The Baron's Men

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Morgan Hanover Erlich


Georgi Darko
Description: The stereotypical young Bulgarain mafioso (mug), with long hair and male model's physique. He has an Appearance (4).
Personality: A man completely obsessed with himself and his own narcissism, tempered only by the blood bond.
Position: He was one of Konstantin's lieutenants, by his mother's influence, but thought he was the next in line for the throne. In reality, Konstantin sacrificed him to seal his bargain with the Baron Milan Svarovicev. Konstantin didn't count on the Baron's frugality.
Currently: He survived his murderous uncle, and is rebuilding the family empire for the benefit of the Baron. This duty keeps him in Sofia, and away from the Baron's oh so tempting blood most of the time.
Georgi is a Zantoza revenant, and as such is addicted to pleasures.
Willpower 5.
Addicitons: Vitae, virgins, heroin

Adan Oria :Bomber (Irish Catholic - Female)
Background: When Sinn Fein decided to play the conqueror's game and abandon armed struggle, Adan and others like her found themselves suddenly out on a limb without support or money. Worse yet, the appeasers began hunting down the true Republicans, trying to prove themselves to be loyal lapdogs to their new masters. Adan flirted with various extremist bands: The Real IRA and others proved to be too timid for her tastes.
Bereft of support, money or shelter, Adan found herself on the run, but in possession of extremely lucrative skills. To finance her war, she began blowing things up for the highest bidder. She spent time in Latin America and Africa before she found herself making roadside bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan. An anonymous benefactor tipped her off that the Americans were closing in, and offered her a job in Bulgaria. The rest is history...
She is currently on assignment in Chicago. Her benefactor has dominated her to seek out the more violent factions of Anarchs, and be embraced, preferably by a Gangrel. Her ultimate mission is to assassinate the prince, Lodin.
Appearance: Adan bears many scars earned while mastering her trade. She has lost the last two fingers on her left hand, walks with a slight limp, and has well-treated burn scars all over her body, including her face. She is most comfortable in bulky fatigues that can conceal a great deal of equipment.
Personality: Adan is gruff and straightforward. She has little time for fools or niceties.
Willpower 5.

Ipsita Zeenat Poison (Indian Hindu - Female)
Background: A Bollywood mega-starlet with a shocking series of scandals and tragedies associated with her films. International tabloids tell a tale of a tragic princess, beset by an inexplicable curse. Ipsita is actually responsible for most of the tragedies in her life. A string of spectacularly dead lovers, on set accidents, and Bollywood smash hits are not enough to satisfy her need for a thrill; She had just begun to establish a different reputation within a much more discreet community when she was called to Bulgaria. The rest is a strange history.
Appearance: The last woman to beat Ipsita on a list of India's sexiest women died ugly of a flesh-eating virus. Most starlets spend hours in makeup to achieve the required look. Ipsita spends ten minutes casually brushing on makeup. She is a tall, dark sultry femme fatale with full lips and an hourglass figure. She dresses to accentuate her strengths, and seduce. Those who resist her charms are a challenge, and she meets challenges with deadly determination.
Personality: The queen bee, and the most interesting person in any room. She has stolen the stage from prime ministers, generals, and warlords, and resents the fact that even a vampiric viovode can hold attention when she is in the room. Still, she just can't quite bring herself to hate the Baron, but that doesn't mean she won't keep trying to regain center stage.
Willpower 6

Krasimir Dachev aka The Kid.
A white wannabe gangsta, he idolizes modern American Gansta Rap culture. He walks with a hitch, holds his “gat” sideways, and speaks a bizarre patois of heavily accented inner city slang – or the best version thereof he can come up with. Desperate to prove himself as a “soulja,” he will follow or exceed orders to the best of his ability.
These days, the tough veneer is wearing thin. He still swaggers, but it seems even more forced. Since being held captive by a vampire in Melnik, he stays out of the limelight, and avoids conflict.
Willpower 3.


Fabricio El Arana Medilline Strangler (Columbian Catholic - Male)(deceased Dec 27, 2015)
Background: A family made hit man for the Bogota Cartel, who got captured after a hit gone bad. Fabricio finished the hit in 1995, but couldn't return home. Instead, he went independent, and sold his services to the highest bidder. Increasingly, he spent time in the middle east, working for the turbulent region's various factions. He had begun to suspect that some things were deeper than they appeared when he was offered an odd job in Bulgaria for a ludicrous price. For some reason, he decided not to refuse, and has been glad that he did not ever since. He has finally found a replacement for the family that he cannot go back to.
Appearance: A debonair Latin lover most of the time, Fabricio can move with absolute silence, and melt into almost any crowd.
Personality: Few see past the swarthy charm, to the soulless killer beneath.
Willpower 8

Long Minh Wise Dragon Torturer (Vietnamese Taoist - Male)
Background: Phenom Phen fell, but its people had to remain behind under the Communist machine. Peasants, with delusions of grandeur. Though some sought him for twenty years, others were too terrified to consider turning him in for any reward.
Long Minh tried to become a peasant, to blend in. He even tried to practice dentistry, for which he was educated in England, before returning to take up a position in the South Vietnamese government. But a panther cannot decide to become a house cat, nor can a dragon demean itself by cavorting with newts. It didn't take long before he began to sell his services to the highest bidder, and the bids became high indeed. For ten years, if the secret was valuable enough, Long Minh was the man to hire, if the employer's stomach is strong enough to handle the Dragon's evaluation.
He doesn't understand his strange attraction to his latest employer, a vampire. He realizes the powers that the vampire's blood has given him, and no one his can fail to appreciates the agelessness it has bestowed. Still, his nature rebels at being a retainer, particularly for a gai'jin with such a crude understanding of human nature. He will take his leave tomorrow, once he has imparted a bit of his wisdom to the hapless round-eye.
Appearance: Long Minh stands about five feet tall, with gray hair elaborately combed and styled to hide a balding pate. An affable, if rare, grin and slightly buck teeth help his tinted oversized glasses to hide the cruel evaluation that lurks in his eyes.
Personality: Long Minh is a sage, a twisted font of Eastern wisdom. He has seen much, and considered almost everything. He takes the same polite demeanor with everyone, from with thousands of gunmen ready to die at a word, or a child squirming against his restraints in the chair.
Willpower 7


Gahiji the Hutu (Rwandan Animist - Male)
Background: In 1970, Gahiji was born the seventh son of an impoverished Hutu family farming in the northern Great Lakes region of Rwanda. Gahiji grew up working the coffee fields of a wealthy Tutsi family. They were his first victims.
During the war, Gahiji rose to terrorize a band of Hutu thugs who strove to achieve some measure of the inhumanity Gahiji achieved effortlessly. If one of his men took a woman (or man or child) before Gahiji, he would often substitute the offender. Few have ever survived such an encounter. This was the best time of Gahiji's life.
Life became harder when peace infected his homeland once again. It is hard to find the life of a real man in a world dominated by sheep. A man should take what he wants, satisfy his urges, and stay clear of those things that are stronger than him. In Gahiji's estimation, if it can't be fucked, eaten, or killed, preferably all three, it is a nuisance.
Appearance: A giant of a man, he stands 6'6”, and easily weights 350 lbs of completely shaven taught ebony skin stretched over solid muscle. He filed his teeth to points to make his appearance more monstrous and intimidating.
Personality: The world is terrifying, so terrify it back. You're smarter than they give you credit for, but you strive to become the most perfect monster you can imagine.
Willpower 4 (down from 5)
Derangements: Overcompensation, poor self control.

Yakiv's security force:

This force consists of 20 men (no women). They are drawn from the ranks of defunct security companies, police washouts, and military retirees. Yakiv organized them into four teams of five, each of which took a six hour shift each day. They are all bloodbound to Yakiv, and through him to the Baron, who is now obligated to keep them flush with vitae. With Yakiv's departure, Milan's older retainer, Pavel Lazarov, has been placed in charge, though each of Yakiv's four lieutenants is sure that he is a better choice than the washed up old man. To combat trouble in the ranks, Pavel has rearranged the roster, though it took a direct order from Milan to make it stick. The current composition of the team has been stable since just after the Baron and his forces faced the previous occupants of Gabrovo in pitched battle. 12 of the team died in that fight, and were replaced as quickly as Yakiv could find suitable candidates. They are supplied with suitably subtle weaponry (10 mm sidearms, light body armor, tazers), but each team leader has keys to several caches of heavier gear (submachine guns, Kalashnikov rifles, military grade body armor, grenades).

Corporal Angel Furnadjiev. The son of an underworld figure known for getting rid of bodies, Angel claims to have repudiated the family business. He was denied entrance to the Police Academy, and spent five years in the army before retiring and finding his way to the Baron's security. He is cruel, ambitious, and known for his ability to spot trouble in a crowd. Born 1985. Willpower 5.

Corporal Filip "whoresbane" Ignatiev. Filip was a police officer in Gabrovo, and a casual member of the Communist party. Then all hell broke loose, and he shifted his stripes as quickly as he could and attached himself to another power. He is resented by the other corporals for the ease with which he turns situations to his personal profit. he once took frequent advantage of the Baron's near-mindless harem, but The Baron's henchman Benesj has largely broken him of this. Instead, he hires the cheapest whores and drug addicts he can find to satisfy his urges. Born 1976. Willpower 5.

Corporal Iliya Haralampiev. Iliya was a driver for a mob courier. The two were out on a delivery when their headquarters collapsed into a pile of rubble a few years ago. The courier was in a hurry to get back to Sofia and exact revenge. Iliya made a phone call, then effected an automobile malfunction. After loosing his boss at the bus station, Iliya returned home to Gabrovo. He kicked around in a number of dead-end jobs before being found and recruited by Yakiv. He is the most recent person to be promoted to Corporal, He is known among the detail for his phenomenal luck. Born 1987. Willpower 4

Corporal Plamen Tomov. Unlike his “peers,” Plamen actually is a corporal. After ten years in the army, he realized that his career wasn't getting anywhere, so he retired. He kicked around the country looking for a big score, and finally found his route to greatness while blowing some money in Belogradchik. He's convinced that the security force is his route to literal immortality, and is known to envy “that grifter,” Ignatiev's ability to turn a profit from any situation. He is known for his temper and ability to terrify his troop into an exceptional level of vigilance. Born 1969. Willpower 5.