The Snake Inside

From The World Is A Vampire
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Setite Sorcery

Setites love debasement of all kinds, but have developed a special taste for the self-destruction of others. Although the modern concept of addiction exists far from the ancient Egyptian world view, tonight’s Setites confidently believe that their god would approve. Even if he doesn’t care for their favorite pursuit, they’re not about to stop. After all, it’s habit-forming.

1) First Taste:
The Setite uses this power while his target is conducting some minor, repetitive action. The power makes him unconsciously associate his action with pleasure, so he’ll want to do it again. And again. And again. Creative-minded Setites can addict their victims to thoroughly bizarre substances or behaviors.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Seduction against a difficulty equal to the subject’s Willpower. The number of successes determines the strength of the induced compulsion. Whenever the target sees another chance to repeat the triggering behavior, he must make a Willpower roll (difficulty equals the Setite’s Willpower) to stop himself from doing so. The victim loses his compulsion entirely if he scores five successes while attempting to resist.

2) Cross-Addition:
The Setite temporarily changes the focus of an addict or compulsive’s dependency to a substance or behavior of her own choosing. For example, a cocaine addict could be made to crave the act of sex while on the rush, or a compulsive gambler may become a kleptomaniac as well.
System: While the Setite is in the victim’s company, the player rolls Manipulation + Seduction (difficulty equals the target’s Willpower.) If successful, the target switches fixations for a number of scenes equal to the Setite’s successes. By spending a blood point, the vampire can extend the period for the same number of scenes.

3) The Jones:
The Setite reinforces a victim’s preexisting addiction or compulsion, so that he’ll set aside all of his moral impulses and ethical beliefs to satisfy his craving.
System: While the Setite is in the presence of the target, the player rolls Manipulation + Seduction against a difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower and spends a blood point. If successful, any qualms the victim might have about removing the barriers to the satisfaction of her cravings melt away - she may not even spend Willpower points to overcome the addiction, and she’ll gladly leave her office during the middle of work to score a hit. The effect lasts for one scene per blood point spent.

4) Fatal Compulsion:
The Setite twists a victim’s dependency, turning it into a literal hunger. If the subject doesn’t satisfy his addiction, he starves to death.
System: The Setite must be in the target’s presence, and the player rolls Manipulation + Seduction against a difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower and spends 3 blood points. Whenever she goes for three consecutive nights without indulging her addiction or compulsion, the subject suffers one health level of unsoakable lethal damage. The only way to regain health levels lost in this way is to satisfy the compulsion; the character recovers all of them immediately and the power’s influence ends.

5) Temperance:
The final power of the Snake Inside puzzles Setites who do not fully understand their clan's seductive ways. What's the point in preventing addictions? Forcing an addict to abstain, however, can shatter many habits and force a complete lifestyle (or unlifestyle) change - not just an easily visible addiction.
Temperance renders a victim unable to take pleasure from satisfying and addiction. The physical or psychological craving still exists, but the substance or behavior that once gave such pleasure now provokes pain and disgust.
System: While the character is near the target, the player rolls Manipulation + Seduction (difficulty of the target's Willpower) and spends a blood point. The number of successes determines the duration of the Temperance effect.

1 success: 1 scene
2 successes: 1 night
3 successes: 1 week
4 successes: 1 month
5 successes: 1 year.