Tharz Dosha

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Ravenloft Player-Characters

Drow Tharz Dosha.jpg



History: Thars Dosha was born in the Underdark, child of a Priestess of Lloth. Thars was raised in the Drow city of Taer-Tashaz. Shortly before the age of majority dwarves attacked the city and sacked the outer portion with the aid of goblin slaves. In the sacking Thars was taken captive and dragged through the Underdark to be sold at Skull Port to Gladiatories. The training of Thars Dosha in the pits of Calyndre made him bitter and vicious as an enemy. The human Andorgo Stonehand that helped break him out of the pits and escape taught him that there was kindness yet in the world. Andorgo also showed him what isn't freely given away can always be burgled.

Recent Events: He and his companions were separated while exploring the Castle of Tristenoira. Though he is sure they all survived that first night in the castle, it was only by divine providence. The second day was difficult with the ghost harassing them at every turn and possessing the party's ranger. The second night, each of the adventurers was separated from the main body of the group and Tharz barely survived. He was able to escape the castle via an underground escape tunnel, sometime after dawn. Throughout the morning, he searched for any sign of other survivors, but by early afternoon, he decided that discretion might be the better part of valor. Thus he freed the horses, stored the group's collected gear in the first out-building the group had explored and took a single horse and pack pony for himself. For himself he took only his prized tools, survival gear, and his share of the group's collective wealth. By late afternoon, he had put the Castle of Tristenoira behind him as he traveled along the shore of the Lake of Red Tears. That night he took shelter in shallow cave where he could protect the horses and kindled a fire at the cave mouth. The next day was a long one as he followed a tributary of the lake north and west through narrow canons out of Forlorn and into a new land, Barovia.

Second Edition Character Sheet

Name: Tharz Dosha
Race: Drow Elf
Gender: Male
Class: Thief
Level: 4
Hit Points 22
Armor class: 4 Armor type: Studded leather, or Ring mail armor
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Ability Scores

STR: 13 (+1)
CON: 13 (+1)
DEX: 19 (+4)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 10 (0)
CHA: 10 (0)

Rogue Special Skills

Sneak Attack (2d6)
Trap-finding ()
Evasion ()
Trap Sense (+1)
Uncanny Dodge ()

Class Skills

Appraising (Int)
Balance (Dex)
Jump (Str)
Reading Lips
Ride - Land-based (Dex)
Survival (Wis)
Tumble (Dex)

Spell-like Abilities

Darkvision - [1] - Innate & at will.
Dancing Lights - [2] - (once per day)
Darkness - [3] - (once per day)
Detect Good - [] - (once per day)
Detect Magic - [] - (once per day)
Faerie Fire - [] - (once per day)
Levitate - [] - (once per day)


Thieves' Leather:

Weapon Proficiencies

All - Simple Weapons:

Crowbar: A crowbar is a club that grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Strength checks made for such purposes. If used in combat, treat a crowbar as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a club of its size. Alchemical Silver: A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as lycanthropes. On a successful attack with a silvered weapon, the wielder takes a –1 penalty on the damage roll (with the usual minimum of 1 point of damage). The alchemical silvering process can’t be applied to nonmetal items, and it doesn’t work on rare metals such as adamantine, cold iron, and mithral. Alchemical silver has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 8. (Enchanted with the Light Spell)

Hand Crossbow:

Knives: (A couple dozen on his person.)


Short bow: (mechanical, disassembling)



Standard Adventurer's Kit

This kit consists of basic items that the average adventurer needs.

Contains: Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Flint & Steel, Hooded Lantern with three pints of Oil, Trail Rations for seven days, Sack, Waterskin, and a Whetstone

Cost: 16 gold

Weight: 27 lb.

Spidersilk Rope: Spidersilk rope, made only by sentient giant spiders, is sturdier and finer than any other type of rope. This rope has 6 hit points and can be burst with a DC 25 Strength check. It is incredibly supple and slightly adhesive, and thus provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Use Rope checks and on Climb checks to climb the rope. An average spidersilk rope costs 50 gp, weighs 5 lb. and is 50 feet long.
Traveling Duster: A duster is a coat, used by horsemen to protect their outer clothes from dust. It is a long coat that stretches down to about ankle length, with a slit in the back that stretches from the hip down. A traveling duster is a duster that is more heavily re-enforced than a normal duster, with leather at all the bending points, and additional rivets on the seams. For an additional ten gold, one can have their duster reinforced even further, allowing it to act as a non-magical armor enchancement, which adds 2 to armor class although it adds 5% to arcane spell failure. A duster cannot be worn over full plate armor. Any small weapon hidden under a duster gains +2 against being found.

Magic Items

Potion of Spider Climb
3 Potions of Unknown character
+1 Short Sword


125 GP (buried outside of the town of Teufeldorf)
750 EP
77 SP
55 CP
Silver Goblet worked with amethysts
2 Silver chains with moon-stone amulets

Experience Earned

Gaming session 7/2014: 2,389 XP

Drow Modifications,_Dark%E2%80%94Drow_%28Race%29

People & Places

  • Nicolai Androv - Coffin Maker
  • Kantora - Nova Vasa (Land of grasslands and famed for horses)
  • Tavern (Maiden's Scarf)
  • Temple of the Lawgiver (Nicolai taken here to be healed)
  • Prince Offmar

Pavlo Vinici - Inn Keeper
Petro - Stable boy
Sabha Cic
Marjan Newzan

  • William Greenfeathers: Ranger who entered Forlorn with Thars Dosha
  • Gillian Yamor: Priestess who entered Forlorn with Thars Dosha
  • Sleshtak Silveraxe: Dwarf warrior who entered Forlorn with Thars Dosha


Online Dice Roller