Muse Benign/Monstrous

From The World Is A Vampire
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The Avatar has an effect on a subject that’s slow to fade away. Thoughts of the Avatar creep into the victim’s mind unbidden either to undermine his concentration or to uplift his spirit.

A beautiful Avatar can use her REVELATION to make a character feel good about himself, granting him an extra Willpower point (which may exceed the character’s maximum) and an extra die on any Athletics, Craft, Empathy or Leadership dice pools. A hideous Avatar inflicts quite the opposite effect. The fear she instills robs her victim of a Willpower point that he cannot regain until the effect wears off. The Avatar also unsettles him so deeply that he loses one die from all Academics, Awareness, Leadership, or Politics dice pools.

Using this Flair costs the Avatar a single point of Divinity, and its effects last for 24 hours. The Avatar can use the Flair on only one person at a time, and the target must be able to see her in person.