botching releases Wyld magic effects.  
Side Effect: Botching releases Wyld magic effects.  
Level Seven Rituals  
===Level Seven Rituals===
===Dance of Pan===   
====Dance of Pan====   
Target Number of Successes: 5 In order to learn this ritual, casters must also  know Bedlam Song. The Kiasyd begins the ritual by herself dancing and  chanting the Dance of Pan. Weak-willed witnesses give into the dancing fit upon  sight. They dance until the spell wears off, or they pass out from exhaustion.  When they wake, if still under the effects of Dance of Pan, they immediately  begin gyrating and dancing again until either the effects wear off or they  collapse dead. The dance is highly contagious, and sometimes if you see the  people dancing, you too could become its victim. Entire villages have been  affected by this Darkling ability. It is rumored that the most famous outbreak of  St. Vitus’ Fire, in 1585 in Strasbourg, was started by Marconius.  
Target Number of Successes: 5 In order to learn this ritual, casters must also  know Bedlam Song. The Kiasyd begins the ritual by herself dancing and  chanting the Dance of Pan. Weak-willed witnesses give into the dancing fit upon  sight. They dance until the spell wears off, or they pass out from exhaustion.  When they wake, if still under the effects of Dance of Pan, they immediately  begin gyrating and dancing again until either the effects wear off or they  collapse dead. The dance is highly contagious, and sometimes if you see the  people dancing, you too could become its victim. Entire villages have been  affected by this Darkling ability. It is rumored that the most famous outbreak of  St. Vitus’ Fire, in 1585 in Strasbourg, was started by Marconius.  
System: The caster rolls Manipulation + Performance (difficulty 8). Anyone who  sees or hears the ritual being performed must make a Willpower check  
System: The caster rolls Manipulation + Performance (difficulty 8). Anyone who  sees or hears the ritual being performed must make a Willpower check  
(difficulty 8) or become enchanted with the dance. Those affected dance  ecstatically, mumbling the words to the chant (an extended version of Bedlam  Song). Those who witness victims of Dance of Pan may also be affected and  must make a Willpower check (difficulty 6) or become compelled to dance  themselves. The number of successes rolled determines the duration of the  affliction  
(difficulty 8) or become enchanted with the dance. Those affected dance  ecstatically, mumbling the words to the chant (an extended version of Bedlam  Song). Those who witness victims of Dance of Pan may also be affected and  must make a Willpower check (difficulty 6) or become compelled to dance  themselves. The number of successes rolled determines the duration of the  affliction: <br>
1 success 1 hour   
* 1 success 1 hour   
2 successes 2 hours   
* 2 successes 2 hours   
3 successes 1 night   
* 3 successes 1 night   
4 successes 2 nights   
* 4 successes 2 nights   
5 successes+ 1 week   
* 5 successes+ 1 week   
Every hour a victim dances, she must make a Stamina check (difficulty 4). A  botch indicates she takes a level of Lethal damage. Enough botches can prove  deadly to mortals.   
Every hour a victim dances, she must make a Stamina check (difficulty 4). A  botch indicates she takes a level of Lethal damage. Enough botches can prove  deadly to mortals.   
Side Effect: Botching releases Wyld magic effects  
Side Effect: Botching releases Wyld magic effects  
===Marconian Alchemy===  
====Marconian Alchemy====  
Bloodline Kiasyd of the Lasombra often set their origins to the unparalleled  alchemical might of their founder, the ex-magi Marconius, creating a brew that  utterly transformed himself into the very first of their kind. Yet, it is also more  rarely said that Marconius was an unfortunate target of a trio of his Lasombra  clan-mates, fed a vile potion bought off an unnamed mage then forced deep  into a lake under the full moon seeking knowledge unknown. Whatever the  truth is, the Kiasyd are deeply tied to the ways of alchemy.   
Bloodline Kiasyd of the Lasombra often set their origins to the unparalleled  alchemical might of their founder, the ex-magi Marconius, creating a brew that  utterly transformed himself into the very first of their kind. Yet, it is also more  rarely said that Marconius was an unfortunate target of a trio of his Lasombra  clan-mates, fed a vile potion bought off an unnamed mage then forced deep  into a lake under the full moon seeking knowledge unknown. Whatever the  truth is, the Kiasyd are deeply tied to the ways of alchemy.  <br>
It runs in their veins as much as the abyss, and ever since their inception they  have studied it. For centuries, Marconian Alchemy was only known to  Macronius’ now-fractured mind as the Kiasyd did all they could to unlock it. All  they gained was a vitae taste profile finer than a Ventrue, the ability to create  cocktails blended with blood any kindred could enjoy, and a knack to rend  
It runs in their veins as much as the abyss, and ever since their inception they  have studied it. For centuries, Marconian Alchemy was only known to  Macronius’ now-fractured mind as the Kiasyd did all they could to unlock it. All  they gained was a vitae taste profile finer than a Ventrue, the ability to create  cocktails blended with blood any kindred could enjoy, and a knack to rend bonds off blood — that is, until the 19th century. In the early 1800s, Kiasyd  everywhere in quick succession began discovering how to properly use vitae in  alchemical solutions as Marconius was said to, leading to many great leaps  forwards in the bloodline’s research.   
bonds off blood — that is, until the 19th century. In the early 1800s, Kiasyd  everywhere in quick succession began discovering how to properly use vitae in  alchemical solutions as Marconius was said to, leading to many great leaps  forwards in the bloodline’s research.   
The Victorian era is looked back on fondly by many Kiasyd of age for this  reason, seeing it natural this innovation happens in the era they see as  perfection of culture. Many Kiasyd argue on what caused this seemingly sudden  access to the wide field of Alchemy. Some claim this is due to the awakening of  Hrotsuitha, their founder’s sacrificed sister, while others mundanely state after  a near millennium of research, it would be more surprising if nothing had been  achieved. Learning Marconian Alchemy requires several components.  <br>
The Victorian era is looked back on fondly by many Kiasyd of age for this  reason, seeing it natural this innovation happens in the era they see as  perfection of culture. Many Kiasyd argue on what caused this seemingly sudden  access to the wide field of Alchemy. Some claim this is due to the awakening of  Hrotsuitha, their founder’s sacrificed sister, while others mundanely state after  a near millennium of research, it would be more surprising if nothing had been  achieved. Learning Marconian Alchemy requires several components.   
The alchemist must have at least one dot in both Mytherceria and one dot in  Occult and Science. Such a character may not learn any Marconian Alchemy  formulae rated higher than her Mytherceria or Occult score (whichever is  lower). If all the requirements are met to learn Marconian Alchemy, the vampire  automatically gains a single Level One formula. To learn further formulae, the  alchemist must find someone to teach her, learn the formulae from a rare  scroll, tome, or other archive, or risk her assets by experimenting with reagents  and vitae. Learning a new formulae can take anywhere from a few nights (Level  One formulae) to months or years (Level Five formulae). As a rule, being taught  a formula takes less time than learning via trial and error. Every formula requires ingredients and reagents to work — these are noted in the description  of each formulae. Unless stated otherwise, a formula takes 10 minutes to  complete. Brewing a formula requires a bar or laboratory to work in and a  successful Intelligence + Crafts roll, for which the difficulty equals 3 + the level  of the formula (maximum 9). Only one success is required for a formula to  work, though certain formulae may require more successes or have variable  effects based on how well the alchemist’s roll goes. Should a roll to brew a  formula fail, the Storyteller is encouraged to create particularly strange  consequences or side effects; Marconian Alchemy is based deeply on faeish  magic and is subsequently inherently unpredictable and dangerous. A botched  brewing roll may even indicate a far worse fate, such as bizarre, dangerous  coincidences or being hunted by illusionary entities. Nearly every Marconian  Alchemy formula has side effects associated with imbibing them, due to both  the recent nature of the craft and its inherent faeish unpredictability.
The alchemist must have at least one dot in both Mytherceria and one dot in  Occult and Science. Such a character may not learn any Marconian Alchemy  formulae rated higher than her Mytherceria or Occult score (whichever is  lower). If all the requirements are met to learn Marconian Alchemy, the vampire  automatically gains a single Level One formula. To learn further formulae, the  alchemist must find someone to teach her, learn the formulae from a rare  scroll, tome, or other archive, or risk her assets by experimenting with reagents  and vitae. Learning a new formulae can take anywhere from a few nights (Level  One formulae) to months or years (Level Five formulae). As a rule, being taught  a formula takes less time than learning via trial and error. Every formula requires ingredients and reagents to work — these are noted in the description  of each formulae. Unless stated otherwise, a formula takes 10 minutes to  complete. Brewing a formula requires a bar or laboratory to work in and a  successful Intelligence + Crafts roll, for which the difficulty equals 3 + the level  of the formula (maximum 9). Only one success is required for a formula to  work, though certain formulae may require more successes or have variable  effects based on how well the alchemist’s roll goes. Should a roll to brew a  formula fail, the Storyteller is encouraged to create particularly strange  consequences or side effects; Marconian Alchemy is based deeply on faeish  magic and is subsequently inherently unpredictable and dangerous. A botched  brewing roll may even indicate a far worse fate, such as bizarre, dangerous  coincidences or being hunted by illusionary entities. Nearly every Marconian  Alchemy formula has side effects associated with imbibing them, due to both  the recent nature of the craft and its inherent faeish unpredictability.

Revision as of 20:27, 20 October 2024


Mytherceria is a unique discipline rooted in the ancient and mysterious powers of the fae, that manifests in faerie-blooded vampires such as the Kiasyd and Maeghar. It grants the vampire mystical senses, the ability to steal knowledge, and other powers attributed to fae.

Similar like Tremere first learning Path of Blood most faerie-blooded vampires first know Path of Avaricious of course vampire may start in different path Paths define the types of magic a vampire can perform. A vampire typically learns his primary path from his sire, though it is not unknown for some vampires to study under many different tutors


Path of Avaricious

• Fae Sight

The Kiasyd’s knowledge of magic isn’t just theoretical. Their strangely-colored eyes are capable of detecting the arcane energies of the fae, as well as magic from other, more esoteric sources. They are not, however, capable of using this power to detect the residue of ghosts or vampiric magic. System: The Kiasyd sees faeries and other faetouched mortals for what they really are, with no roll required. Additionally, the player can detect any form of magic that does not stem from ghosts or the undead, including magic from mages, werewolves, and other such odd sources. The character can recognize these for what they truly are, provided he has seen similar effects before.(may use in the same tima Shroudplay for better effect)

•• Folderol

The Kiasyd can cleave truth from lies. The exact effect varies from vampire to vampire. Some Kiasyd experience bleeding from the eyes or ears when they hear a lie, while some Weirdlings’ eyes glow when told a falsehood. Whatever the effect, this power detects lies, not mistakes, meaning that a target has to know he is lying in order for this power to work. System: The character knows when a target is deliberately lying. No roll or expenditure is necessary for this power to work, but the character must deliberately activate it. Note that this power does not provide any insight into what the truth might be, nor does it enable the vampire to tell if a target is simply stating something false that he believes to be true.(no cost must declare activation)

••• Aura Absorption

The Kiasyd is capable of seeing images of events and emotions past by touching an object or an area. However, unlike the Auspex Power The Spirit’s Touch, this power absorbs the images, making them harder for other beings with similar powers to access. Anyone attempting to use this power, Spirit’s Touch, or a similar ability to see what the Kiasyd has seen finds that the images are hard to hold, slipping through his mind’s eye like minnows through a stream. System: The player must make a Perception + Empathy roll. The difficulty is determined by the Stoyteller based on the age of the impressions and the mental and spiritual strength of the person who left them. The number of successes determines the amount of information gained, both in terms of images of the scene when the object was being held or touched, and the nature of the person who was holding the object. One scene-type image and one aspect of the person’s identity (Nature, Demeanor, aura, name, sex, or age) becomes clear for each success the player garners on the roll. Anyone attempting to use this power or The Spirit’s Touch on the same object subsequently must accumulate more successes than the Kiasyd did to get any impression at all. The first Kiasyd’s successes subtract from the number of successes scored by anyone trying to read the object thereafter.(1 blood point cost)

•••• Chanjelin Ward

The vampire inscribes a ward on an object, a location, or a person. That ward disorients and befuddles anyone that sees it, meaning that even if an intruder can penetrate a Weirdling’s security and steal an object of value, he’s unlikely to be able to find his way to the exit. Spiteful Kiasyd use these wards as punishment — one story tells of a Weirdling that drew a ward on an enemy’s shirt as dawn approached, and then watched (from safety) as the unfortunate vampire burned in the sun, unable to remember which way to run.
System: The vampire creating the ward inscribes the symbol in a visible location — on a library door, bookshelf, or an individual’s clothing — and the player rolls Intelligence + Larceny (difficulty 7 for inanimate objects, or the subject’s current Willpower +2). Anyone entering the warded area or touching the warded object loses two dice from her Intelligence dice pools as long as she maintains contact with or proximity to the ward. Additionally, anyone seeing the ward becomes addled and lost unless she succeeds on a Wits + Investigation roll (difficulty 8). If they victim is exposed to several wards all at once, then they will need to roll to resist each such ward individually. As soon as they fail to resist any ward, then they are affected as if by the most potent ward present only (even if it was one they'd already managed to resist); the effects of multiple wards don't stack. The Kiasyd is immune to his own wards. The glyphs last for a duration indicated by the number of successes on the Intelligence + Larceny roll (2 Blood point cost time 3 round 18-30s) Successes Duration

  • 1 success One hour
  • 2 successes One night
  • 3 successes One week
  • 4 successes One month
  • 5 successes One year

••••• The Riddle Phantastique

The Kiasyd whispers a riddle to an opponent, and the riddle consumes his mind. The target can do nothing until he solves the riddle, and no one can help him — answers provided by others, even correct answers, fail to counteract this affliction.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty of the victim’s current Willpower). After a successful roll, the victim can do nothing but sit and ponder the Riddle until she accumulates three times the riddler’s successes. The subject rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 8, plus or minus the number of derangements the victim has, at the Storyteller’s discretion). She makes this roll as soon as she is told the Riddle, and then once per hour until she has gathered enough successes. Should the victim botch on a roll to solve the Riddle, she takes one level of lethal damage as the mystical enigma racks her body, and she loses all successes from the accumulated total. This damage cannot be healed until the Riddle has been solved. The riddler can end this trance by telling the victim the answer, but no one else can.(2 Blood point cost)

••••• • Steal the Mind

Legends tell of the Fair Folk taking the memories and faculties of their victims, leaving these hapless people drooling idiots for the rest of their lives. While modern thinking is that these stories actually referred to stroke victims, elder Kiasyd display a power with a similar effect. The victim of Steal the Mind loses his memories and all knowledge he has accumulated. The Kiasyd gains these memories for a short time, and generally uses this time to inscribe them before they revert to the original owner… assuming the Weirdling lets that happen.
System: The player selects a mortal or supernatural target and rolls Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty equal to the target’s current Willpower). While the Kiasyd has “stolen” her subject’s mind, she retains her own consciousness, but has complete access to all of the subject’s thoughts and memories. Subjects have no knowledge that they have been affected in this manner, though any attempts to harm them — by the Kiasyd or anyone else — return their wits to them immediately. Subjects have no access to their Knowledges while this power is active, but Talents and most Skills (those that work on muscle memory) are still present. The Storyteller might need to exercise discretion as to which Abilities are lost. Those who are victims of this power for long periods of time may starve, though they will eat food presented to them. The number of successes determines the duration of the effect, though the Kiasyd may return the subject’s mind at any time before this period ends. If the victim dies before the memories return, the Weirdling keeps them. If the Kiasyd kills the target to keep his memory, the character may need to roll for degeneration (see p. 309) depending on what Path they follow — Kiasyd on Humanity must always roll. (3 Blood point cost)
Successes Duration

  • 1 Success 10 minutes
  • 2 Successes One hour
  • 3 Successes One night
  • 4 Successes One week
  • 5 Successes One month

••••• •• Absorb the Mind

This power, similar to Steal the Mind, allows the vampire to absorb Abilities from her victim. These traits are transferred permanently; the victim loses the knowledge, and the Kindred gains it. Absorb the Mind is an extremely invasive and insidious power, and fortunately only a bare handful of Kindred in the world know of it.
System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty equal to the target’s current Willpower). The target may resist with a Willpower roll (difficulty equal to the Kiasyd’s current Willpower). The difference between the two determines the effect. If the target gets more successes, he resists completely and the Kiasyd may never use Absorb the Mind on this target again. The Kiasyd, if successful, may select a combination of Abilities to her satisfaction. Taking some of a victim’s Ability dots may leave a remainder — the Kiasyd need not take all of a subject’s dots in a given Ability. For example, a character with three dots in Occult, from whom a Kiasyd steals one, retains an Occult of 2. If a Kiasyd takes fewer dots than she already has in a given Ability, these points do not serve to raise her own rating. (In the previous example, the Kiasyd would not increase his Occult rating if he already had a rating of one or more, as he took only one dot.) If the Kiasyd fails in an attempt to use this power on a target, no subsequent attempt can be made on that target for a year and a day. In all cases, the maximum to which the Kiasyd can raise an Ability is the level the target has in that Ability, so if a victim has only one dot in Law and the Kiasyd gets 2 successes, she can’t gain 2 dots in Law. Generational restrictions do apply: a Sixth-Generation Kiasyd can have a maximum of seven dots in an Ability, for example. All losses of Abilities on the part of the victim are permanent, though they may be returned to their original levels via experience-point expenditure. (4 Blood point cost)
Successes Effect

  • 1 Success Steal 1 dot
  • 2 Successes Steal 2 dots in one Ability
  • 3 Successes Steal 3 dots in up to two Abilities
  • 4 Successes Steal 4 dots in up to three Abilities
  • 5 Successes Steal 5 dots in up to four Abilities

••••• ••• The Grandest Trick

The Kiasyd can fool himself into believing that he is not, and has never been, a vampire. This trick lasts for a short time, during which the character gives up all blessings (but loses all drawbacks) of being Kindred. He retains all of his other knowledge, but the magic of the Grandest Trick deftly prevents him from figuring out the truth (notes that explain the truth vanish, knowledge of clues that would lead him to it don’t make sense, etc.). The Grandest Trick is useful for throwing vampire hunters off a character’s scent, but also for gathering information that can only be obtained during the day. Rumors among younger Kiasyd also persist that some elders of the bloodline use the Grandest Trick to meet during the day once every 50 years, exchanging documents and letters that, for that day, make no sense to any of them. It is only after the Trick wears off that they remember who they are and can read what their Clanmates wrote.
System: The player spends eight blood points and makes a Willpower roll (difficulty 9). If this roll is successful, the character becomes mortal at the next sunrise for a duration determined by the number of successes on the roll. The Kiasyd knows, however sub liminally, the duration of the power, and he automatically attempts to return to safety, should daylight be a problem at the power’s end. After this power ends, the Kiasyd retains all memories of his brief return to the world of mortals. During his time as a mortal, the character’s Traits are limited to ratings of 5 (which return to their original levels when the character becomes a vampire again), and the character has no access to her Disciplines. Likewise, the character may not use blood points for any vampiric benefits while mortal.
Successes Duration

  • 1 success 10 minutes
  • 2 successes One hour
  • 3 successes Four hours
  • 4 successes 12 hours
  • 5 successes 24 hours

Path of Foul

• Shroudplay

The Kiasyd can pierce the Shroud,the mystical barrier separating the living world from the Underworld. By using this power, the vampire can spot ghostly buildings and objects, the landscape of the so-called Shadowlands; and even wraiths themselves. However, an observant wraith will likely notice when a vampire suddenly starts staring at her, which can lead to interesting interactions, not all of them pleasant for the vampire. Shroudplay also allows the user to speak with wraiths effortlessly but wraith must know launguage witch Kiasyd speak. Once Shroudplay is employed,the vampire can carry on a conversation with the ghostly denizens of the Underworld without spending Blood or causing the wraiths to expend any effort.
System: A success indicates she can see, line-out-sight, into the Shadowlands using her normal vision. The character can only detect images from one plane of existence (they can see Dreaming Penumbra Underworld)at a time, although they often overlap (for more information on the Shadowlands, see Wraith: the Oblivion). If the player chooses, she can spend a willpower point and, for each success with her roll,treat her Auspex score as I higher for countering Obfuscate, Chimerstry, and other powers that rely on Illusion, should she have that discipline. To use speak across the shroud requires a roll of Perception + Occult (difficulty 6) and the expenditure of a Willpower point. This effect last for scene if using this discipline you for some time gonna smell like wyrm stronger than other vampire.

•• Goblinism

The Kiasyd has an innate understanding of earth and stone. The Kiasyd can instantly identify metals, rock formations and stones. Underground, the vampire has an intuitive direction sense. Through long and strenuous effort, the Kiasyd can also alter earth and stone. The vampire can use this power for many purposes, such as shaping tunnels, building supports for underground havens, and smoothing out surfaces into flat floors and walls.
System: The knowledge and direction sense associated with this power do not require a roll, but shaping rock means the vampire must summon faerie goblins to aid him. The goblins will be inclined to help him, but not obligated. One goblin will appear per success on a Charisma + Leadership roll (difficult based on how far underground the vampire is -in a mine shaft would mean a difficult of 6, on the street would have a difficult of 8, and at the top of the Sears Tower would have a difficulty of 10, if the Storyteller permits it at all.).

••• Ravish the Kine

In times immemorial, when the True Fae walked amongst the mortals, some had the power to steal the mystical essences of kine to restore their powers. Some Kiasyd have honed a version of this ability and developed a habit of using this to support their research. Those who also practice Necromancy are particularly drawn to the power.
System: Exposure to powerful group emotions ranging from grief (a funeral) to excitement (a concert) restores the Kiasyd's Willpower pool. This power may only be activated once a night, after the Kiasyd has submerged herself in the environment and become familiar with the sensations and the emotional undertones. The user rolls Perception + Empathy, each success restoring a point of Willpower. The difficulty is variable but is reduced by 1 if the user is participating, rather than merely observing, the scene (for example, if the user is simply watching an exceptional ballet performance, she rolls at difficulty 7, whereas if she is a dancer on stage, then she becomes the moment and rolls at difficulty 6).

Difficulty 6: Moments of powerful and legendary destiny; sins are forgiven,  rapture arrives, fates are shattered, and bonds are broken. The breaking of a  Blood Bonds, the defeat of an Elder, the destruction of Carthage, the  assassination of JFK, the Moon Landing. 
Difficulty 7: Potent, raw emotions. The funeral of a much-loved person who  died tragically. The party of the decade. 
Difficulty 8: Strong, but regular and easily man- aged emotions. The excitement  of a rave. Buddhist monks chanting. A crowd clapping loudly in ap- preciation  of a quality performance. A routine but well-executed holiday celebration. 
Difficulty 9: Weak emotions and unremarkable moments, such as the boredom  of an airport lobby, or mild frustration when the Prince's speech overruns. 
Botch: the Kiasyd loses 1 point of Willpower instead of gaining any.  Additionally, the chaotic energy gathered from the failed attempt is released,  causing a Wyld Magic effect to manifest. This may lead to unpredictable  consequences in the environment, such as temporary weather phenomena, or  the sudden appearance of bizarre creatures. The severity and nature of the  effect are at the Storyteller's discretion(effect may be positive for enviorment  but not for player). 

•••• Tinglestripe

Tinglestripe allows the Kiasyd to transmute small inanimate objects into Darkling Jade, a mystical material resembling black jade streaked with blood red lines. This transformation was instrumental during the Battle of Strasbourg, where many Kindred fell to the Kiasyd's weapons made from this deadly substance. A common modern use is to apply Tinglestripe to small items such as a quill, which transforms its edge into a razor-sharp, deadly tool. System: The Kiasyd rolls Manipulation + Craft (difficulty 7) and spends a point of Vitae to coat an object weighing up to 4 ounces (e.g., a piece of wood or metal the size of a quill or hammer handle). If successful, the object is transmuted into Darkling Jade. Multiple blood points may be spent for larger objects if desired.

  • Success: The object successfully becomes Darkling Jade.
  • Failure: The transmutation fails, and the object remains unchanged. • Botch: The object is destroyed beyond repair.

Objects must have a sharp edge or be shaped like flint if they are to be used as weapons, or they will otherwise remain blunt tools. When properly shaped, Darkling Jade deals aggravated damage to supernatural creatures (like Kindred). The jade retains the properties of black jade but reverts to its original form at dawn or after one night per success on the roll.
Darkling Jade disintegrates when exposed to sunlight, regardless of the transmutation's success. The transmutation process takes 1 hour per Blood point spent, though the Kiasyd can reduce this time by spending additional points of Vitae (up to 3), cutting the total time by half. At maximum efficiency, an object can be transmuted in just ten minutes.
The size and shape of the weapon are limited only by the Kiasyd's imagination and the amount of blood spent on the ritual some kiasyd use this discipline to make arrows.

••••• Devourer of Souls

Those who wish to learn this power must first learn the Mytherceria power Ravishing The Kine.In the quest for knowledge, the student becomes thirsty for the souls of the talented. When a target is drained (or Diablerized), the user feels an ecstatic, indescribable feeling as she consumes the mental energies of another sentient being. The tainting of the aura in the case of diablerie has some unique patterns, recognizable from normal diablerie to astute users of Auspex. Since Kiasyd are hoarders and collectors of all things mental, the idea of feeding upon the geniuses of the world can be a tempting one.
System: Upon completely draining a target, or committing Diablerie, the Kiasyd spends a blood point and rolls Perception + Empathy, difficulty 7.

  • 1 Success: The Kiasyd's regains a point of spent Willpower.
  • 2 Successes: If the target had more Willpower than the user, the Kiasyd refills her entire Willpower pool.
  • 3 Successes: The Kiasyd retains a piece of the victim's mind. If the target had any talents, skills, or knowledge abilities which exceed those of the Kiasyd, one dot of the Kiasyd's choice is added to their ability score. This extra dot lasts for 1 night.
  • 4 Successes: As with 3 successes. This extra dot lasts for 1 week.
  • 5+ Successes: As with 4 successes. This extra dot lasts for 1 month. Any additional success adds another month to the duration of the new dot.
  • Botch: the Kiasyd loses 2 point of Willpower , and soul of the victim gonna haunt you for week (botch is work in progress)

••••• • Slip

The Kiasyd can now actually enter another dimension like Hedge, Dreaming, Umbra or Underworld.
System: Kiasyd must pay 2 blood point and 1 willpower he cannot choose the place to travel to, he will appear in the place that is closest to him on the other side, if he wants to go to a specific dimension, he must use the power in the place that is most related to that dimension. Remember in other side you are small fry

••••• •• Defilier of Gaia

Those who wish to learn this power must first learn the Mytherceria power Devourer Of Souls. The Kiasyd are masters of research, and often reclusive as a result of their massive collection of rarities. This situation can make regular feeding difficult, especially if one has no herd to draw from. This powerful Mytherceric power draw mystical vitae from the life surrounding their havens, including plants and animals. The life force is drawn out in the form of breath, which appears like mist, and is breathed in by the Kiasyd slowly over the night.
System: The user spends one Blood point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty equal to the local Gauntlet rating). The number of successes determines how much vitae is extracted from the environment:

  • 1 success 1 willpower point
  • 2 successes 1 willpower point + 1 Blood point
  • 3 successes+ 1 willpower point + 2 Blood point

The discipline only works on a 50' radius. Rats, worms, and anything with blood are drained to death. The rest of the vitae comes from the plant life. When that is exhausted, all the plants and all the wildlife in the areas die. However, the entire area has only so much energy, depending on amount of life inhabiting it.

  • Desert/tundra 0-1 Blood point
  • Arid mountains 1-2 Blood point
  • Forest 5-10 Blood Point
  • Jungle 10-20 Blood Point
  • Urban Areas Storyteller's Discretion

••••• ••• Create a Fetch

Like a True-Fae Kiasyd learn to create a Fetch. Fetch is a term used to describe a Fae-constructed replica of a human being, Made out of whatever the Kiasyd has on hand, with a piece of the victim shadow, Sometimes these doppelgangers are absolutely perfect, down to the exact brain chemistry. Other times, they are twisted reflections of the person, mentally unstable, or devoid of any emotional personality. When a Fetch dies, it will eventually change back into the refuse it was made from. Sometimes this is immediate; other times it takes years after being buried.
System: When Kiasyd kidnap victim they can use their shadow and own blood with random item for construct replica of this human creating Featch (Changeling The Lost Rulebook) this power cost 4 Blood point
Successes Duration

  • 1 successes Fetch are mentally unstable and, after death, turn into objects of creation.
  • 2 successes, Fetch are unstable. Family members may notice some changes in behavior, but they revert back after one night after death.
  • 3 successes, Fetch appear very normal and give little reason for suspicion. They revert back one week after death.
  • 4 successes, Fetch are very similar to the original, perhaps with new habits. They revert back one month after death.
  • 5 successes, Fetch are perfect replicas of the victim and revert back at least one year after death.

Path of the Daring

• Darkling Trickery

The Kiasyd can now call upon minor mischievous chimera to plague those who displease him, causing minor pranks, although they are potentially dangerous. The Kiasyd concentrates for a moment and then calls up a swarm of near sentient spirits that swarm about the victim. Those with Fey Sight can easily see them as a cloud tiny winged faeries.
System: Using this power requires a Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 7). The number of success determines both the extent of the prank and it's duration. Although the details vary depending upon the trick, generally one die penalty due to distraction per success, lasting one scene per successes can be used as a measuring stick.

  • Examples include causing someone's hair to fall out, a banshee's wail (frightening all nearby, often deafening them for hours), blight crops (causing plants to die quickly), battering someone with stones (causing pebbles to rain upon opponents, the number of successes in bashing damage for a turn or 1 bashing per turn for a number of turns equal to successes), slipping (causing the victim to lose their balance and fall without a successful Dexterity + Athletics roll), and causing machines to malfunction (The more complex the machine, the greater and longer-lived the effect. Simple mechanical devices, like guns, are difficult to affect but electronics, such as computers, are simple to destroy).

•• Road of Divination

Through their connection to fate, a Kiasyd can merge their blood with a divination object (such as tarot cards, a crystal ball, or bones) to glimpse subtle changes in fate. This power allows the Kiasyd to foresee minor shifts, such as potential luck for the night, an unknown danger in an upcoming encounter, or even weather conditions for the following evening. However, Kiasyd must safeguard these divination objects. If lost or captured, such items may be used against the Kiasyd, potentially revealing their location or near-future events to their enemies. Therefore, Kiasyd will often destroy these items rather than risk them falling into the wrong hands.
System: Using this power requires Occult roll + Perception (difficulty 7) And 2 Blood point The number of success determines how long this object of Divination gonna exist using object for Divination (only present and future) reguires another roll difficult chose MG also using this item help when using Discipline Know The Dan (when using Know the dan you can use this item to see the past) remember that you can only see the future one month in advance (additional successes may increase this with permission of story teller)
Successes Duration

  • 1 success One hour
  • 2 successes One night
  • 3 successes One week
  • 4 successes One month
  • 5 successes One year

••• Know the Dan

At this level, the Kiasyd begins to perceive the threads of fate and detect the destiny, or Dan, of a subject. By preparing a mixture of their own blood with that of the subject using molten wax, the Kiasyd can scry into the past, present, or future. The process involves the Kiasyd mixing her own blood with that of the subject (which can be herself) and consuming a portion of it. This mixture is then poured into a stone bowl filled with molten wax. As long as the wax remains molten, the Kiasyd can spy upon her subject. If wax or a bowl is unavailable, the Kiasyd can still perform scrying, but it becomes more challenging.
System: Activating this power requires the expenditure of 2 Blood points from the Kiasyd and 1 Blood point from the subject (which can also be herself). If the subject is supernatural, an additional 1 Willpower point is required. Mixing the blood and consuming it creates a minor Vinculum after several uses. The Kiasyd then rolls Perception + Enigmas, with the difficulty determined by how far into the past or future they wish to see. If the difficulty is raised above 10 for any reason, the scrying attempt fails.
Using an object from the Road of Divination may lower the difficulty if permitted by the Storyteller, and then blood from the subject is not necessary but detaile of vision depends on the object of the divination.

•••• Luck of the Devil

The Kiasyd's connection to the Dan has deepened to a point where it operates subconsciously, subtly twisting fate and luck in his favor. Coincidences seem to abound: bullets barely skim his skin, she miraculously dodges oncoming vehicles, and she makes improbable shots that hit the villain's only weak spot. This is the source of the Kiasyd's legendary luck. System: At the beginning of each night, the Kiasyd must spend 1 Blood point (in addition to the 1 Blood point required to rise each night; luck always comes at a price). The player then rolls Willpower (difficulty 7). Each success allows the Kiasyd to change one die from a botch into a failure or a failure into a success. The Kiasyd must activate this ability before making any roll she wishes to modify. She can choose to activate it upon waking for the night or at any time during the night, as long as she spends the requisite Blood point. This power cannot be used on rolls where the player has already spent a Willpower point or on any Mytherceria roll. The Storyteller has the final say on which rolls this power can affect.

••••• Hitomi's Folly

The Kiasyd can now begin to truly manipulate the strings of fate like a master puppeteer. The goals and intentions of others are like putty in the hands of the vampire. Outcomes are bent, resources redirected, and plans thwarted or advanced merely by a simple tug. This does not come with a price, however. Unforeseen repercussions are inevitable, as no mind could conceive of all the possible ramifications of one "simple" twist. System: This power is very expensive, costing 1 Willpower and 8 blood points. The prohibitive cost almost necessitates that the Kiasyd be in a safe location and have some time to prepare. The roll to use the power is Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty 10), and each success allows for 1 goals to be achieved, although more successes must be used to "balance out" the effects. One success accomplishes a minor task (getting a reasonable supply of money, gaining access to a closed library) with unforeseen repercussions (family death provides the money in the form of life insurance payments, the man who leaves the library unlocked loses his job). Five successes would allow for a minor goal to happen without any repercussions or for a major goal (the death of an enemy, receiving of an ancient fragment of the Book of Nod) to be accomplished with many unforeseen ramifications (the enemy was killed by a new and more powerful antagonist, the former owners of the fragment come looking for it...). Getting a number of successes in between results in a more favorable outcome.

••••• • Second Chance

With the expenditure of 1 Willpower point, the vampire can immediately re roll any roll except one on which he has spent Willpower or used the Level 4 (Luck of the Devil) power

••••• •• Rewrite History

The vampire can now actually re-write history. On a successful Willpower (difficulty 10) roll, he can dictate actions for a number of turns in the past equal to the number of successes. This cannot result in the immediate death of any person, and it must be within the realm of possibility.

••••• ••• Supplant Fate

The Kiasyd may now switch their fates with another. By spending 5 points of Willpower and a Path (difficulty 9) roll, the vampire may swap fates with anyone else. If the Kiasyd is destined to die in battle, and a mortal farmer destined to die in bed of old age, their fates are now switched. The Kiasyd will now die in bed of old age while the farmer will be killed in battle. Only one aspect (death, success in one venture, etc). may be switched per roll. Fate has a way of working itself out, however, and this cannot be used to cheat death, no matter how it may appear.

Combination Disciplines

In this documment we take combination discipline and rework some for rituals because we have many discipline but little ritual but this is you game.

Dreamstalker (Dominate ••, Mytherceria •)

Weirdlings enjoy exerting control over their victims, even in dreams. A Kiasyd who whispers into the ear of an unconscious victim may implant fantastic or frightening thoughts that remain with the sleeper after waking. The dreams Kiasyd insert in victims’ minds can be anything from seemingly disparate elements (you will repeatedly see eagles and pink umbrellas) to intact narratives (you will dream of your husband chasing you around town with an axe). Kiasyd have been known to use this power to compel victims to react to stimuli planted in their path, seeing features from their dreams as symbols of good luck, or potential disaster. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty the victim’s current temporary Willpower rating) as she commands the sleeper to dream whatever elements she narrates. The effect manifests in the victim’s behaviors once woken, effecting concentration (difficulty of extended actions increases by two) and potentially stimulating the victim in a positive (the victim responds favorably to subjects from his dream) or negative way (the victim must make a Willpower roll to remain in the presence of what he dreamt) for a duration dependent on the number of successes achieved by the player.
Successes Duration

  • 1 success One turn
  • 2 successes One hour
  • 3 successes One night
  • 4 successes One week
  • 5+ successes One month This power cost 9exp

Sacrifice to Nightmare (Mytherceria ••••, Obtenebration •••)

Kiasyd who know their connection to the Abyss also know it’s necessary to keep the entities within content, and doing so occasionally requires a sacrifice. Pragmatic Weirdlings reason “If we need to sacrifice lives, why not the lives of those we hate?” After painting the interior walls of a pitch-black chamber with fae sigils, the Kiasyd seals a sacrifice inside the room. Within seconds, the tentacles and snapping jaws of the Abyss reach through, and consume whatever offering has been provided. Those schooled in Abyss Mysticism believe the nightmare entity to be a part of the summoner, as it ceases to exist if it leaves the chamber emblazoned with the Kiasyd’s sigils and blood. Sacrifices who survive over a minute in the chamber are supposedly given the honored treatment of being diablerized by Kiasyd without, but Weirdlings sniff at such vulgar claims. System: The vampire must inscribe a Chanjelin Ward (V20, p. 455) within a room, where it has the same effects as usual. The Kiasyd must then spend two blood points to summon a tangible nightmare from the Abyss before exiting the room, leaving her sacrifice behind. The nightmare is a tentacled, many-mawed creature, which cannot exist outside the sacrificial chamber for longer than a single minute. The nightmare’s four independent tentacles each deal lethal (the Kiasyd’s Strength +1) damage through constriction, which can be resisted with an opposed Strength roll (difficulty 6 for each tentacle). The nightmare’s mouth deals aggravated (the Kiasyd’s Strength +2) damage after successfully grappling the sacrifice with its tentacles. The nightmare has equal health levels and resistances to the summoner, who can soak damage with Stamina and Fortitude. Damage inflicted on the nightmare does not affect the summoner. This power costs 21 exp

Will of the Wisps (Mytherceria ••• Necromancy ••)

The Kiasyd, in their eerie mastery of fate and death, can summon the elusive blue flames known as Will-o’-the-Wisp, or ignis fatuus. In folklore, these ethereal lights are said to lead travelers astray in bogs, luring them to their doom, or guiding the lost souls of the dead. The Kiasyd’s connection to both the spirit world and the threads of destiny allows them to harness these mystical flames, using them to haunt their enemies, guide the dead, or even weaponize the eerie fire against physical and spiritual foes. The Will-o’-the-Wisp is a trickster phenomenon in folklore, associated with mischief and danger. In some stories, these flames are said to appear over marshes or graveyards, acting as omens of death or harbingers of the afterlife. The Kiasyd's mastery over these lights gives them the power to both illuminate the unseen world and burn those who challenge them with soul-searing energy. System: Using Will of the Wisps requires 3 blood points and a Willpower point. The Kiasyd rolls Perception + Occult (Difficulty 7). Each success allows the Kiasyd to conjure one spectral blue flame that can be used for various effects: 1 Success: The wisp flickers and is fragile, lasting only a few minutes. 2 Successes: The wisp is stable and lasts for one hour. 3+ Successes: The wisp is potent, lasting for the entire scene or until the Kiasyd dismisses it. Once conjured, the Kiasyd can command the Will-o’-the-Wisps to perform one of the following abilities. Each ability can only be used once per wisp.

Haunting Flame

The Kiasyd can leave a wisp behind to haunt a location, creating an aura of dread and fear for those who encounter it. The flame lingers like a ghostly presence, instilling terror into mortals or vampires. System: Roll Manipulation + Intimidation (Difficulty 7). Each success instills a sense of growing dread in anyone within a 10-foot radius of the wisp. Mortals must make a Courage roll (Difficulty 8) or flee the area in panic. Vampires and other supernatural creatures must roll Willpower (Difficulty 7) or be overcome by fear for one round per success. The wisp remains in the area for the duration of the scene or until dismissed.

Soulfire Weapon

The Kiasyd can charge a weapon with the wisp's necrotic fire, turning it into a powerful, soul-burning weapon.
System: Spend 1 additional Willpower point and roll Dexterity + Occult (Difficulty 6) to either throw the wisp at a target or coat a weapon with the flame. As a projectile: The flame deals 2 Aggravated Damage to living targets and 4 Aggravated Damage to spirits, wraiths, or undead. Supernatural creatures resist with Stamina + Fortitude (Difficulty 8), reducing damage by one point per success. As a weapon enchantment: The Kiasyd may infuse a weapon with the Soulfire. The weapon deals +1 Aggravated Damage for one attack per success on the activation roll. The flame lingers on the weapon for the scene or until dismissed. Any living or undead being struck suffers from soul-searing pain, making the weapon highly dangerous to both physical and ethereal enemies.

Guiding the Dead

The wisps can act as beacons for spirits, guiding lost souls back to the Kiasyd or luring spiritual entities for communion. These flames are attractive to the restless dead and can even serve as bait for controlling spirits. System: Roll Charisma + Occult (Difficulty 6) to summon a wandering spirit within a one-mile radius. The wisp acts as a lure, drawing the spirit to the Kiasyd, where they can communicate or control it (requires further Necromantic powers). If the spirit is unwilling, it may resist by rolling Willpower (Difficulty 8). The wisp lasts for one scene and can only summon one spirit at a time. This power costs 15 Exp

Mytherceria Rituals

Level One Rituals

Mytherceria rituals, like those of the Abyss Mystics, are rare and jealously guarded. Creating a ritual is a long and difficult process. And teachers are demanding; apprentices wishing to learn should expect to pay dearly for the privilege. No cases are known of non-Kiasyd learning these magics. Some Mytherceric Rituals are prone to spectacular failure. They tap into reservoirs of power largely mysterious to the casters. These awkward side-effects are often called Wyld Magic, as it is thought by Darkling researchers that the source of their power is The Wyld, the mysterious force that permeates The Dreaming. Reactions from releasing the Wyld Magic are left up to the Storyteller’s discretion but could include a summoning a swarm of death’s head moths, making a cloud of noxious gas smoke fume out of the caster mouth, a minor light show, or even (in the event of a catastrophic botch) opening a portal into The Dreaming, the Deep Umbra, or the Abyss.

Rituals and alchemy don’t cost exp you learn in game when create character you may choose one level one ritual and alchemy recipe for free

luna tinea

Kiasyd using his vitae and connection to Fey for summoning Moon Moth from the Hedge There are beatiful and look like symbol of clan Kiasyd when summon Kiasyd may use this moth for looking of magic trace because the are attractet to it They glow when find source of magic or when they are in full moon System: To active luna tinea the caster must drop some blood in the ground in natural enviorment The user make Charisma + Ocult rool with the difficult Determinate by the enviorment

  • Difficulty 5 National park or place when no human live
  • Difficulty 6 normal forrest
  • Difficulty 7 country side
  • Difficulty 8 big park in the city
  • Difficulty 9 central park
  • Difficulty 10 City ground with little plant around if story teller agred

(I plan change this difficulty, but dont have any idea for this moment if you want change it yourself for you play)

Unseelie Fog

Target Number of Successes: Varies Whether for safety or for offense, fog has long been a tool for both warriors and the stealthy. It works as well to hide a siege party as it does to conceal a Haven. This fog is not of this world, as it is summoned directed from the Dark Kingdom of Zeernebooch, from where the powers of Mytherceria are drawn. Any creature who can sense the presence of the Wyrm, will know something is amiss with this thick mist. System: To active Wyrm Fog, the caster mixes 1 Blood point with fresh water and pours it on the ground, which must be exposed earth or stone. The user makes a Charisma + Occult roll, with the difficulty determined by the climate:

  • Coastal/Ocean Difficulty 5
  • Swamp /Marsh Difficulty 6
  • Jungle Difficulty 7
  • Forest, Grassland, Difficulty 8
  • Mountains Difficulty 8
  • Desert Difficulty 9
  • Alpine deserts Difficulty 10

If successful, the mixture turns into mist when it touches the ground. The area covered by the fog depends on the number of successes rolled:

  • 1 success 10'x10', or 100 square feet
  • 2 successes 50'x50', or 2500 square feet
  • 3 successes 100'x100', or 10,000 square feet
  • 4 successes 200'x200', or ~1 acre
  • 5 successes+ 2 acres 1 acre per additional success

Side Effect: Botching releases Wyld magic effects.

Level Two Rituals

Mechanical Gremlin

Known since antiquity to Kindred and mages, gremlins are malevolent wildling spirits. Gremlins are nefarious little banes of the mechanical, familiars who hate technology and all things Weaver (see Werewolf: the Apocalypse for more information on Wyldlings and Weaver spirits). This ritual summons a single gremlin who will destroy, deconstruct, or otherwise foul up a specific mechanical device by disrupting the Weaver spirits within the device that permits its function. Gremlins are thought to have taught this ritual to the Kiasyd during the Victorian Era. Those same gremlins are closely aligned with Garou born under the Ragabash auspice, especially those of the Red Talons tribe. At least one Garou-Kiasyd alliance has been broken by gremlin interference.

System: The character spends a Blood point and says the word for "gremlin" (or other trickster spirit) in her tongue three times. She then rolls Manipulation + Intimidation; where the difficulty is determined by the complexity of the item. If the caster has no knowledge of the device she intends. to foul (such as an elder attempting to disrupt a server farm), the difficulty is raised by 2.
Object Difficulty

  • Bicycle 6
  • Computer 7
  • Automobile 8
  • Nuclear Reactor 10

The more successes the Kindred obtains, the more the device is damaged. Five successes disable the device permanently (the Weaver spirit has fled). Good roleplaying might certainly warrant one to three additional dice added to the pool, at the discretion of the Storyteller. The extent of the disruption is determined by the number of successes:
Object Successes

  • Bicycle 5
  • Computer 10
  • Automobile 20
  • Nuclear Reactor 50

G remlins will travel a maximum distance of 1 mile to the intended device, as long as the character can give accurate directions. Whether an ability check is required to explain the location of the object is at the discretion of the Storyteller. The gremlins will fight back if attacked but cannot be ordered into combat. If injured, they will immediately return the Wyld by side-stepping through the Veil.
Side Effect: Botching releases Wyld magic effects. If a gremlin is killed, the player may owe a boon to a gremlin family, or, worse, make an enemy.


Weirdlings enjoy exerting control over their victims, even in dreams. A Kiasyd who whispers into the ear of an unconscious victim may implant fantastic or frightening thoughts that remain with the sleeper after waking. The dreams Kiasyd insert in victims' minds can be anything from seemingly disparate elements (you will repeatedly see eagles and pink umbrellas) to intact narratives (you will dream of your husband chasing you around town with an axe). Kiasyd have been known to use this power to compel victims to react to stimuli planted in their path, seeing features from their dreams as symbols of good luck, or potential disaster.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty the victim's current temporary Willpower rating) as she commands the sleeper to dream whatever elements she narrates. The effect manifests in the victim's behaviors once woken, effecting concentration (difficulty of extended actions increases by two) and potentially stimulating the victim in a positive (the victim responds favorably to subjects from his dream) or negative way (the victim must make a Willpower roll to remain in the presence of what he dreamt) for a duration dependent on the number of successes achieved by the player.
Successes Result

  • 1 success One turn
  • 2 successes One hour
  • 3 successes One night
  • 4 successes One week
  • 5+ successes One month

Abyssal Reflection

This ritual allows the kiasyd to create a mystical mirror that reveals a target’s true nature or deepest hidden secret. By gazing into the enchanted mirror, the subject’s reflection betrays aspects of their soul that they may not wish to reveal.
System: The caster must prepare the mirror by mixing their Vitae, mercury(quicksilver), and blackened glass shards, arranged in a precise lunar pattern. This process takes one hour, after which the mixture is poured onto a mirror. The mirror becomes enchanted for a single use. Once completed, the ritual mirror can be presented to a target. When the target looks into the mirror, they must make a Willpower roll (Difficulty 8). If they fail, their reflection reveals a hidden aspect of their true self—a deep secret, a suppressed emotion, or their true nature. The caster can perceive this revelation, though it may be metaphorical or abstract. The mirror shatters immediately after use, leaving only shards of glass behind.
Side Effect: After using the mirror, the caster experiences vivid, disturbing nightmares for three consecutive nights. These nightmares are often tied to the secrets revealed through the mirror, leaving the caster feeling restless and uneasy.

Level Three Rituals


  • Target Number of Successes: 3

Vampires know from studying Auspex that whenever someone handles an object, she leaves a psychic imprint on the item. The same can be true when one is merely walking about. With this Mytherceric ritual, a vampire can "see" what an object or a plant, has seen. This ability only recovers line-of-sight impressions and does not capture sound. Insight comes in the form of hallucinogenic visions, lasting as long as the character maintains contact with the object. System: After mediating on the object for 3 hours, the user spends a Willpower point to activate Commune, and then makes a Perception + Awareness check (difficulty 7). The difficulty increases by one for every week she wishes to look back. The user experiences time up to ten times as fast in her vision but must view every moment in order. For example, if a character wishes to see what happened ten days ago, she must view everything happening in between her current time and the time she wishes to know about.
Side Effect: None.

Hel Storm

Target Number of Successes: varies This spell summons elemental forces from realms beyond the Skinlands. When this ritual is cast, cold wind, ice, and terrible rains from Zeernebooch’s Kingdom of Hel fall from the skies. This power can only be used during the winter season.
System: The caster throws a naturally tumbled river rock into the air (any mineral or mineral composition will do, as long as it is can be found in the wild, but, substances such brick or asphalt will not work) and rolls Manipulation + Occult, where the difficulty is determined by the type of storm:

  • Difficulty 6 Wind
  • Difficulty 7 Rain
  • Difficulty 8 Snow
  • Difficulty 9 Hail

Success means the rock turns into a Hel Storm. The number of successes determines the duration the storm lasts:

  • 1 success 1 minute
  • 2 successes 3 minutes
  • 3 successes 15 minutes
  • 4 successes 1 hour
  • 5 successes+ 12 hours

Sacriffice to Nightmare

Kiasyd who know their connection to the Abyss also know it's necessary to keep the entities within content, and doing so occasionally requires a sacrifice. Pragmatic Weirdlings reason "If we need to sacrifice lives, why not the lives of those we hate?" After painting the interior walls of a pitch-black chamber with fae sigils, the Kiasyd seals a sacrifice inside the room. Within seconds, the tentacles and snapping jaws of the Abyss reach through, and consume whatever offering has been provided. Those schooled in Abyss Mysticism believe the nightmare entity to be a part of the summoner, as it ceases to exist if it leaves the chamber emblazoned with the Kiasyd's sigils and blood. Sacrifices who survive over a minute in the chamber are supposedly given the honored treatment of being diablerized by Kiasyd without, but Weirdlings sniff at such vulgar claims.
System: The vampire must inscribe a Chanjelin Ward (V20, p. 455) within a room, where it has the same effects as usual. The Kiasyd must then spend two blood points to summon a tangible nightmare from the Abyss before exiting the room, leaving her sacrifice behind. The nightmare is a tentacled, many mawed creature, which cannot exist outside the sacrificial chamber for longer than a single minute. Kiasyd must have one dot obtenebration if he want learn this ritual he may use this ritual without having a changing ward, but this will require blood point for each sigil

Earth Sword

The Kiasyd causes huge spikes to shoot out of walls, ceilings and floors. These spikes are made of whatever material they shoot out of, and can be especially dangerous to vampires in wooden houses. Despite their ligneous nature, when enchanted they are as flexible as fleshly grown vine.
System: The attacker rolls Wits + Melee (difficulty 6) and spends a point of Willpower while the target resists with a Wits + Dodge roll (also difficulty 6). If the attacker rolls more successes, the target takes three damage dice for each success, though the damage can be soaked normally. If the target rolls more successes, then she is unscathed. Five successes are required to impale a specific location, like the heart, or pinning the character to the floor or against a wall. The spikes last for a scene and can be controlled throughout. This Ritual works like a trap and Kiasyd must make him before fight or when in fight if story teller allow he must spend minimum 5 tour and ned more successes(determinate by story teller)
Successes determines the duration:

  • 1 success 1 night
  • 2 successes 1 week
  • 3 successes 1 month
  • 4 successes 1 year
  • 5 successes+ Until used

Level Four Rituals


Target Number of Successes: Varies This ritual allows the user to make magic items from Disciplines. Rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 10). Failure means nothing happens. Botch indicates the object breaks. Difficulty can be reduced, at the Storyteller's discretion, if the item is special, such as a vellum shirt, or a knife made from a meteorite. Can only be used once, then the object crumbles to dust within one round. Number of successes determines the duration: 1 success 1 night 2 successes 1 week 3 successes 1 month 4 successes 1 year 5 successes+ Until used

Memory Basin

Kiasyd using a specially prepared basin made of pure silver, engraved with fae runes. The basin must be filled with water from a natural enviorment and vitea creating liquid capable of storing memories. System:The ritual allows the Kiasyd to extract memories from the mind of the victim and store them in the special silver basin. These memories can be permanently removed from the victim’s mind or stored in the basin, where they can be accessed later for review. When memories are stored in the basin, the Kiasyd or others can view them, manipulate them, or even restore them to the victim’s mind.(Pensieve from harry potter was my inspiration) Ingredients: • A silver basin inscribed with fae runes • Water from a natural source with vitae • A memory strand (taken from the body or soul of the individual whose memories are to be removed) • 2 Willpower points • 3 vitae points Difficulty: 8 Duration: Permanent (removal or storage of memories) Limitations: • Memories must be carefully extracted; a failed roll may result in the removal or damage of other memories, leading to the loss of important information or traumatic effects on the victim. • The basin can only store one memory at a time; additional memories require new rituals or additional basins. • If a memory is stored for an extended period, it may become distorted or manipulated by other powers or fae influences. Example Uses: • A Kiasyd can remove a traumatic memory from the victim’s mind, leaving them with no recollection of the event. • A significant event’s memory can be stored for later study or used as evidence. • Memories can be altered within the basin before being restored to the victim’s mind, allowing for the creation of false memories.

Stone Travel

The Kiasyd can travel through the earth by creating tunnels. These tunnels can be used by others, but they are very unsafe, and collapse easily. The vampire can travel underground with almost no chance of being detected. System: Tunneling requires physical contact with the ground as well as a Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty 6). The number of successes translates into the distance in miles the traveler can move before becoming exhausted. The Kiasyd may cave in any section of the tunnel behind her; otherwise the tunnel will collapse on its own within a few weeks. Stone Travel only works on rock, dirt, sand and other natural substances; a vampire cannot tunnel through concrete or steel.

Level Five Rituals

Summon Wym Elementals

Target Number of Successes: Varies When this spell is cast, the player calls forth an elemental Wyrmling. Unlike Goblins, these elementals generally go unnoticed by human eyes unless they move or assume an anthropomorphic shape. Anyone capable of sensing the supernatural (Auspex, etc.) can detect Wyrmlings. These crea- tures exist for a full scene, and then disarticulate back into the material from which they were ani- mated. They are, however, not nearly as dependable as Goblins... System: A minor elemental Wyrmling, usually of the rank Gaffling is drawn through a portal and assigned a task, then sent back from whence it came. The caster must cover a 1 cubic foot area with the element of the desired Gaffling (Balefire, Poison, Sludge, or Smog.), and meditate for one hour within 5 feet of the element. Every hour, she must spend a Blood point and make a Manipulation + Occult check (difficulty 8). If she succeeds, at the end of the third hour, the Gaffling animates the mass of arranged base element. The number of successes determines the duration the Wyrmling will stay on in Material Realm:

  • 1 success 1 hour
  • 2 successes 2 hour
  • 3 successes 1 night
  • 4 successes 2 night
  • 5 successes+ 1 week

Failure means the ritual does not work, but a botch means the creature arrives and immediately attacks the character and anyone else present. When the Wyrmling loses all health levels, the creature disintegrates back into the base element from which it was formed. The Wyrmling will fight until incapacitated against its natural enemies, such as creatures from the Skinlands, Wyldlings, and Weaverlings, but will not fight other Wyrm spirits. Two Wyrmlings usually join forces and attack the caster. Many accomplished ritualists know this last fact, but they don't necessarily teach it to others. For stats on Wyrmlings, see Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Edition page 124.

Basilisk’s Touch

The Kiasyd can turn victims to solid stone simply by touching them. The effects may be permanent, and the only way to reverse the effect is through powerful Thaumaturgy, or by another touch of the Kiasyd.
System: This ritual takes effect as soon as the attacker succeeds in touching her victim, spends two points of Willpower, and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 8). The victim resists with at least three successes on a Willpower roll (difficulty 8).
Successes determines the duration the victim become petrified.

  • 1 success 1 night
  • 2 successes 1 week
  • 3 successes 1 month
  • 4 successes 1 year
  • 5 successes+ forever

Domain of the Ancestors

The ritual allows the Kiasyd to call upon the power of their ancestors blood, temporarily enhancing their connection to Mytherceria. Within the vicinity of the ritual site, the Kiasyd's Mytherceria level is increased by 2, allowing them to access powers up to level 7, similar to a higher generation. This boost grants access to advanced powers normally beyond the Kiasyd's reach, but the effect only lasts within the immediate area of the ritual. System: The ritual must be performed in a natural environment, such as an ancient forest, a wild mountain, or a place particularly imbued with fae energy. Conducting the ritual in a different setting significantly increases its difficulty (by +3). The ritual also requires ancient relics, which are difficult and dangerous to obtain. (My favorite oryginal idea )


• Kiasyd blood (or a rare substitute, such as the blood of fae or Maegar) • Ancient fae or Wyld relics (You may use relics create with Tinglestripe discipline or another artefact with storyteller aproval) • Part of an ancient tree or another natural element with a strong nature connection • 3 Willpower points • 5 vitae points Difficulty: 9 (6 in a natural environment) Duration: 1 night (12 hours)


• The effect lasts only for one night and exclusively within the vicinity of the ritual site (a 500-meter radius). • The ritual cannot be repeated in the same location for at least a month, and attempts to abuse this power may attract the attention of hostile fae spirits or other magical entities. • The increase in Mytherceria does not alter the Kiasyd's physical attributes but allows temporary access to higher-level powers. • I create this ritual for allowing to use level six and seven rituals then using him for access for discipline must be discussed with storyteller

Level Six Rituals

Bedlam Song

Target Number of Successes: Varies The Bedlam Song is a poem. Anyone who hears a Weirdling recite this rhyme, from beginning to end, becomes catatonically insane, repeating limericks and couplets over and over until she collapses. Perfected during the medieval times, this power mimics the sort of conditions peasants’ thought were indicative of possession. More than just crowd control, the afflicted will forego sustenance, and may perish from thirst or starvation. System: The Kiasyd whispers a rhyme into her victim’s ear and spends four Blood points. A Manipulation + Occult check is required, where the difficulty is equal to the permanent Willpower rating of the target. The effects last for a period equal to the number of successes: victims babble and repeat the rhyme continuously, exhausting themselves. People in this condition need to be cared for, as they will not eat or drink water, or even vitae. A Kindred affected by Bedlam Song will eventually enter torpor if she is not fed necessary amounts of blood. The affected can make a Willpower check (difficulty 8) once per hour to attempt to temporarily lessen the effects enough to eat or feed.
Side Effect: Botching releases Wyld magic effects.

Level Seven Rituals

Dance of Pan

Target Number of Successes: 5 In order to learn this ritual, casters must also know Bedlam Song. The Kiasyd begins the ritual by herself dancing and chanting the Dance of Pan. Weak-willed witnesses give into the dancing fit upon sight. They dance until the spell wears off, or they pass out from exhaustion. When they wake, if still under the effects of Dance of Pan, they immediately begin gyrating and dancing again until either the effects wear off or they collapse dead. The dance is highly contagious, and sometimes if you see the people dancing, you too could become its victim. Entire villages have been affected by this Darkling ability. It is rumored that the most famous outbreak of St. Vitus’ Fire, in 1585 in Strasbourg, was started by Marconius. System: The caster rolls Manipulation + Performance (difficulty 8). Anyone who sees or hears the ritual being performed must make a Willpower check (difficulty 8) or become enchanted with the dance. Those affected dance ecstatically, mumbling the words to the chant (an extended version of Bedlam Song). Those who witness victims of Dance of Pan may also be affected and must make a Willpower check (difficulty 6) or become compelled to dance themselves. The number of successes rolled determines the duration of the affliction:

  • 1 success 1 hour
  • 2 successes 2 hours
  • 3 successes 1 night
  • 4 successes 2 nights
  • 5 successes+ 1 week

Every hour a victim dances, she must make a Stamina check (difficulty 4). A botch indicates she takes a level of Lethal damage. Enough botches can prove deadly to mortals. Side Effect: Botching releases Wyld magic effects

Marconian Alchemy

Bloodline Kiasyd of the Lasombra often set their origins to the unparalleled alchemical might of their founder, the ex-magi Marconius, creating a brew that utterly transformed himself into the very first of their kind. Yet, it is also more rarely said that Marconius was an unfortunate target of a trio of his Lasombra clan-mates, fed a vile potion bought off an unnamed mage then forced deep into a lake under the full moon seeking knowledge unknown. Whatever the truth is, the Kiasyd are deeply tied to the ways of alchemy.
It runs in their veins as much as the abyss, and ever since their inception they have studied it. For centuries, Marconian Alchemy was only known to Macronius’ now-fractured mind as the Kiasyd did all they could to unlock it. All they gained was a vitae taste profile finer than a Ventrue, the ability to create cocktails blended with blood any kindred could enjoy, and a knack to rend bonds off blood — that is, until the 19th century. In the early 1800s, Kiasyd everywhere in quick succession began discovering how to properly use vitae in alchemical solutions as Marconius was said to, leading to many great leaps forwards in the bloodline’s research. The Victorian era is looked back on fondly by many Kiasyd of age for this reason, seeing it natural this innovation happens in the era they see as perfection of culture. Many Kiasyd argue on what caused this seemingly sudden access to the wide field of Alchemy. Some claim this is due to the awakening of Hrotsuitha, their founder’s sacrificed sister, while others mundanely state after a near millennium of research, it would be more surprising if nothing had been achieved. Learning Marconian Alchemy requires several components.
The alchemist must have at least one dot in both Mytherceria and one dot in Occult and Science. Such a character may not learn any Marconian Alchemy formulae rated higher than her Mytherceria or Occult score (whichever is lower). If all the requirements are met to learn Marconian Alchemy, the vampire automatically gains a single Level One formula. To learn further formulae, the alchemist must find someone to teach her, learn the formulae from a rare scroll, tome, or other archive, or risk her assets by experimenting with reagents and vitae. Learning a new formulae can take anywhere from a few nights (Level One formulae) to months or years (Level Five formulae). As a rule, being taught a formula takes less time than learning via trial and error. Every formula requires ingredients and reagents to work — these are noted in the description of each formulae. Unless stated otherwise, a formula takes 10 minutes to complete. Brewing a formula requires a bar or laboratory to work in and a successful Intelligence + Crafts roll, for which the difficulty equals 3 + the level of the formula (maximum 9). Only one success is required for a formula to work, though certain formulae may require more successes or have variable effects based on how well the alchemist’s roll goes. Should a roll to brew a formula fail, the Storyteller is encouraged to create particularly strange consequences or side effects; Marconian Alchemy is based deeply on faeish magic and is subsequently inherently unpredictable and dangerous. A botched brewing roll may even indicate a far worse fate, such as bizarre, dangerous coincidences or being hunted by illusionary entities. Nearly every Marconian Alchemy formula has side effects associated with imbibing them, due to both the recent nature of the craft and its inherent faeish unpredictability.

Level One Formulae

Virginizing Distillation

This formula is the oldest used by the Kiasyd. In their pursuits to emulate their founder, purifying the bond from raw vitae and safely storing it away was their crowning achievement. Vitae that has been purified this way is called virgin blood, which has led to some quite unfortunate misconceptions by many. System: The Alchemist carefully distills fresh vitae with rowan and silver for an hour per point, dripping it into a sealed container. The vitae loses the ability to blood bond, and does not begin to lose potency until the container is unsealed

Misty Tincture

By mixing herbs and sulfur into vitae in a careful spiral, an Alchemist can create a sealed vial of a smokey and volatile liquid. System: The Alchemist must expend one point of vitae during brewing. The tincture created is incredibly potent, and when released it creates a three meter wide cloud of mist that lasts a scene or until blown away. Anyone who tries to see through the mist gains a to +2 difficulty.

Morningsun Aperitif

Designed by a particularly impatient alchemist, this formula invigorates the user so she may be able to stave off daysleep. System: The Alchemist must expend one point of vitae into a brew of coffee, tea, or any preferred stimulant, laced with smelling salts and peppermint leaves. Once imbibed, the imbiber cannot willingly enter daysleep until noonday, and is forced to do so at dusk. However many hours spent staving off daysleep are translated into the following rest, to a maximum of six hours.

Elixir of Emotions

Designed to manipulate the vague tendencies of the mind, this hawthorn based formula subtly shifts the emotions of the imbiber. System: The Alchemist must expend one point of vitae during brewing, as well as a reagent that encapsulates the emotion desired. When a victim imbibes a drink with this formula in it, she must make a Perception + Alertness roll (Difficulty 8) to notice the off-taste. After finishing it, the target must score more successes on a Willpower roll (difficulty of the alchemist’s Mytherceria rating + 3) than the alchemist scored or have their emotion shifted to the one chosen during brewing for the rest of the scene Fun Vitae (name may change) Fum Vitae is an alchemical recipe that allows for the infusion of tobacco or other herbs with Vitae, enabling vampires, who normally cannot taste, to experience the flavor of smoke while smoking. The effect is short-lived but offers a brief reprieve from the monotony of undead existence. System: The Alchemist must Thoroughly infuse the tobacco or herbs with a drop of Vitae. Then let them rest for at least 12 hours to absorb the essence. If you want to intensify the flavor, add a few drops of a supernatural blood Ingredients: • 10 grams of tobacco (or other herbs suitable for smoking, e.g., mint, marijuana, sage, wormwood) • 1 drop of Vitae (any level) • other supernatural blood (optional, for enhancing flavor) Effect: Upon smoking the infused herbs, the vampire momentarily experiences a strong flavor corresponding to the chosen herb. Tobacco offers a rich, earthy taste, mint provides freshness, marijuana brings relaxation, and sage calms the senses. The flavor lasts for a few minutes, though it does not affect the vampire's abilities. Smoking also temporarily eases the hunger for blood, though it does not satisfy it(you dont get blood point). Side Effects: In excessive amounts (more than three doses in a short time), smoking may lead to fatigue and reduced alertness and any willpower rool add 2 diffilcuties.

Level Two Formulae

Nightcap Nip

Used against enemies and victims alike, this formula of juniper and melatonin is often spiked into a normal drink or injected via syringe. Imbibing leads almost immediately to deep sleep. System: The Alchemist must expend one vitae per dose of this formula created in a batch, then distill it for a day. When a victim imbibes it, she must make a Perception + Alertness roll (Difficulty 8) to notice the off-taste. After finishing it, the target must score more successes on a Willpower roll (difficulty of the alchemist’s Mytherceria rating + 3) than the alchemist scored or drift into deep sleep for the remainder of the scene. The formula loses potency if not used within a night, becoming useless.

Refined Vitae

Through weird faeish rites and careful mixing with elderberry, the blood of a fellow vampire may be slowly distilled into something more than a delicacy to partake in. System: The Alchemist must use fresh kindred blood in this formula, then carefully brew it for an hour, using only silver or crystal implements to mix the vitae and distill the formula. Make a Wits + Occult roll (Difficulty 8). On a success, the resulting formula may be imbibed to grant the imbiber with one dot of a non-specialty discipline from the clan the blood came from, as well as the clan weakness. A botch results in diablerie stains for a night instead of granting a discipline dot, and still inflicts the clan weakness. Successes Duration

  • 1 Success 10 minutes
  • 2 Successes One scene
  • 3 Successes One hour
  • 4 Successes Three hours
  • 5 Successes One night

Using blood from other supernaturals, such as faeries or lupines, result in various unexpected effects of the Storyteller’s choice, with more extreme positives and highly dangerous negatives.

Faerie Fire

This specific combination of vitae and combustible components is extremely volatile, only needing a bit of air to burst into an oddly-colored inferno. System: The Alchemist must expend one vitae during brewing, along with a large bottle of lighter fluid (or some other reagent similarly combustible), and knots of silver wire. Make a Wits + Science roll (Difficulty 7). The formula will immediately catch alight then burn bright when exposed to oxygen, staying where it lands for a scene and dealing Aggravated damage equal to the number of successes. A target may spend an action to wipe off the Faerie Fire if it lands on her. Faerie Fire cannot be extinguished unless fully smothered. A botch leads to immediate detonation of the formula, harming the alchemist and her surroundings.

Vitae Toxin

By taking a dose of vitae and mixing it with antifreeze (or another very poisonous reagent) and poison oak, an alchemist can create a poison that risks any vampire who drinks it. System: The Alchemist must expend one vitae during brewing. The formula may then be mixed into a stored source of blood, or injected into a vampire or mortal. If injected, the target must make a Stamina roll (Difficulty 4). On a failure, she takes one lethal damage. Either way, the target now has poisoned blood for one scene. Any poisoned blood transfused or drunk deals lethal damage when used per poisoned point, as well as to any kindred spending blood while poisoned in this way. Alternatively, a poisoned vampire may make a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) to expunge all poisoned blood, losing the points but not taking any damage. A botch deals one lethal damage per point attempted to be expunged.

Level Three Formulae

Fruits of Essence Lost

By fermenting specially-treated blood with apple leaves and myrrh, an alchemist may reinvigorate blood otherwise wasted. Although, any Kiasyd will agree this vitae has a noticeably inferior taste. Some alchemists insist the blood must be sewn shut into a fresh liver or stomach, but others find ample use via simple casks lined with gelatin. System: The alchemist may carefully conduct a faerie rite upon a cask of blood that has gone stale, dried out, or lacks potency, before straining and fermenting it for a full day in the woods. Make a Wits + Occult roll (Difficulty 8). The number of successes determines how much of the blood is invigorated, with one point per success. On more than six A botch turns the blood completely sour, only recoverable by stirring a point of vitae into it then attempting this formula again.

Curse Dilution

By consuming a specially crafted concoction with faerie blood as a key ingredient, the Kiasyd gains temporary control over their Clan Bane, allowing them to lift certain aspects of it for a night. However, while the functional effects of the curse are lifted, the physical appearance or other visible traits associated with the Clan Bane (weakness) remain unchanged. For instance, a Kiasyd will still exhibit their fae-like appearance System: When the Kiasyd drinks this curse dilution, they can choose to temporarily lift the effects of their Folkloric Block and Bane Flaws that are part of their Clan Bane. The effects last for one night. However, the potion does not alter the physical appearance associated with the Clan, The Alchemist must expend 2 vitae during brewing this formula, Make a Wits + Occult roll (Difficulty 8) add some Faerie blood with moonlight essence and leaves of belladonna Side Effect: Increased Hunger: After consuming the potion, the Kiasyd’s minimum hunger increases by 1. This means that even if they feed normally without draining and killing a human, they will still be considered 1 point hungrier than usual. This increased hunger represents the strain of temporarily suppressing the curse. Potential Drawbacks: At dawn, the Kiasyd must make a Self-Control (or Instinct) roll (difficulty 7). Failure means that the Kiasyd is overwhelmed by the curse upon waking, resulting in the effects of their Clan Bane being doubled for the following night.

Jekyll’s Drug

Directly inspired by The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, some Marconian Alchemists have developed a way to sacrifice common sense and scholarly intellect for a brief burst of might. System: The Alchemist must expend up to five vitae during brewing, and mix in raw opium with some diabolical concoction, then spend three hours distilling it. The drug smells sickly sweet when finished, and when imbibed by anyone besides the alchemist it’s retched back up. It expires if not consumed within a night. If the alchemist chooses to imbibe this drug, she must make a Willpower roll (Difficulty 8). On a success, the drug allows her to transmute a number of mental attribute dots to physical dots equal to the amount of vitae spent on brewing until the duration ends, even if it surpasses generational limits. Failure means you are unable to transmute any attribute dots, while a botch means you lose attribute dots until the duration ends. Successes Duration 1 Success One turn 2 Successes One fight 3 Successes One scene 4 Successes Half the night 5 Successes Entire night This drug also increases frenzy difficulties for the alchemist by 2 while the effect lasts. Additionally, every time you use this formula, you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). On a failure, you feel drawn to use this formula again. If drunk again after a failure, you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6). On a failure, you gain the addiction flaw for this formula. Additional uses of the formula require a Willpower roll (difficulty 6 + number of uses) to not develop the derangement split-personality during the time you have this formula imbibed. A botch causes you to lose a bit of yourself, (etc lmoa) Shadowed Memory This elixir enables the Kiasyd to influence a person’s memory, either altering or erasing memories similar like Forgetful Mind this recipes was create for Kiasyd who don’t specialize in Dominate discipline. System: The Alchemist must expend one vitae during brewing this formula, Make a Wits + Occult roll (Difficulty 7) The victim loses memories from the last 24 hours,the memories can be replaced with new, false images. The effect is permanent. Ingredients: Black orchid, drop of vampire saliva and sleeping child’s tear Dismissive Glamour When this mugwort-based glamour is spread over the skin, it leaves the user’s very presence extinguished from sight. System: The Alchemist must expend one vitae during brewing of this formula, and carefully practice faeish charms and spells over the ingredients. Make a Wits + Occult roll (Difficulty 8). On a success, the glamour is immediately applied and lasts for a scene, acting like the Obfuscate power Unseen Presence, with the following changes. In order for any kine or kindred to notice you in any regard, they must make a Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty of the alchemist’s Mytherceria rating + 3) and gain more successes than the alchemist. If they succeed, they see the alchemist’s shadow and feel her presence after being alerted. Otherwise, the alchemist is ignored completely and treated as being completely absent by allies and enemies alike. Not even touch alerts of your presence, though cameras and other recording devices function as normal.

Zenas’ Suncatcher

The credit for this formula is claimed by a clever Kiasyd called Zenas, who sought better ways to tend to his private garden before Edison’s lightbulb. This viscous vitae-infused concoction is left outside during the day to absorb the sun’s rays. System: Before dawn, the Alchemist must expend one vitae over 30 minutes during brewing of this formula, ground crystals and vervain added in slowly as careful rites are taken. Make a Wits + Occult roll (Difficulty 7), then leave this formula outside in view of the sunlight for a day. On a success, this formula will glow with radiance when recovered in the evening. Touching the formula’s container requires a Difficulty 7 Rötschreck roll to not recoil in fear, and leaves a painful sunburn. A botch leads to dropping the formula, releasing it onto the alchemist. This may be negated by wrapping the container with a thick cloth. Until the duration ends, this formula provides ample light and places gnawing fear in any kindred who lays eyes on it. The liquid itself deals 2 Aggravated damage to any kindred who touches it as a single dose, and dissipates in a flash if released from its container. All vampires who witness such must make a Difficulty 8 Rötschreck roll to not succumb to the red fear. Successes Duration 1 Successes One night 2 Successes Three nights 3 Successes One week 4 Successes Two weeks 5 Successes One month

Level Four Formulae

Masque of Mortality Developed by Kiasyd who want a low profile, this formula imbues the imbiber with the select skill of disguising her many vampiric oddities behind a passive glamour placed into the minds of bystanders. Though, not every detail can be hidden and subtle hints point to her true nature beneath. System: The Alchemist must expend one vitae over an hour during brewing, carefully conducting a faeish rite with an orchid bloom and smoked reagents. Make a Wits + Occult roll (Difficulty 7). On a success, when imbibing this formula, the imbiber’s undead form shifts in the perceptions of those around her. Until the duration ends, anyone who sees the alchemist has their perceptions retroactively altered. What may actually be a darkling may simply be written off as a healthy, tall individual by a kine. A botch has the opposite effect, showing viewers an even more twisted version of the alchemist during the duration. Successes Duration 1 success 10 minutes 2 successes One hour 3 successes Four hours 4 successes 12 hours 5 successes 24 hours Kindred and Kine do not notice this change unless they make a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty of the alchemist’s Mytherceria rating + 3) and gain more successes than the alchemist, their minds determining that the alchemist as always so. Per usual, Auspex can bypass this ability. When the duration ends, the perceptions shifted do not until sufficient proof and a Charisma + Empathy roll (difficulty of the alchemist’s Mytherceria rating + 3) with more successes than the alchemist is made by someone who sees through the illusion. Alternatively, the alchemist can purposely pull the illusion away on someone affected. An alchemist under the effect of this formula cannot draw upon her blood while the Masque remains. Doing so ends the effect early.

Iron Skin

When the Ventrue of Strasbourg donned their heavy armor, they suspected they would have the advantage over the gangly Kiasyd. What they found on the field of battle was not only terrifying, but legendary. A physical manifestation of stone and earth, their opponents’ skin had become as hard as granite. Swords shattered like glass against Nocturnae skin. System: The Alchemist must expend one vitae from ventrue(or Gargoyle but this may give temporaly side effect) and spends 1 Blood points and over the next three hours he develops final product when consume Kiasyd get a rock-like hardness to her skin. She loses 1 dot of Dexterity but gains 4 dots of Stamina for the remainder of the night. The character may bring her Stamina beyond that allowed by her Generation.

Delusive Lucidity

Laudanum, Adderall, or some other drug is carefully blended with coca leaves and sage. It’s said to grant protection from outside intrusions and other invoked inconsistencies, but some alchemists doubt the truth of that. System: The Alchemist must expend one vitae, then carefully distill the various ingredients into a syrup for three hours. The final product is left to dry as an easy to consume form no larger than a thumbnail. When consuming this formula, make a Wits + Awareness roll (Difficulty 8). On a success you add to the difficulty of any Dominate or Chimestry rolls against you, and lower the difficulty of resisting Dominate or Chimestry effects, equal to the number of successes rolled. This effect lasts a scene. On a botch, this has the opposite effect entirely, as the consumer is made a target of hellish apparitions, psychedelic yet tangible. The difficulty of Dominate or Chimestry rolls against you are lowered by three, and the difficulty of resisting any Dominate and Chimestry effects are increased by three.

Level Five Formulae

Phrygian Philter

Named after the hat romans gifted freed slaves, this volatile formula is usually attributed to have been created by an especially impressive alchemist who most unfortunately met her end in the disaster of the Grand Symposium in 1866, though thankfully having kept extensive notes that were passed down to her childer. System: The alchemist must spend one vitae that’s been treated by the Virginizing Distillation formula, or a similar effect that makes it lose the blood bond (Such as the unbondable merit), and mix it with a point of vitae from whoever is intended to drink it. This concoction is then mixed with holy water, very painstakingly treated, then distilled for a day. It becomes inert if not consumed within the hour, and bubbles violently. When the target imbibes this formula, they must make an extended Stamina check (Difficulty 7). Each success indicates one level of the bloodbond being broken. A failure ends the check, and a botch inflicts Aggravated damage equal to twice the level of the blood bond. The difficulty of the check increases by two for each level of blood bond the target has, but is reduced by three if a drop of the domitor’s vitae is used in the concoction, or the blood of a vampire from the same clan and of a generation less than or equal to the domitor’s. The target, whether they succeed or fail, puke up a number of blood points equal to twice the level of the blood bond, which turns to dust after a few moments.


  • Mrsmoku98 (Main autor)
  • 4DAM (Mytherceria Path)
  • Brigadinator (autor Marconian Alchemy)

Source: bloodlinebook kiasyd, Clanbook Kiasyd, V20-Lore-of-the Bloodlines,V20_Core_Rulebook,Marconian Alchemy(from Brigadinator) and homebrew idea from reddit and my mind