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Dice Pool: Stamina + Hearth Wisdom = difficulty 7

Cost: Expend 2 Divinity

Description: Yours is the power to bless or blight, granting or
withholding the nature’s favor at your whim. This Boon can be used on
a contiguous piece of land that is recognized as a single locale by human
reckoning — “the Hampstead Farm” or “this forest” would be valid targets,
but “the 312 acres of land around me” would not.

● Blessed land rapidly blooms with plant life,
undergoing a rapid surge of growth over a
matter of seconds, and eventually an entire
growing season’s worth of development over
the course of a week. The land remains fertile
enough to provide Resources 3 on rolls to
cultivate or harvest it for (Divinity x 10) years
after this Power ends.

● Blighted lands undergo rapid decay. Crops
become inedible instantly, and almost all plant
life dies out within a week. Structures made
from wood or other plant-based materials
decay as well, suffering a single level of
Health damage each day (or rotting damage
sufficient to reduce it to a ruin within two
weeks). The blighted land remains infertile for
(Divinity x 10) years after this Power ends.

Alternatively, you can use this Power on a family. You
must target a single member of the family, and can
only affect characters that are their direct ancestors,
direct descendants, or are married or otherwise joined
to the targeted character. A grandfather, daughter, or
husband would all be affected, but a cousin or
sister-in-law would not be.

● All members of a blessed family have a ENDURANCE (••) to
resist poison or disease. They never suffer from infertility
or complications relating to pregnancy. Any children
conceived or born during this Boon’s duration are hale and
hearty, guaranteed to survive through adolescence unless harmed
by unnatural causes. Such children often have a sensitivity or
affinity for the supernatural and are likely to grow up to become
Prophets or Saints, or even Avatars.

● A blighted family suffers from total infertility. They are unable
to conceive children, and any ongoing pregnancies end in miscarriage.
Weaker members of the family — usually children or the elderly — that
are trivial targets will most likely die of natural causes within a
day, capable of being prevented only through intensive medical or magical
care throughout the duration of this Power.