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●●●●●●● -- JURY RIG

Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts
Cost: 5 Divinity
Description: Resources are scarce in times of war, so enterprising individuals know to “use it up, wear it out; make it do or do without.” Salvaging vehicles and weapons wherever possible is a very cost-effective way of keeping ahead of the enemy.

With this Power, the Avatar affects miraculous repairs on the remnants of an object that has been reduced to zero or fewer health levels. A single success on the roll returns the object to 1 health level, no matter how badly damaged it was. However, the item is shaky and does not operate to its fullest potential. Any user will suffer -4 to all rolls using this device (thus, weapons suffer -4 accuracy and vehicles suffer -4 maneuverability). This penalty is in addition to any other penalty normally associated with that item, including penalties for damage. For each threshold success when activating this Power, this penalty is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.

All of the pieces of the item must be present for Jury Rig to work. If pieces are missing or incinerated, the Storyteller may impose additional penalties to its use. However, pieces from identical vehicles or equipment may be cannibalized to complete the item. For example, a tank which has an incinerated left tread isn’t going to be able to move — except, perhaps, in circles. But a tread salvaged from the same model tank and piled on the wrecked heap will allow the Avatar to Jury Rig a fully functional (if somewhat worse for wear) tank.

An item repaired in this way is restored to a single health level, but it may be further repaired through the use of the Fixit Power.