Needle of the Mind's Eye

From The World Is A Vampire
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This amulet always takes the form of a large needle, at least six inches long. The needle is carved form ivory or ash wood, and is decorated with a series of tiny runes. To activate the needle's powers, a Rom must pierce his skin with the needle while simultaneously expending one point of Willpower.
The magic of the needle allows the user to walk the multiple paths of the spirit plain. The needle serves as an artificial anchor connecting the Gypsy's spirit to his physical body through a thin thread of the Gypsy's own soul (visible on the spirit plain).
While using the needle of the mind's eye to travel the spirit realms, even an inexperienced Gypsy can find his way to different areas of the astral plane (e.g.: Arcadia, the Aboriginal Dreamtime, etc.). He merely has to concentrate on the area or information he most seeks, and a second thread will snake out in front of him, leading the Rom to his chosen location. While traveling the spirit realms, the Gypsy is visible to any others also in the spirit plain and is vulnerable to attack.
The needle may be used five times before it loses its power. The needle will function for up to five hours per use. If a character remains away from his body for longer than this, the Rom must make a Stamina + Occult roll (difficulty of 7) to keep from losing contact with his physical body. This roll must be repeated for every 10 minutes the Gypsy remains away from his body. this roll must also be made if the needle is removed from the Rom's body at any time while the character's spirit is away from the body.
If the Gypsy does lose contact with his physical form, he can make a number of tries equal to his Stamina dots to find his body and reconnect his spirit. This requires a Perception + Occult roll (difficulty of 9).