Forensic Faculty

From The World Is A Vampire
Revision as of 17:40, 11 November 2019 by Bruce (talk | contribs)
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The Avatar can take an intuitive “read” of a crime
scene and make a reasonably accurate assessment of
what transpired there. By spending a point of Divinity
and taking a single, sweeping glance around the scene of
a crime, the Avatar entitles his player to a reflexive (Wits +
Investigation) roll. If the roll succeeds, the Avatar can tell
what crimes were committed at that scene (if it was more
than one), how many perpetrators were involved, how
long ago it happened, roughly the sequence of events that
took place and what means the perpetrators employed to
cover up evidence. The difficulty of the roll should reflect
how long ago the crime occurred, how contaminated the
crime scene has been since then and how thorough the
criminals were in covering their tracks.

This Flair doesn’t reveal specific, plot-sensitive
information that isn’t readily apparent (such as who the
perpetrators actually are), but it should provide enough
clues in a single glance for the character to develop solid
leads that further the story.