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Located near the Cattle Market, Market house is a large establishment, owned by Garlands Brothers Brewery. This licensed establishment is known for it's twenty and three tables relating to the twenty third psalm nailed to the front post in the public room. The Publican here named Amos Rostenbury runs a quality establishment. No games allowed in the main room, though there is a well guarded back room where gaming is approved of by the local magistrate. The Market House has stables and a horseless carriage barn. On the grounds are two cottages for personages of means, each with three bedrooms and a common area, and office.

The main house has twenty five rooms for rent. All night rent, no half day nor hour usage, "We're not that kind of establishment, we go to church by John." Food is of excellent quality, as is the wine and spirits. Tables all have clothes and candles, tableware is good metal. Steaks and chops are standard fare, Potatoes and carrots with any meal. Two servers at all times, and don't be handling the ladies, they're serving food not hot sheets.

The rooms for rent are mostly single bed affairs. A small table and two chairs in each room. A porcelain bath resides in each room. Hot water for a shilling with warm towels brought up on request. Cold water is free, the publicans wife makes her own soap, it's got good grit.

Rostenbury has three ostlers on retainer. He pays four women to serve his guests, different days of the week. His wife keeps four Chinese women for washer maids, and has two local lads minding her fowl. Gareth Green and Porter Aggles are his barmen and bouncers. Market House is an orderly establishment, any bad behavior and they see a man out the side door to the street.