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NIFLHEIM - Realm of Mists

Ever-cold is the land of Hel, daughter of Loki. The frozen lands of the primordial places became the lands of the dead for those who held to the Aesir, and those cold expanses were affi xed to the great prison of the Titans. Hel, the child of Loki and Angrboda, was made queen of this place and given the charge: "Let men reap in death the rewards they earned in life."

Those who come to this place without dying do so by clambering down the great expanse of Yggdrasil, the tree upon which the worlds of Nordic legend hang like fat fruit. Its lowest, northernmost roots descend into primordial frost, the source of all coldness that seeps into the lands of men. The bark here is rough and coarse, painful to the touch because of its brittle sharpness. Mists swirl around the roots, which are set into a great spring of cold water in which a black shape stirs.

HVERGELMIR: The Black Waters