Events Knowledge: London

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This knowledge has to do with the social events that are happening in London in the game time period. Mostly a knowledge for Toreador and Ventrue. A characters events knowledge rating can never be higher than a) his/her influence rating or b) his/her contacts rating. This is a social knowledge, and only through interaction with others does one acquire this knowledge. Knowledge of the event does not guarantee inclusion, that is a function of influence and other skills and knowledges.

●○○○○ You know a few people who tell you about the big parties. i.e. You are aware of big events, major art showings and fund raisers.

●●○○○ You have a small cadre of those "in the know" to tell you about parties and gatherings. At this rating you know about most public events, political gatherings, theater and art soirees.
●●●○○ Your informers are deep into the cracks of local politics and business. You now know about important back room gatherings. Dances where the Mayor and his cronies will be for more intimate conversations.
●●●●○At this rating you are becoming privy to the closed Kindred events. Renfields and kindred only. A good role will even tell you about upcoming clan meetings.
●●●●●At this rating you know almost all of the events of the city, kine, kindred, mage, etc. Knowledge at this level can be dangerous if all the parties are aware that you know.