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Level 3.

In voudoun, the ori is the soul, of both the individual and her family, that resides in the head. By petitioning the Ara Orun, the magician may attempt to use the senses of someone else's ori, thus seeing through the subject's eyes and hearing through her ears. The caster must burn one of her own eyes and ears (removing these causes three levels of unsoakable aggravated damage, which can be healed in the normal fashion). The resulting ash must be placed inside a human skull and mixed with a splash of rum, tobacco, and an eyelash or drop of blood from the individual in question. The resulting paste must be applied to the caster's empty eye socket and the flesh where her ear used to be. She may then see and hear everything the target experiences.

System: The caster may shift back and forth between her own senses and those of the target at will. If the caster has eyelashes or blood from more than one individual, she may include a number of people in the spell equal to her level of Wanga, and may shift back and forth between her own senses or any of theirs as she chooses. The gauging out of an eye and the slicing off of an ear each require a willpower roll (difficulty 8). The ritual lasts until the player spends blood to heal the injuries to her eye and ear.