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Giovanni -x- London - Pax Britannica

Janos Handoval.jpg

Sobriquet: Doctor Handoval (respectful) - Jester (rude) - Freak (serious mistake)

Appearance: A hunchbacked dwarf, Doctor Handoval would probably be considered disgusting by many if it were not for his beautiful facial features that border on angelic. He dresses expensively and stylishly - thanks to the late Dr.Fountaindike's extensive resources and Janos' own conservative investments, he can afford it. He is extremely polite, he speaks with a practiced upper-class accent and never, ever makes the mistake of forgetting his position among the Ventrue or Kindred.

Background: At the beginning of World War I, Janos was dogsbody for Doctor Thomas Fountaindike, an eccentric Giovanni savant in the areas of necromancy and mechanical engineering. Despite Mithras' prohibition against the Giovanni Clan, they have maintained a minimal presence and underground operation in London for centuries. Dr. Fountaindike was an Englishman selected by the Giovanni for his occult genius and familiarity with the London scientific community. They funded his research in general, and into weapons development specifically. Janos was a freak that served as Dr.Fountaindike's Igor and as an intermediary to London's Victorian Night Society. At the outset of World War I, Dr.Fountaindike approached Lady Anne Bowesley with the offer of weapons that would advance England's position during the war. She accepted, and advanced English weapons engineering by decades, but she also arranged for the discovery and execution of Dr.Fountaindike as a Giovanni spy to ensure her continued approval by Mithras. Janos was key to that strategy after being subject to her flattery and dominate, ultimately, Janos' intellect and understanding of Dr.Fountaindike's research proved too valuable to do without and at the end of the Great War, Lady Anne petitioned Mithras for the right to create a childe. Mithras agreed, perceiving Janos as a court jester, more than anything else. The early years of the twentieth century were not pleasant for Janos under those terms, but immortality has its price and Lady Anne treated him well despite the cruelty of the rest of the Court of Avalon. Mithras' disappearance during World War II was a blessing in disguise for Janos and since that time, his position at court has continued to improve by leaps and bounds.

Personality: If Lady Anne wants or needs something, it is Janos responsibility to make sure she gets that something. Of course, Lady Anne does not always know exactly what she wants or even what is good for her, so at times its his responsibility to look after those details. Despite Janos's position as glorified dogsbody, he is extremely grateful to and protective of Lady Anne; Anne is his lady-mistress and he is bound to her. However, sometimes in order to do what is best for Lady Anne, Janos must step beyond the letter of her commands, fail to consult her or even manipulate events that he feels favor her position. Dr. Handoval is equally at home within the scientific community or socializing with the criminal element of London.

Position: Dr.Handoval serves as Lady Anne's scientific and occult advisor. In that position, he often comes into conflict with the Tremere and John Dee, who try to advise the Queen on the very same matters. Janos has subtly manipulated Lady Anne against the Tremere, he reviews all information and suggestions they provide to Lady Anne and subtly finds fault with all that they do. This state of affairs has put Janos at the top of the Tremere's list of enemies in London, but his intelligence and canny insight into their occult ploys has prevented them from making any headway in London.

Janos Handoval's Statistics