Predatory Senses

From The World Is A Vampire
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APPREHENSION ~^~ Werwolfen

The Avatar is a hunter par excellence. With a successful (Perception + Survival) roll, he can track his prey by scent alone or by almost-invisible physical signs. With this Flair, the hunter can follow his prey across any sort of terrain as long as the prey continues to flee and does not take significant pains to mask its scent or minimize the disturbance its passing causes. (The former entails such extremes as swimming a mile upstream in a rushing river or taking refuge inside a functioning hog-rendering plant. The latter includes little short of levitating or flying.) Picking up a lost trail with this Flair requires a new (Perception + Survival) roll. If the prey has CORUSCATION (Epic Wits) or a Stealth Arete, the hunter’s roll is contested against the prey’s (Wits + Stealth).