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World of Darkness -- Medieval


The most discerning vampires see in the dark, hear whispers on the wind and the crash of rats’ feet stomping a hundred yards away. They feel the tendrils of fog and know how close warm bodies are. Supernatural levels of sensitivity and awareness blossom further as the vampire develops his gifts. Eventually, he can see the colors of the souls around him, read minds, and pierce the illusions made by other monsters.

For more on using Auspex to pierce Obfuscate and other mental illusions, see the sidebar See the Unseen.

Sensory details are of the utmost importance when using Auspex. Storytellers should always add additional and useful sensory details with increasingly successful rolls.


Characters with even one level of Auspex may occasionally get a sense of an impending threat against them. While they are otherwise using any level of Auspex, the Storyteller may choose to roll for a sudden revelation. In secret, she rolls the character’s Auspex score. The difficulty varies as Storyteller discretion, though a robber behind an inn door would probably be a difficulty 4, while a plot by the Prince’s childe to destroy the character that could take decades to unravel would be a difficulty 9. Difficulty can also reflect how important it is to the story that the character has a glimpse of what’s coming.

Keep in mind though, it is only a brief precognitive glimpse that may or may not make sense before the event unfurls. Divination is not a science; express the revelation in small sensory details or simple gut feelings. “You smell fire with no source coming from the farm house” or “he can’t be trusted alone” are excellent examples.


Anyone gifted with Auspex can see things that are hidden from normal sight supernaturally and pierce supernatural illusions. This might mean Obfuscate, Chimerstry, ghosts, and even the magical tricks of the fae.

• Obfuscate: The Obfuscated target and the Auspex user compare total levels of their respective disciplines. If the Obfuscate user has higher levels in Obfuscate than the Auspex user has levels in Auspex, he remains. If the Auspex user’s levels in Auspex exceed the Obfuscate user’s levels in Obfuscate, or they are evenly matched, the Auspex user rolls Perception + Awareness. Her difficulty is 8. Lower this difficulty by one for every dot of Auspex she has in excess of her opponent’s Obfuscate.

• Chimerstry: First, the character must believe there is something wrong or false in what she is seeing, and the Storyteller agrees that the character senses this wrongness. Then, the player asserts that she is actively trying to see through any falsehood. At that point, the Auspex and Chimerstry users compare levels as with Obfuscate. If a roll is necessary, it follows the rules outlined for seeing through Obfuscate as above.

• Other Powers: It is difficult to prede- termine what sorts of monsters will come into conflict with the vampire. With this in mind, brevity is ideal. Make a contested roll, with the Auspex user rolling Perception + Awareness against the other creature’s Manipulation + Subterfuge should suffice. The Attribute and Skill used by the adversary can be changed at Story- teller discretion. When in doubt, the Storyteller should favor mystery and ambiguity.


The pleasure of the experience and the extensive sensory input is sometimes all-consuming. At Storytelling discretion, a character using Auspex nearby or directed toward evocative images may need to resist being con- sumed by desire to experience the stimulus more. Images of great beauty as well as macabre tableau might pull the character in. A visceral crime scene or reading the mind of a content and creative child can call to the Auspex user with equal appeal. Likewise, sudden or extreme stimuli may shock the vampire’s senses. In either of these cases, the player rolls the character’s Willpower to keep him focused. The difficulty starts as 4, but should increase by the intensity of the stimulus. Should the roll fail, the character becomes overstimulated, and loses two dice on all actions outside of experiencing the stimulus for 10 minus the character’s Willpower in turns (minimum 1). This quirk of the Discipline is rarely perceived as a hindrance by its practitioners, and often grants them special insight through the stimulus that has drawn them in.
















●●●●●● FAR SENSE

The character no longer needs to take to Soul’s Flight to observe distant but familiar places and people. She can project her senses to a place in order to stalk any person she is familiar with. She observes her victim while remaining aware of her own surroundings.

System: The player rolls the character’s Perception + Empathy, difficulty 6, and describes the person she is trying to spy on. If successful, she may observe her victim and his surrounding area for one turn per success. She may use other levels of Auspex where she is spying. She remains aware of her own situation. While this use of Auspex splits her senses, it does not hamper them.














