Thursday, June 9th, 2011

From The World Is A Vampire
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The World is a Vampire:Current events / June - 2011

Storyteller Conference
Participants: Jamie & Bruce
Topics: The Path of Father's Vengeance and its need for a real system. Mac joining the current iteration and his back story. The Bellum Clepsydra (temporal cold war) and its implications.
Conclusions: Bruce will fill in a system for the Path of Father's Vengeance based on our discussion. Mac's sire, back story and backgrounds need to be filled in and that Bruce will do it before the next play session. Over the next dozen sessions there will be a build up to the Bellum Clepsydra (literally - the war of the hourglass) and then the Bellum Clepsydra will serve to resolve all temporal anomalies as a book itself, with a unknown number of stories required to bring that portion of the story arc to completion.
Group Comments
Bruce: I have nothing more to add at this time.