Truths of the Universe

From The World Is A Vampire
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Chimerstry 9

This rare power originated in the homeland of the Ravnos clan and it is unknown whether or not it has made its way west to Europe. The power relies upon the belief that all of physical reality is but an illusion. As such, the Ravnos, masters of illusions, should theoretically be able to create reality with their gifts. Of course, it is not that simple; but masters of Chimerstry can, with extreme effort, force one of their illusions to meld with the illusion of reality and become, for all intents and purposes, real.

System: This power is best left in the hands of Storyteller characters, with the Storyteller determining the effects. At the cost of a permanent point of Willpower, the Ravnos is able to make one of her illusions, and all its effects, real - no matter how impossible or incredible. The scope and limitations of this power are, as has been stressed, very much up to the Storyteller.

With this power, a Ravnos could make a permanent Horrid Blade of the Demons, granting him an exceptionally potent weapon. A simple Dweomer of a sack of precious gems can be made real, granting the Ravnos immense wealth. Or a diabolic Cainite can create a monster with Apparition. Objects made real with this power are just as "permanent" as any other object; for instance, a Horrid Blade made real by Truths of the Universe can be shattered just like any other sword.